5 Points to Ponder Before You Write Your College Essay


December 27, 2017Admin

Writing an exceptional college essay requires skills which most of the students lack and therefore, there must be a structure to follow so even those who don’t have very good knowledge can write great stuff. Unfortunately, there is no such structure that can let every type of topic fit into it. However, there are certainly some common points which can be pondered upon while working on different academic tasks. Some of these important points are discussed below:

Point # 1: If You Can’t Understand Topic Question Clearly, You Can’t Write Efficiently

Sometimes students completely neglect the basis and thus they don’t find the way to create something of great importance. They read topic question and try to understand its meaning so quickly that they slip the basic demand of it. In the result, they have dubious thoughts without even knowing about it and fail to understand how they are supposed to go forward. You know what happens when you do such foolish thing? You lost in the middle of nowhere. Yes, after spending a lot of time and putting a lot of efforts, you are suddenly at a blocked road. The simplest solution for this toughest problem is to spend enough time in understanding topic question carefully.

Point # 2: When You Plan Your Steps, You Know Exactly What You Need to Do

Once you have clearly understood the topic question, you need to create a plan for your writing. This is the most important step that unfortunately many of the students forget. And now you know what happens when you don’t have a map while moving to an unknown destination. You are completely lost. Keep these elements in consideration while creating your plan:

  • Get the deadline for submission
  • Calculate the time you have in hand for utilization
  • Set a date to complete your task at least two dates before the actual submission deadline
  • Allot time slots for creation of different sections or paragraphs
  • Have separate time for research, writing, editing and proofreading activities
  • Seek for essay help from professionals if you miss some necessary skills

Point # 3: You Need to Think of the Ways to Attract and Engage Readers 

You must think how you are going to catch the eyes of readers and convince them to read to the end. Here are two things to consider:

Tell Readers a Story

  • When you start writing, you can create a story to take your readers to a journey of exploration where they feel thirst to learn more about the topic you are going to talk about.
  • Give some background information and put some questions that can help you lead your readers to the conclusion. Each section of your paper must have a follow up question.

Write Something Different

  • When you write your first paper, you might have a lot of ideas but just some of them you can include in your paper.
  • When you write second, third and forth one, you start losing your ideas which means now you need to do something different or else your future work will seem to be the same as the old ones.

Point # 4: How Are You Going to Do Research Work?

If you can’t research well, you can’t write well. That’s a very simple rule but it means you must have something great to write about the topic you have. Therefore, you must extend your research area so you can get access to the best possible sources of information. Don’t just get stuck to few books or articles but allow you to search more and more resources. Here are some of the popular ways to get research material:

  • Teachers and Mentors
  • College library
  • Local libraries
  • Articles and assignments
  • Online libraries

There are billions of web pages which can serve your purpose but you don’t have to get through all of the available information because this may get you confused. You better use Google or other search engine and use specific/ narrowed keywords to get you more specified sources of information.

Point # 5: You Must Focus on Three Main Sections: Introduction, Body and Conclusion

  • When a reader comes to your essay, he prefers to spend few minutes to read the first paragraph and if he finds it interesting and informative, he stays to read more. It shows you have just the few minutes to let him go or stop and read to the end.
  • Now you have to create an intriguing introduction that can appeal the readers and make sure to stop them. Here you should not summarize your main topic but let the readers feel some thirst for reading more.
  • The introductory paragraph gives background information and help readers understand what they are going to discover and what they actually discover is written in body section.
  • The concluding paragraph is a crucial part and it must end with a logical conclusion.

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