6 Ways to Unwind Before a Job Interview

6 Ways to Unwind Before a Job Interview

6 Ways to Unwind Before a Job Interview

Finding a job can be overwhelming, and preparing for the interview is often the most stressful part. We’ve all been there—scouring the job boards for hours to find the perfect role. The more we look, the faster the worries begin to build inside our heads: How do I know what job best suits me? What if the role I get is too difficult?

What if I am not completely qualified for the tasks required of me?

Overthinking and examining unrealistic scenarios can make you agitated and overly stressed. But don’t fret—there are ways to calm your nerves and ensure you have a clear head before the interview, making the overall process all the more enjoyable. Take a look at our top tips for building a stress-free environment and ensuring you’re ready to impress at your next job interview.Your writing, at its best.Be the best writer in the office.GET GRAMMARLY

1 Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep

It’s easy to toss and turn the night before an important interview, but don’t let the stress get the best of you! A good night’s sleep will refresh your mind and relax your body. During sleep, your mind is busy at work strengthening memories and practicing skills you learned when you were awake. It even helps your breathing become more regular, which lends to a calmer mind.

2 Figure out your journey and prepare for delays

The last thing you want when you’re already worried about the job interview is to stress about being late. Transit is a fickle creature—you never know if things are going to run on time! Your city may have an unpredictable protest, or the trains might have signal failures/cancellations. Factor these things in and leave yourself with plenty of time to get there.

3 Speaking of arriving early . . .

A job interview, in most cases, will be in an office you haven’t visited before. So arriving earlier lets you get used to the environment and even gives you the chance to breathe and review what your possible answers might be. If you show up super early, take the opportunity to check out the surrounding neighborhood. Who knows, this might become your permanent place of work, so it doesn’t hurt to scope out which place does the best flat white.

4 Practice, but don’t overdo it

It’s always good to spend some time reviewing what you are going to say to sell your skills. You never know exactly what questions will be asked during the interview, so you might need to prepare a few possible answers. If English isn’t your native language, practicing your answers beforehand is a great way to brush up on your English skills to ensure you’re level is up to par.

That being said, too much practice can cause anxiety. We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect,” but perfection is a hard standard to set. If you focus too much energy on being perfect in an interview, you may lose some of your personality and charm, which are also big factors in landing the right job.

5 Work all that tension out

While stress can make you feel tense, exercising will loosen you up. It not only uses up all your nervous energy, but it also releases the much-needed happy hormones in your body called endorphins. So, take a lesson from Kevin Bacon and try dancing some of that tension away.

6 Meditate

It sounds obvious, but a few minutes of quiet meditation can relieve stress and anxiety. Taking the time to focus and quiet the anxious voices can ultimately train you to ignore them more over time. It will also enhance your focus and allow you to drown out the negative thoughts brought in by the stress.

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