Accomplishments Mean More When We Work For Them

Accomplishments Mean More When We Work For Them

The topic sounds quite obvious and understood of course, but holds a profound meaning at the same time. Who, on earth, does not love success? Nobody. In fact, we are all obsessed with it. Hardly there would be anyone on earth who is working to seek pleasure without the fear of losing. Everyone’s definition of success is different from the other. Every person’s target is the success but ways to achieve it are different. Half of life has passed in chasing success but it’s never late to learn. It’s time we admit that chasing success is no way to achieve it.

There is this true saying, ‘We value what we struggle with the most’. This meaningful quote also pertains to our daily life. Let’s just take a common scenario, I might not value a prize I just won accidently but I would always glance at my success in wonder behind which are sleepless nights and a desire to win. Similarly once I was scratching my head about a math question so hard and after failing on several attempts I chose to go with guessing. I guessed it right, however, it didn’t feel good. But when I convinced myself to go with another try and got it solved this time, the feel of having a reward after a lot of struggle was immense. With these personal common example employed, I am convinced with the topic that ‘Accomplishments mean much more when work for them’.

Behind every great performance are the smallest of details, a lot of reasoning and tricks that make it appreciable. Though we value success no matter how it comes but in real we value the work done with diligence, passion, and energy. Things can be obtained easily and sometimes accidentally but it’s apparent that its value gets doubled when achieved through struggle. History is filled with examples of people and incidents that evidenced it.

We have been told the story of selfless leader-Abraham Lincoln in schools: the man who saved the union and freed the slaves. Even after decades he is in people’s heart and is remembered for the struggles he did for freedom in history. Lincoln earned the admiration of many Americans as greatest president not only for his work but for struggles he did for freedom of his people. His presidency is considered a role model for the future generations. He still has a major effect on America today because of his accomplishments and the struggles behind them. His sheer ambition and hard work were what made people his admirers. After him came many successful presidents who accomplished a lot too but people still today rank him first owing to the labor he had done in face of adversaries.

Equality in America was not brought easily but the fearless leader Martin Luther had to face a lot of hardships for it. Still today he is considered as the symbolic leader of African Americans and every year his day is celebrated to remember him and to promote equal rights in America. He had to face jail, got subjected to personal abuse and threats but still succeeded in organizing the greatest march in American history that gathered more than 250,000 people to address the main subject. His speeches are still being taught in schools and colleges to let children value his accomplishments and bearings behind his success. He set an example of moral courage for every person. Had he just achieved his goal simply by just protesting or violent means, he would not have been valued like he is being today.

Sometimes a lot of people get lucky in obtaining success by adopting shortcuts. And gaining the victory, reaching the top of the world, seeing your name among successful people is all a person desires for. But deep inside you feel like lacking something, you miss the magic of hard work and perseverance. And many a time we lose hope and heart soon in frustration and by fear of failure. But it is also true the fruit we bear after too much hard labor tops everything. After achieving the goal, all the efforts seem worthy. For instance,Thomas Edison, the inventor of the bulb, could not have achieved fame and goal without making dozens of unsuccessful attempts. He could also have just experimented with the wires and invented the bulb accidently but that invention would not have given him the cheerfulness he got after putting in a lot of effort.

Yes, it’s true that there are shortcuts to success but the pleasure you get after crossing the thorny and long roads of success is matchless. Secondly, you value it more when you know you have work for it day and night.

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