7 ways to beat homesickness

7 ways to beat homesickness

Chip (centre) with the CSU Cultural Mentor Team

No matter how exciting it is to study abroad, at some point you might feel homesick. Don’t worry – it’s completely normal and you’re not alone. Chip Pham, from our INTO Colorado State University team, shares her advice on how to beat homesickness …

When you’re studying abroad, everything is different and new. As a former international student from Vietnam, I know how it feels to miss your family, your friends, your favourite foods, and your home culture. But don’t let these emotions overwhelm you – here are my favourite tips for conquering homesickness:

1. Make new friends
Make an effort to get out, socialise and join in with organised activities as it will help to take your mind off things. Also, remember that your classmates are in the same boat, so talk to them how you’re feeling – they’ll understand.

2. Stay in touch with people from home
Remember to stay in regular contact with your family and friends, after all, they’ll be missing you too! But don’t spend so much time chatting to them online that you forget to interact with your new classmates – try to strike a balance between old and new friends.

3. Form a study group
Get together with your classmates for some group study time – as well as improving your grades, it will help you to avoid being shut away in your room too much. Studying can be a social experience!

Chip (centre) and friends having dinner in an American home

4. Share your culture with others
Invite a few classmates over and cook them a traditional dish from your home country. As well as being a pretty quick way to make new friends, it’s also a chance to share your culture with them. And after all, isn’t that what international study is all about?

5. Get involved in campus life
Playing sports, volunteering, or joining student organisations are all great ways to feel a part of campus life. It’s hard to be homesick when you’re busy!

6. Stick to a healthy daily routine
Remember to get enough food, sleep and exercise. Try to find a balance between work, rest and play – positive thoughts tend to come from a healthy body.

7. Talk to someone
Whether it’s your classmates, your teachers, your student services team or a university counsellor, there will always be someone available to listen. You don’t have to deal with things alone.

Remember, missing home is natural but don’t let homesickness spoil your study abroad experience. You’ve got a whole new country and culture to explore – make the most of it!

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