6 Inspiring Instagram Bio Ideas

6 Inspiring Instagram Bio Ideas

6 Inspiring Instagram Bio Ideas

Your Instagram bio is your chance to make a good first impression—and that chance is extremely short-lived. According to Buffer, it takes less than two-tenths of a second for someone to form an opinion of you based on your Instagram. We blink slower than that!

For businesses and individuals alike, a good Instagram bio is key. As the front and center of your profile, your bio is your first—and maybe only—selling point. If it isn’t up to par with what followers want to see, they might lose interest in your account—forever.

To reach people who don’t know you, you need a clever, inviting start to your profile. Your bio needs to be a perfect mix of 150 characters that’s straight to the point, with a splash of your winning personality.

After all, people want to follow accounts that offer useful, unique, entertaining content. Why not give them their first taste of your fun self in your bio?Your writing, at its best.Be the best writer in the office.GET GRAMMARLY

As you begin your quest to grow the following of your dreams, ask yourself:

  • Who do you want to appeal to?
  • Who is your ideal follower? What are their interests?
  • How would you summarize your personality?

In this article, we’ll break down the specifics of a good Instagram bio, including instructions for how to do it, creative tips and tricks, and some inspiration to get you started!

3 things to include

Social media is a platform for self-expression, and you can write your bio any way you want. But if you really want to be strategic about your bio and attract a solid following, the coolest Instagram bios all have three things in common: a clever self-description, a list of your creative or industry interests, and a compelling call to action.

1 A witty description of yourself or your brand

Whether you’re looking to become an influencer or hoping to sell a product or service, your Instagram bio must describe who you are. That’s a lot to ask for such a small amount of characters, but it can be done!

instagram bio idea

For a great example of an awesome self-description, look no further than Michelle Obama. When you visit her profile, you can instantly learn that she’s much more than the former First Lady—she’s a wife, mother, dog lover, and a girl from the South Side. (Oh, and she loves to give hugs.)

See how much you learned in less than 150 characters?

2 A short list of your industry and creative interests

Since users will scan your bio in mere seconds or less, it’s important to offer ways for them to immediately connect with you. One way to do this is to feature specific interests or buzzwords related to your target industry.

Here’s an example from author K.M. Weiland:

instagram bio author

Straight away, we know she’s an award-winning author who writes speculative and historical fic. Literary buzzwords and her writing accomplishments are plain as day.

Are you interested in film? Traveling? Exercising? Include some of those words in your bio. Better yet, add them as hashtags. This helps potential followers find your profile by simply searching their interests, which may also be yours

3 A compelling call to action

Aspiring influencers and businesses can both benefit from having a call to action in their Instagram bios. Why? Because you can only include one link in your bio, so you need to do a little extra legwork to make people click on it.

Moreover, your call to action should be seen as a kind yet convincing invitation to further explore your brand. Do you teach an online course? Are you a blogger? There’s no shame in telling your followers to check out what you have to offer.

A seamless example of a successful call to action is Coworker’s Instagram bio.

company instagram bio

The final line of Coworker’s bio—Start your #coworking journey today ?—combines an industry buzzword, an intriguing directive, and a fun emoji. That’s a triple-whammy! Moreover, it’s an effective way to drive traffic, tempting users to embark on a “journey” by visiting the brand’s website.

Tricks and tips to really stand out

Beyond these three indivisible elements of every successful Instagram bio are several special design tricks that’ll make your profile stand out. And in a crowd of one billion, you could probably use a little extra oomph.

  • Take emojis one step further (or backward?). Next time you want to add an emoji, switch it out for a Wingding. That’s right. Emojis are so commonplace that Webdings and Wingdings symbols are cool again. Go old school on your audience and use special text symbols. Vintage symbols draw the user’s eye out of the bio and into thinking, “Now that’s creative.”
  • Change up your font. There are tools out there that will help you create your very own font for your bio. Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Choosing one font for every word will send Instagram-amateur vibes.
  • Make it like poetry with line breaks. Divvy up your bio’s sentences by adding line breaks and spaces. Again, you’ll need to use a tool to do this, but it will make your bio look much more organized and sleek.

The best Instagram bios elevate you and tell users what you’re all about. You have no choice but to keep it short, so why not make it extra-sweet?

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