No matter how moving to college may seem to be exciting, one of five students still suffers from homesickness during the freshman year. Typically, longing to be back home has several characteristic symptoms. You may experience anxiety, sadness, and nervousness, see nightmares or even suffer from depression. It is natural to have thought about home, your parents, and friends, but it may turn a real problem if they occupy your mind all the time. Nevertheless, there are some simple tips to get over it.

Though homesickness is not looked upon as a medical illness, first steps are still the same – you have to admit that you do miss your home. Don’t judge yourself or feel as a looser, looking at other smiling students. They also used to have the same problem. There is nothing wrong with you, and feeling homesick is a part of learning to live a new life. The adjustment period is a must in many cases.

At the same time, such feelings may even be useful. They allow you to appreciate your parents’ care, mom-cooked food, family traditions and other important things. Just remember to get in touch with your folks regularly, which can ease your worries.

You can also try to bring a part of your home to the new place. Decorate your dormitory room with photos of relatives and friends, bring some of your favorite things (they may be your childhood toys even) and create the most comfortable surrounding as you can. Don’t be ashamed to sleep with your teddy-bear if you really like it!

It is no use just lying in bed, feeling blue and doing nothing. Sad thoughts will never help to get over homesickness, while a busy schedule may be of a great benefit. So, keep yourself occupied with various tasks. Make a to-do list or a detailed timetable and stick to it. It doesn’t matter how difficult it may seem, try the magic of “small steps”. Wake up early, go for a walk or do some exercises, peep into a local café and grab your favorite coffee, spend hours in the class or library, join a group of interest or participate in other kinds of activities. It will definitely help make your new surrounding as a regular one. Soon, many spots and people will get familiar and you will start feeling like home.

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Talking to other people (both students and teachers) around you also can help. Always be open to new acquaintances! You may not notice, but others may also suffer from homesickness, so why not to get over it together. If you make it a rule to talk to several new people every day, you will never feel lonely and a thought about your home won’t buzz in your head.

Your brain is a powerful mechanism, which can help you greatly. Just focus on being positive, even if you have to fake it at first. Act accordingly, smile a lot, take part in interesting projects, help other people and very soon you’ll realize that you aren’t pretending anymore. Get rid of negative thoughts and keep going.

It is OK to feel homesick at first, but overcoming it makes your even more self-confident and purposeful in life. Soon everything will be just a distant memory.

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