7 Phrases Happy People Use Every Day

7 Phrases Happy People Use Every

Phrases Happy People Use Every Day

Phrases Happy People Use

query_builder February 28, 2015

Are you a happy person? – Of course, you are! You found to write you the best essays ever! Therefore, there is no limit to perfection, so in order to be even more happy we advise you to use the following 7 phrases every day:

1. “Today will be the best day”. The fact that you are alive is already the reason for being happy. There is so much new and exciting ahead. Enjoy simple things: the blue sky, the people and the possibilities of the future.
2. “I like to do my job”. People spend most of our lifetime at work, so it is crucial to choose the right direction in order to avoid aimless and boring existence. It is important to like your everyday duties.
3. “I’ll try again”. If you fail to reach your goal the first time you try, forget it. An attempt to change the world is already successful, regardless the result. Every failure is a good teacher. So stand up and go on your trip. The real failure is to give up trying.
4. “Hallo”. Life can be compared to a choir, where among others you sing your verses. Sometimes all you need is to hear somebody’s voices by your side and to be sure that there is somebody to support your singing.
5. “Thank you”. I is a magic phrase. Gratitude for what you already have multiplies it in your future, as things you appreciate and are grateful for grow stronger.
6. “I am OK”. In reality those people who fall and get up are happier than those, who never try. After all, tragedies in life teach us to be stronger, so respond to the next mishap “I am OK”.
7. “It was an active day”. Life is a long journey to reaching your goals, but happiness is not the thing you get in the end of your trip, as the PROCESS of reaching the aim actually matters. If you enjoy coping with difficulties on your way, you move in the right direction. Enjoy yourself!

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