A Complete Argumentative Essay Outline - Template and Example

The outline for an argumentative essay is similar to any other type of essay. To write an impactful argumentative essay, you need a topic broad enough to create a strong argument. To choose from the list of , head on to our blog.

1. Argumentative Essay Outline Template

A typical 5 paragraph argumentative essay outline template will look like

  1. Introduction
  2. Body paragraph 1 + supporting details
  3. Body paragraph 2 + supporting details
  4. Body paragraph 3 + supporting details
  5. Conclusion

To elaborate the outline, following are the main points of an argumentative essay outline.

  • An introductory paragraph to introduce the topic. Start with a hook and mention the purpose of your topic and its significance.
  • A strong and powerful thesis statement to introduce the problem to the readers.
  • Body paragraphs to support the argument with evidence. State the argument, mention different points to support it.
  • A strong conclusion to summarize the entire argument.

2. How to Write an Argumentative Essay Outline?

This is a basic outline that can be used in any type of essay, including an argumentative essay. Time to discuss these points in detail. Continue reading to know more about an argumentative essay outline.

2.1 Introduction

The introduction of your essay is the first thing your reader will read. The reader will decide from the very first sentence of your essay if he wants to continue reading your essay or not.

Introduction of the essay is a hook that sticks the reader to the essay. If it is not interesting, the reader might not continue with the essay.

This is the last thing you want, right?

Here are three tips you can use while writing the introduction of your argumentative essay and stop the reader from leaving.

  • Start with a HookStart your introduction with an interesting hook that engages your readers and entice them to stick to your essay. It is not necessary that you have to write an entire paragraph as the hook of your essay.An interesting single sentence also counts as a hook. You can start your essay with an interesting fact, anecdote, funny story, statistics or a controversial statement. Whatever you choose to write, make sure it is catchy to grab the attention of readers.
  • Explain your point of viewDevelop your thoughts related to the topic and explain its significance to the readers. Explain this part of your essay in a couple of lines in the introductory paragraph.
  • Write down your thesis statementA thesis statement is the crux of your entire essay; usually, it is written at the end of the introductory paragraph. Write a clear and loud thesis statement that can be backed by supportive arguments and evidences.Thesis statement of your essay should explain the main point and purpose of writing your essay.Follow the tips mentioned above to write the introduction of your argumentative essay and you will end up writing an interesting introduction to hook and engage your readers.

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2.2 Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence that you will explain in the paragraph with supporting details.

To present a strong argument, you should have separate paragraphs for supporting and negating claims.

Present your arguments with supporting evidence to back your thesis statement in one paragraph.

Present the refuting argument in the other paragraph by researching both the points of view. Presenting both stances will strengthen the argument presented in the essay.

Alternatively, you can put all the evidence to support your argument and claim in first paragraphs. After presenting your side of the argument, you can write a paragraph in the end to discuss the opposing claim and your reasons to refute.

There is no definite way or doing your essay. The choice is yours. Make a decision and go for the method that would be easier for you and helps you in supporting your claims effectively.

2.3 Conclusion

Your conclusion needs to be strong to provide a compact closure to the entire argument presented in your essay.

The point of writing a conclusion is to make the readers realize why you went for this topic in the first place and how significant it is.

Restate your thesis statement and your stance on the topic in conclusion.

A strong conclusion leaves a strong impact on readers. This is the part that your reader will remember once he finishes reading the essay. End your essay with an impactful conclusion so that the audience understands and agrees to your point of view.

To make the process easier for you, we have an argumentative essay outline sample to guide you through your essay.

3. Argumentative Essay Outline Sample

Here is a complete outline sample you can follow to craft a perfect argumentative essay.

3.1 Argumentative Essay Outline (PDF)

4. Argumentative Essay Outline Example

Considering the points mentioned above, this example will explain how you can create an argumentative essay.

4.1 Abortion Argumentative Essay Outline

  • Introduction: Abortion is a controversial issue with polarizing opinions from different people. Whether abortion is moral or not, is a debatable and hot topic. Whatever you support, back it with relevant and strong proofs and reasons.
  • Body Paragraph 1: Abortion [should/shouldn't] be legal because it is [write your point of view according to the thesis statement and relevant facts]

Example claims in favor of abortion:

  • It is a right provided by the constitution.
  • It is a woman’s right to decide for her body.
  • Fetus cannot feel the pain during abortion.
  • It is safer when the process of abortion is legal.
  • Financial capacity effects the decision of abortion.

Example claims against abortion:

  • Abortion means killing another life.
  • A fetus has the same human rights as that of any other human.
  • Fetus can feel the pain.
  • Abortion can have a drastic affect on the mind of woman.
  • Abortion can be dangerous for mother’s health as well.
  • Body Paragraph 2: Another reason abortion [should/should not] be legal is [that/the fact that] [write another claim in support of your thesis statement].
  • Body paragraph 3: A [researcher/scientist] on the issue of abortion found that [write down a quote from the researcher or scientist to support your stance on abortion.]

Example Expert Opinion Sources:

Different perspectives and facts related to abortion can be found in these areas:

  • Doctor’s perspective on abortion
  • Politicians and their stance on abortion
  • What does religion and religious scholars say regarding abortion
  • How scholars view the act of abortion in ethical perspective
  • Testimony from different women who have been through abortion
  • Conclusion: Thus, the evidence and facts collected support the fact that [restate your thesis statement.]

If you follow this guideline and the sample outline provided above, you will end up with a quality argumentative essay to ace your subject.

If you still need help writing your essay, you can always contact a professional essay writer who will help you write an A worthy essay.

Sit back and relax while he does the work for you.

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