10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO Newcastle University

10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO Newcastle University

INTO Newcastle University, Helen

In the latest in our 10 Questions, 1 Teacher series, we catch up with Helen Woolridge, an English for University Study Teacher at INTO Newcastle University.

What’s your teaching style?
Varied! I like to use different methods and try new things.

What do you like most about your job?
Being in the classroom. 

What would you be if you weren’t a teacher at INTO?
A teacher elsewhere…somewhere  exotic! If not a teacher, it would have to be a job with a lot of variety.

What was your favourite subject at school?
I liked most subjects, but Art was probably my favourite.

What’s the best thing about Newcastle?
The people.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy reading, running, being creative – I’m currently doing a Silver Jewellery course.  I also take Spanish classes.

Which book are you currently reading?
The Other Hand by Chris Cleave.  It’s about a young female refugee who comes to Britain.

Have you ever studied abroad?
Well, I studied Spanish when I lived in Spain as an English teacher, if that counts?

Describe an average day’s teaching in three words…
Different every day!

What have you learnt from your students?
That they secretly like to be given lots of homework!

What one piece of advice would you give to international students?
Try to achieve the perfect balance of hard work and making the most of social opportunities.

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