Activated charcoal as drug carier

Activated charcoal as drug carier

My project is Activated Charcoal as drug carrier.
It based on studying the possibility of Activated charcoal(AC) to release the drug in the dissolution media after it has

been adsorbed on its surface or pores, so we could have a sustain release of the drug.
The experiments that I have done are, HPLC, Dissolution Test and UV absorbance, DSC&TGA.
The experiments was done on two drugs Indomethacin which is an example of Class II drugs and Paracetamol an example of

Class III .

First of all I prepared standards from each drug to get the calibration curve and the trend line for future calculations.
Standards have been prepared from stock solution of 0.1g/100ml then calculating the volume to get wanted concentrations,

for example to prepare 10?g/ml:
1000 X V1=10 X10
V1=0.1 ml in volumetric flask of 10ml then fill it with methanol till the mark.
Then HPLC, for Indomethacin (C-18 column with mobile base 0.1M acetic acid + Acetonitrile (50:50), wave length=248nm),

for paracetamol (C-18 column with mobile phase methanol +1mMole phosphate buffer (80:20) wave length=245nm)
Standards are (10,20,50,70,100,200?g/ml)

For each drug I prepared different samples as following:
1. Physical mixtures;
Mix fix amount of drug (1 g) with different amounts of AC so I got different mixtures (1:0.1), (1:1), (1:2), (1:4),

2. Mixtures with solvent (methanol);
Fix amount of drug (0.5g) in round bottom flask the add to it methanol in adequate amount to dissolve the drug (for

Indomethacin I need 25ml, while for paracetamol 10 ml) then add the AC in different amounts, sample E (0.5:0.05),
Sample A (0.5:0.5),
Sample B (0.5:1),
Sample C (0.5:2),
Sample D (0.5:4), then rotary evaporation to evaporate all the solvent.
For dissolution test;
Calculate the amount required from each sample to get 200mg of the drug, for example;
For sample (1:1) total weight=2g
1000mg of drug in 2 g, therefore 200mg of drug will be in (200X2)/1000= 0.4g
(1:2) 0.6g
(1:4) 1g
(1:8) 1.8g
(1:0.1) 0.22g
A 0.4g
B 0.6g
C 1g
D 1.8g

E 0.22g
Using apparatus II (paddle) for dissolution test.
Indomethacin test;
Media was Phosphate buffer of PH 7.2 (mix 87ml of 71.5g/L solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate with 130ml of a 21g/L

solution of citric acid(from EP))
Paracetamol test;
Media was phosphate buffer PH 5.8 (dissolve 1.19g of disodium hydrogen phosphate dehydrate and 8.25g of potassium

dihydrogen phosphate in water and dilute to 1000ml(EP)).
Each vessel filled with 900ml of buffer, 50rpm, samples taken by time

(1min,2min,5min,10min,15min,20min,30min,45min,1hr,1:30hr,2hrs,3hrs,4hrs & 6hrs.) then filtered and kept in vial for HPLC

An extra sample of drug alone (200mg) has been studied as well.
Results have been attached as tables and charts.

For indomethacin I used autosampler HPLC so I need to fill the samples in small vials, while for paracetamol I run it

manually. In both ways the injected volume was 20?l.

I have done as well, DSC and TGA for Indomethacin samples only and AC, I need also the analyzing for it, please.

For UV absorbance, analyzing of just Paracetamol samples have been done and I attached the results as well. So we could

make comparison between HPLC results ad UV results of paracetamol.

Regarding the introduction, I would like it to be more specific on the title, about the drugs used and activated

charcoal, about adsorption and desorption process.

I need to apply some statistical calculations like hypotheses to the results.

here the requirements of the dissertation from the University website:

Preparing your Project Report
The report will describe your research in detail. You select the key results from your laboratory experiments and explain

the experimental design and conclusions
Order of Presentation
Title The title appears on front cover, this should brief but informative, indicating original features of the work. It

should include any analytes determined and/or identified and the main methods used.
Abstract. A summary of the project from aims to conclusions on one page, it should
be independent of the main text.
Introduction and Background. A brief summary of the importance of the topic, a review of the previous work in your area

(the literature search) and the aims of the project. Aims can be a separate section if preferred.
Experimental Section. Sufficient detail so colleagues can repeat experiments, succinct description of the procedures,

suppliers of equipment and materials should be mentioned.
Results and Discussion. Analytical reports often combine results and discussion.
This is by far the largest section of the report. The discussion should be a critical evaluation of your work, you should

comment on the scope of the method and its validity, appropriate negative results should also be included. You should

also use appropriate statistical evaluation.
You should tabulate and use figures where possible. You MUST use appropriate units and nomenclature. Care should be taken

when preparing table and figure legends

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