A Perfect Persuasive Essay

A Perfect Persuasive Essay: Useful Tips and Advice for Success

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A Perfect Persuasive Essay: Useful Tips and Advice for Success

A persuasive essay is one of the most popular academic papers for students of all academic levels and age groups. It offers a great opportunity for a student to demonstrate the right knowledge of a particular topic, critical thinking, vocabulary skills etc. Wonder about the best ways of writing a persuasive essay? It is an art form that you’ll use during your study. In order to write an argumentative and outstanding paper and be in a position to support your major argument, it’s necessary to use your practical skills, effective approaches, and, for sure, effective tips.One Step to a Bright Future

What is Persuasive Essay Writing?

What is persuasive essay writing? It is a kind of academic article that requires you to explain the selected topic and persuade the reader that your position is the most accurate and valid. To complete this assignment and please the tutor, a student must build a convincing argument, take a certain side, and argue why others should adopt his or her point of view. Then, one must research it and consider possible related biases. It is not like a research paper.

Use your reasoning and logic as the main resources in order to demonstrate that your position is more legitimate than the opinions of your counterparts. Although your top goal is to persuade readers, try not to make baseless claims and make sure that your argument uses solid evidence and sound reasoning. Even if someone states that you are not argumentative, sway your audience from one opinion to another. Teacher allowed you to pick a specific side.

Why Use Persuasive Essay Examples

If you need extra inspiration to generate interesting ideas, persuasive essay examples are the best place to look for them. Read them to understand how to complete your assignment. Moreover, our professional services may provide more useful tips if you contact us and order our help.

Expert Advice

Tutors assign this type of paper in order to let students know how to structure and present their arguments successfully. You should follow an advice of professional services to use counterarguments. That’s because you can’t win over those who don’t share your viewpoint by forcing them to accept it blindly without explaining why their opinion is invalid. Write down counterarguments in a separate paragraph, clarify to your target audience why they’re invalid, and include compelling evidence. These tips will make your paper more convincing.

A List of Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Picking the best topic for an academic paper takes some effort and time. To impress all the readers with the choice, a student must conduct in-depth research, look for and study the controversial issues, and brainstorm working ideas with others. The topic should be manageable and simple. Look for something you care about to make the entire process more enjoyable, and you’ll defend your viewpoint with ease. It will be simple to find good and argumentative words.

Your topic should be complex enough to discuss in your paper, and you should make sure that it can interest your reader for real. There’s no point in writing about something nobody cares about. Do not use narrow and clichéd themes. If you find it hard to choose the best idea for your piece of writing, study the topics below to convince the reader and use them for your inspiration.

Sport Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The role of sports in different social institutions;
  • No sports can have a negative impact on people’s health;
  • The global revenue of sports proves that it’s a great career choice;
  • The influence of politics on modern sport events is very negative;
  • Physical education is an underestimated subject.

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Organic products are worth their higher cost;
  • People in the whole world are very dependent on modern technology and services;
  • All healthy people should sign up to be donors for organ transplantation;
  • The American Dream is attainable in the nawadays society;
  • Money can make a person happy;
  • Every couple should think about adopting children to become good parents;
  • Surveillance without a warrant can’t be legal;
  • Love makes people stupid;
  • It is possible to eat healthy without learning to cook;
  • Eating less is the most effective way to lose weight.

Science Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The importance of robotics in the lives of modern people;
  • The impact on genetically modified food on the human body and health;
  • Identity chips are the most effective way to store personal information;
  • Genetic testing on humans is worse than on animals;
  • Science and religion go hand in hand;
  • Mobile phones aren’t safe to use.

The Best College Persuasive Paper Ideas

  • All students should take part in sport activities;
  • Royal family shouldn’t be abolished;
  • Reality shows exploit individuals;
  • All people should undergo IQ testing to have kids and vote;
  • Immigration laws should be stricter in the United States;
  • People should spend more funds on future space missions.

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School Students

  • It is essential to isolate infected students in schools;
  • All cities should have free public access to Wi-Fi;
  • There’s no way to allow songs with filthy language during school dances;
  • Students should have their right to take meals during classes;
  • Educational institutions with low standardized test scores shouldn’t exist in the United States.

Persuasive Essay Topics About Animals

  • Deer hunting should be illegal all over the world;
  • Water pollution threatens aquatic life;
  • Veterinary care prices and services should be more affordable;
  • Rare and exotic wild animals shouldn’t be sold and act as pets;
  • The society should forbid animal cruelty.

Useful Guidelines for How to Write a Persuasive Essay

To start writing your paper, consider its topic and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Form your personal opinion on it. Teachers and fellow students want to get a close insight into your logic and critical reasoning; so, use your point of view to research, develop an effective argument, and write the best sample. How to write a persuasive essay? Feel free to discuss controversial themes. It’s all about your unique way of portraying your major argument and choosing evidence to persuade your audience to adopt the same stance.

Create a Helpful Persuasive Essay Outline

A thorough preparation is important to write a winning paper and get high scores. Research your topic and create a persuasive essay outline. Your research plays a huge role because it is a foundation for building your paper and a process that informs you about the selected subject. It brings the evidence necessary to support your ideas.

After conducting your research, proceed to a plan of your paper and organize all notes to generate amazing ideas to use. Your outline should consist of a few basic parts. Divide each one into different subsections because this simple step will let you focus on your argument and not wander off your topic.

Write a Persuasive Essay Introduction

Start your paper with a hook to capture listeners’ attention with the very first sentence that you write. Determine your target audience and make its definition clear. It’s possible to use different types of hooks, from quotes and appealing facts or statistics to personal anecdotes, rhetorical questions, and outrageous statements.

State Your Persuasive Essay Thesis

A thesis statement is a final part of the introduction or an argumentative, clear, and focused sentence that tells other people the argument you’re writing about. It’s a foundation for your paper. It’s necessary to make a bold and active position on your chosen field to end up with a proper opening paragraph. However, considering that a thesis statement is rather difficult to write properly, you might need the help of professional services that will complete this task for you.

A Good Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph Structure

The main body is the biggest and the most important part of your academic paper. It is where you use different tools to convince others. Write a few paragraphs with separate topic sentences, transitions, evidence, and other important aspects to make your piece strong enough. If it doesn’t sound convincing to impress the reader, take a step back to brainstorm fascinating ideas for your statement with the help of useful resources.

Write every major point in a separate paragraph. To defend your thesis statement effectively, use quotes, examples, facts, or stats in the same section and take some time to examine each argument and its meaning. Consider what your opponents may say in response. This effective strategy will help you counteract their arguments even before they make them and decide what to say in response.

Try to find common grounds with disputers. By agreeing with their convincing points and anticipating all of their possible arguments, you can show your confidence and strength. If you fail to address obvious opposing arguments, your paper will look weak, and your thesis statement will lack its strength. Writers in our professional services surely know all these nuances, and they are readily available to share them with you!

What About a Persuasive Essay Conclusion?

When you reach a finishing part of your paper, all of your readers should be at the point of agreeing with your opinion. Write this paragraph to reinforce the points you analyze in other sections and leave the audience with a certain call to action or a different frame of mind. How to do that? Start a concluding paragraph with restating your thesis and remind about major points to keep important information fresh in their minds. Close it with the idea of a stimulus to reaction. Besides, do not forget that qualified writing services are always at your disposal.The Help of Your Dream

Helpful Tricks to Succeed

Before picking your topic, explore it under the loop by memorizing the top rules of powerful writing. Take a particular position. Demonstrate your personal opinion on the particular case, possible prejudices to support the main argument, your preferred side, or an effective solution.

Take your audience into account. Determine whether they should consider your point of view or refuse to agree with it because it is important to understand both sides of the situation. Ignoring other thinkers is a bad idea. Conduct your thorough research online and in libraries. One of the key purposes of this type of writing is to present your compelling and broad evidence that you take from credible, updated, and relevant sources of information. Your words cost nothing without that, and specialists from our services can surely approve this fact.

Don’t forget to support your thesis. It is essential to use strict facts and statistics that you can get through your investigations, research, personal background, and so on. Mind the structure of your complete written variant. To avoid plagiarism, reference and cite all the sources you use according to academic standards and your formatting style. Every student knows that borrowing someone’s ideas is a serious misconduct that is usually followed by a strict punishment. Therefore, if you want your paper to be original and brilliant, contact our licensed service for help. Visit our website to check the whole list of services we offer.

Editing and Proofreading Steps

Revising your article may seem a daunting task if you don’t know how to complete it. Start with reviewing other papers that you wrote to identify similar error types and pay attention to these sectors. Keep the necessary format in mind. Take a break and distance yourself from your work before you start a revision to refresh your mind and make things easier.

Reread your draft to ensure that you support a thesis with argumentative evidence and its organization is logical and contains smooth paragraph transitions. Take time to ensure that you’re very thorough. Keep in mind that the help of skilled editors and services is always close to you. There are different areas that the proofreading services cover, including your content quality, structural elements, citations, and overall styling.

Review your piece of writing for content completeness to make sure that you meet all the requirements and provide 100% accurate information to the audience. Identify the parts that can benefit from additional details. Ask others to read it and highlight the chapters that sound unclear or require more support and explanation. In case you delegate this task to the specialized services, the situation becomes as simple as never.

Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Make sure that the organization is logical. Review your paper to check whether its introduction contains a clear thesis statement and if all the subsequent paragraphs relate to it and you presented them in a logical order.

Read a finished version to ensure that its tone is consistent throughout all sections and appropriate for your listeners. Edit all wordy and awkward sentences. This is how you’ll maximize effectiveness and clarity. Read it aloud and listen to anything that seems unclear, awkward, and incorrect or use special software to complete this task.


After reading this guide, you’ll learn everything about writing a winning persuasive essay and earning the highest grades. If you still need help, turn to professional writers and services. If you do not have enough time or experience or you are not in a position to find the necessary resources, ordering high-quality papers from the real professionals is a clever idea because you’ll get many benefits. Don’t hesitate to contact us and use competent services online. Make an order and grab a helping hand to relieve your stress

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