Analytical Paper - Full Writing Guide

Full Writing Guide

There are many types of papers which will be assigned to you throughout your academic journey. Each assignment is used to fulfill a specific purpose.

Professors don't generally give out meaningless tasks. More often than not, the main idea of every homework is to help you demonstrate your skills and proficiency in a certain class. You have to show that you possess a command over the material that was presented to you throughout the course. Adhering to the guidelines of the specific task that has been assigned is an important component of the assignment itself. It shows not only that you understand the material that was presented, but also that you can follow directions as assigned by the teacher.

If you are assigned an analytical paper for a course, there is a specific route to take when performing such a task. An analytical essay is a way for the professor to see that you not only know how to objectively present the material but that you are able to do it an informal and professional way.

Defining the Term

An analytical paper is a formal paper that demands that you take a subject and break it apart into sections, analyzing each one, to summarize and reach an overall conclusion.

The author is usually required to stay objective regarding the text, but if you are asked to state your opinion, it can also be expressed in your own subjective way. The cornerstone of an analysis essay is to write and form a thesis statement, use the body to prove your analysis of the subject, and then use the conclusion to tie the argument and assessment together into a cohesive whole. It is a way of analyzing an issue and structuring the text with a thesis statement, proof, and a conclusion.

Building the Structure

Every task that you will be assigned in college, or in an academic setting, will have a specific construction.The format of your analytical essay will be very similar to other types of tasks, but the purpose here is more specific and different. The author should take any subject, dissect it, and break it down into separate segments to analyze. It is not your usual comparison and contrast situation. Read on to find out how to make this essay the best one in your class!

The Introduction of Your Analytical Paper

The introduction is one of the most important components of an analysis paper. It is the section where you devise and state the thesis statement. That is the statement that sets the guidelines for the entirety of your analytical work. It signals the reader not only what your essay is about, but what you will be presenting, as well as the argument you will be forming. If you don't make the thesis statement direct, the validity of the work, as well as the reason for writing it, will be unclear.

The introduction is the part of the analytical paper where you have to engage the reader to make them want to read more. When forming the introduction, you should:

  • State the intention with the thesis statement
  • Keep it engaging and entertaining
  • Convince the reader that it is important enough to read
  • Be concise about what the paper is about
  • Don't give too much factual information, that will be contained within the body
  • Keep it short, clear, and concise

You need to have your readers asking questions that you will provide answers for later on. "What does the author want to prove?" "Is my own impression of the purpose is what the author wanted me to see?" "Will I see my conclusions that I made in my mind reflected in this article?"

You even have to make your own professor think: "Did they learn anything in my class?" Prove that you did!

Engage them, interest them, make them want to read more and find the answers they're seeking. Your response will prove that you're either competent in the subject or need more revising to do.

The Body Paragraphs

The body of the paper is where you will be breaking down the information to present to the reader.

Here comes your proof - the explanation of your thesis statement. Here, it is the section of the paper where you dissect the whole of your subject and break it down into sections to analyze. You should first present your point, lend credence to it by backing it up with research, and then conclude the individual piece.

The body of the analytical paper will mostly contain around 2-3 arguments that back up your thesis and provide evidence and response to it with an extensive basis of convincing arguments.

Concluding the Analysis

The conclusion is the stage where you reiterate the different points presented throughout the paper and then tie it together cohesively into one valid point.

The best way to do so is to restate the thesis statement, then to go through the main points, tying them into one another, and then conclude with the holistic nature of your argument. The conclusion is merely your summary of the things that you presented in the body of your paper, along with the restatement of the thesis. It is not a place to add more evidence or bring in additional points not presented in the body.

The most important thing here is to be poignant. It is merely an analysis of any subject that you have chosen. It is important when choosing your thesis statement, therefore, to correctly outline and be clear about what it is you are trying to convey to the reader. As much as the introduction sets the outline and the tone of the work, the conclusion is the part that ties it all together. They work symbiotically to form a paper that is sound and valid.

Summing It Up

In an analytical paper, you take a subject, break it down into segments to analyze the thesis statement you have chosen, and tie in the points you have presented in the conclusion. The cornerstone is both the thesis statement and the conclusion. Although the entire work is important, forming your stance and solidifying your thesis will determine how valid your paper is overall. In the end, you are trying to convince the reader that you understand and have a command of the subject you have chosen.

By proofreading and editing your paper upon its completion, make sure that you have effectively achieved every goal you set for yourself in the beginning!

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