100 Research Paper Topics

Top 100 Research Paper Topics

sweatshops of US companies

There is no universally recognized list of the top 100 research paper topics for students. Neither schools nor state education boards have that. Issues gather steam and fizzle out in unpredictable fashion; some remain non-issues at all, while some are centuries-old subjects of debate. The truth remains that people, cultural shifts, and world events are the exclusive determinants of such. Therefore, it must be noted that the following “top 100 research paper topics” owe their inclusion in the list to current relevance and extent of impact on society.

Business: the best research paper topics

  • Labor. US companies that relocate factories to Third World Nations hardly pay employees enough to subsist on. Is “slave wage” purely unethical or should the otherwise unemployed and destitute workers be thankful for the employment opportunity?
  • Employee fitness. Should companies encourage employees to exercise regularly?
  • Mining. What are the differences between Canadian safety measures and US safety measures?
  • Oil. Is it practical to pay $4 a gallon? Do oil companies need to change this?
  • Wage. The minimum wage is mandated by law. But what about the maximum wage? Should there be a limit?
  • Wage gap. For every $1 that a man earns, a woman only receives $0.75. Should the wage gap issue be addressed?
  • Workaholic Americans. Americans, apparently, are hardworking. Is it time to reduce the 40-hour week? Should there be a limit to the number of working hours for the sake of work-life balance? Do Americans deserve more time for relaxation?

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Education: the best research paper topics

  • High school. Should shoe companies provide free athletic equipment to high school athletes and those on athletic scholarships?
  • Censorship. Should parents and educators ban “inappropriate” literature in schools? What about the case of American classics that were once banned (The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men).
  • College sports. Should college athletes be given salary?
  • Information preservation. Caught in the Information Age, is society losing significant historical information?
  • Examinations. Should the US adopt Finland’s education system to elevate the performance of its students?
  • Flag. In the face of the rise of nationalism and the alt-right, is the Pledge of Allegiance still necessary in schools?
  • Gap year. Should the United States follow the UK’s practice of the gap year?
  • Grades. Why do so many American students get As compared to their European counterparts? Yet, the US lag miserably behind in education quality rankings
  • No Child Left Behind. Is it still working?
  • School Lunches. Should state education boards control the food served in school cafeterias?
  • School Uniforms. Is the myth “school with uniforms perform better” debunked? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms?
  • Same-sex schools. Should same-sex schools be abolished?

Environment: the best research paper topics

  • Climate change. Is there 100% truth to global warming? Or is the scientific community simply exaggerating it?
  • Coal. Should the government implement more rigid environmental regulations on coal than other fuels?
  • DDT. Should DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) be used again in view of the bed bug epidemic across the United States?
  • Wind energy. Is complete reliance on wind energy possible in the foreseeable future?

Government policy: the best research paper topics

  • Airport security. Are there other better and less intrusive alternatives to frisking/pat-downs to ensure safety in airports?
  • Al-Qaeda. Is Islamic terrorism already contained? Or has US foreign policy made it worse? How will it end?
  • Arming pilots and flight crew. Is this possible? What are the potential repercussions?
  • Bridges and roads. How is America doing with respect to infrastructure?
  • Healthcare crisis. First world nations have much better healthcare coverage than the United States. Why is this?
  • Homeland Security. Are the nation’s streets safer since its inception?
  • Immigration crisis. Should the US relax its policy on naturalization?
  • Internet. Should the federal government push Internet service providers for unconditional net neutrality?
  • Iraq War. What is the future of the US-led intervention in Iraq?
  • Iraq War veterans. Are Iraq War veterans deprived of their rightful benefits?
  • Lead poisoning. Should Chinese-made toys be subject to even more thorough inspections?
  • Marijuana. Should the federal government legalize recreational and medical use of marijuana altogether? What are the statistics?
  • Military. Mandatory military conscription, anyone? Who should be exempt?
  • Obesity. Should the healthcare structure of obese people be different from those who are not?
  • Privacy. Should the US government reconsider its stance on wiretapping?
  • School lunches. Should education boards be in charge of food served in school cafeterias?
  • Sex offenders. After prison, are there laws that stipulate where they should reside and work?
  • Smoking. Should the federal government tighten laws against smoking?

Health: the best research paper topics

  • Fast food. Are fast food chains the only one to blame for childhood obesity? Or does parenting play a huge part?
  • Employee fitness. Should companies encourage employees to exercise? If yes, should employees be permitted to exercise while working?
  • Food. What are the hazards present in processed food?
  • Healthcare crisis. First world nations have much better healthcare coverage than the United States. Why is this?
  • Lead poisoning. Should Chinese-made toys be subject to even more thorough inspections?
  • Mothers. How should the federal government react to recent regressions in Roe vs. Wade?
  • Models. In view of eating disorders, should models have a minimum weight limit?
  • Noise pollution: What is the truth?
  • Obesity. Should the healthcare structure of obese people be different from those who are not?
  • Prescription medicines. Should the federal government maintain a database on who buys which medicines? Or should states be in control?
  • School lunches. Should the federal government involve itself in making school cafeteria food healthier?
  • Smoking. Should states follow California’s lead in smoking ban in bars?
  • Social media. Does excessive social media use contribute to the intellectual decline of the youth?
  • Steroids. Should steroids be legalized in sports?
  • Vaccines. What should be done to parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated?
fast food and obesity

Human Behaviour: the best research paper topics

  • Nonverbal communication. What are the main differences between men and women in their use of body language (in the workplace, relationships, and social settings)?
  • Road rage. Is road rage a purely male issue?
  • Social anxiety. How is social anxiety different from shyness? What are the remedies?
  • Suicide bombers. Is there a correlation between Islamism and suicide bombers?
  • Terrorism. Is secularism the cure to fanatical tendencies?

Legal Issues: the best research paper topics

  • Aircraft accidents. Who should be blamed? What and how much should families of victims receive?
  • Bullying. Should federal and state government intervene to enact laws to prevent bullying?
  • Civil disobedience. Is civil disobedience in pursuit of a noble cause justifiable?
  • Civil unions. Do civil couples really enjoy the same benefits/rights as married couples do?
  • Confederacy. Should former Confederate states abolish traces of the Confederacy?
  • Infidelity. Should cheaters be fully prosecuted? Or is it a law that is simply ignored?
  • Juvenile offenders. Under which circumstances should minors be tried as adults?
  • Organ sale. Should the sale of human organized be legalized?
  • Parents. Should parents be held accountable for their children’s misdemeanour?
  • Sex offenders. After prison, are there laws that stipulate where they should reside and work?
  • Statutory rape. Are statutory rape laws lenient to females and harsh to males? What has the Genarlow Wilson case taught the country?

Media and freedom of speech: the best research paper topics

  • Advertising. Should certain advertisements be banned to safeguard religion (e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, prescription medicine, etc.)?
  • Art. When does art stop being art?
  • Censorship. Should parents and educators ban “inappropriate” literature in schools? What about the case of American classics that were once banned (The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men)?
  • Church arson. Should church arson qualify as a hate crime?
  • Flag. In the face of the rise of nationalism and the alt-right, is the Pledge of Allegiance still necessary in schools?
  • Journalism. Should journalists be forced to divulge their sources of information?
  • Media. Do all media observe fairness in reporting? When is it reporting news and when is it creating news?
  • Paparazzi. Should paparazzi activity be regulated to protect famous figures?
  • Pornography. Do parental filters really work? Or does censorship only rouse the curiosity of children?
  • Public figures. Should the personal life of public figures be made available to the public?
  • Race. Institutional racism, what needs to be done about it?
  • Trump. Is Donald Trump a threat to freedom of the press?

Religion: the best research paper topics

  • Irreligion. Why are atheist nations much more peaceful?
  • Religion. In the face of secularism and globalization, what is the future of religious belief?
  • Sexual Abuse. What is the future of priesthood amidst the volume of sexual abuse allegations?
  • United States. Should fundamentalist Christian churches preaching anti-LGBTQ+ messages be considered hate groups?
why are atheist nations more peaceful

Social Issues: the best research paper topics

  • Abortion. Is Roe vs. Wade under threat?
  • Alcohol. Should the federal government reconsider lowering the drinking age to 18?
  • Animal rights. Should trophy hunting be outlawed?
  • Beauty contests. Do they objectify women?
  • LGBTQ+. What is the future of the LGBTQ+ community in the Bible Belt?
  • Cybercrimes. What are the latest identity theft modi operandi?
  • Family. What are the latest divorce rate statistics in the United States?
  • Feminism. How do Generation Z youth view feminism?
  • Generations. How can Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials work together harmoniously?
  • Internet and the youth. Are children today more well-informed because of Internet access?
  • Literacy. What is true meaning of literacy in the United States?
  • Muslims. Has Islamophobia brought forth by 9/11 subsided?
  • Privacy. What medical information should be made confidential? Who must have full access to medical records?
  • Sex offenders. After prison, are there laws that stipulate where they should live and work?
  • Spanking. Should states enact laws prohibiting spanking of children?
  • Sports. In view of genetics, should transsexuals participate in sports?
  • Statutory rape. Are statutory rape laws lenient to females and harsh to males? What has the Genarlow Wilson case taught the country?
  • Title IX. Has it improved women’s sports?
  • Toys. Is there a correlation between certain children’s toys and emotional intelligence?
  • Wage gap. For every $1 that a man earns, a woman only receives $0.75. Should the wage gap issue be addressed?
  • Working moms. Does society still discriminate against working moms?

World: the best research paper topics

  • Decommunization. Is decommunization in the Ukraine worth the effort?
  • Holocaust. Is it fair to jail Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis?  
  • Middle East. Can conflict in the Middle East solved soon?
  • Right-wing. What can be done to curb the spread of right-wing populism?

While it is unarguable that there are other issues from which topics can be derived, an exhaustive list, in the strictest sense, is physically impossible, and hence, only the 100 best research paper topics for students are covered. The best research paper topics for students center on issues that are currently affecting society as whole, deeply etched in the collective consciousness of the people, whose opinions greatly vary. Correspondingly, these 100 best research paper topics are also rife in discourse and literature, from which a wealth of insights can be studied, and from which plenty new can be deduced. These are especially beneficial if you are tasked with writing a research paper, or even short essays. These 100 best research paper topics for students are certainly capable of enhancing the writing, argumentative, and researching skills of students.

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