Argumentative Essays

Argumentative Essays: 300 Surefire Topic Ideas

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When you write an argumentative essay, you are required to use evidence along with your power of persuasion to convince readers that your position on an issue is correct. You must state your position, the reasons you hold that position, and then support your position with evidence. You should also deal with potential counter arguments.

Before you do any of these things, you have an important step to take. You have to choose an interesting topic. It should be relevant to the class you’re taking, and hopefully meaningful to you as well. If you’re stuck on ideas, keep reading. We’ve got 45 topic ideas that current, engaging, and easy to research. To keep things really interesting, we’ll go into some detail on a few of the more interesting topics.

Current And Controversial Topics

These are topics that can often be found in headline news articles. They are often controversial and people have strong opinions about them.

  1. Childhood Obesity is a Community Health Problem Not a Parenting Issue
  2. People Who Carry Concealed Are Helping to Keep Others Safe
  3. Gun Violence Victims Should be Able to Sue Gun Manufacturers
  4. Background Checks Violate The Second Amendment
  5. Community Policing is Very Effective
  6. Student Loan Forgiveness Programs Must be Saved
  7. Tuition Rates Must be Rolled Back
  8. Evangelism is Destroying America
  9. A 15 Dollar Minimum Wage Will Save The Economy
  10. Privately Owned Prisons Should be Abolished
  11. Capital Punishment is Barbaric And Should be Banned

A few nations still have the death penalty. Are they correct? Is this a true deterrent or a just punishment for certain crimes? What about cases in which it was revealed that people were wrongly convicted of capital crimes were actually innocent? Then there’s the issue of the death penalty being applied to minorities or people with diminished mental capacity.

There’s a lot to be said for the other side of the issue as well. Do you think that the victims’ families deserve this kind of justice? Also, it can be argued that even if capital punishment isn’t a deterrent, it is still a just consequence.

  1. Gender Roles Are an Outdated Social Construct

From a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military to controversy over Target’s decision to implement unisex bathrooms, the topic of gender roles has been in the news quite frequently over the last few years. So, is the idea of gender outdated? Educate your readers on the difference between sex and gender. Then, take a strong stance on the issue.

  1. Racism is The Primary Cause of Police Brutality
  2. A Wall isn’t The Key to Immigration Reform

Recently, an immigrant caravan traveling from Central America towards the United States led to some very intense differences of opinion among Americans. Many politicians use the topic of illegal immigration as political fodder. Of course, the biggest matter of contention is the proposed wall between the United States and Mexico. Take a stand against the wall as suggested here, or turn the topic around to make an argument in favor of it.

  1. Pharmacists Who Are Against Abortion Must Still Fill Morning After Prescriptions
  2. Damage Suffered Due to Water or Air Pollution is a Tort

A group of students is suing the United States federal government over the damages caused by air pollution. Some citizens of Flint Michigan are seeking legal remedies due to the permanent damage suffered by children who were exposed to lead in the water system. Is this right? Should causing air pollution be a tort liability?

  1. The Cause of Animal Rights Has Gone Awry

Nearly every moral and rational person is against animal cruelty, but where do we draw the line. For some people, any animal testing is wrong. For others, if it’s done to advance medical research that’s fine, but it should never be used for testing commercial products. Then there are those who believe that the animal kingdom is the domain of mankind, and that the ends justify the means. What do you think?

  1. Comprehensive National Gun Control Laws Are Our Only Hope
  2. Affirmative Action Can Level The Economic Playing Field
  3. Global Warming Should be a Presidential Litmus
  4. It’s Time to Elect a Woman of Color as President
  5. Term Limits Simply Don’t Work
  6. Safe Spaces Stymie Free Speech
  7. The Arts And Crafts Movement Did More Harm Than Good
  8. Cable News is harmful
  9. Civil Forfeiture Laws Are Unjust
  10. NCAA Athletes Should Receive a Salary
  11. Olympic Athletes Should Not be Banned Because of The Behavior of Their Government
  12. Human Trafficking Training And Awareness is a Must For Law Enforcement
  13. Lowering The Drinking Age Will Have Tragic Consequences
  14. Yes! There Should be Limits on The Freedom of Speech
  15. The American Dream is a Harmful Notion
  16. The Gig Economy Isn’t Stable
  17. All People Deserve Free Healthcare
  18. Benefits Should Not Depend on Employment
  19. School Uniforms Are Not a Stop Gap For Bullying And Classism
  20. Arts in School Deserve as Much Funding as Athletics
  21. Magnet Schools Are The Wave of The Future
  22. Charter Schools Are Dangerous And Need More Regulation
  23. Social Networking Should be Banned For Anyone Under 18
  24. Violent Video Games Are Not a Factor in School Shootings

People have blamed violent video games for school shootings, teenage suicide, and an increased likelihood of domestic violence. Do you think this is accurate, or is this simply a way to deflect from the real issues at hand?

  1. Abstinence Education Leads to Teenage Pregnancy
  2. Stem Cell Research Funding Must be Increased
  3. There Are Economic Consequences to Banning Same Sex Marriage

A county clerk in Kentucky lost her job because she refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. A baker was sued because he refused to bake a cake when he realized it was for a gay marriage. 13 states still ban same sex marriage, and many of these places have been boycotted by members of the LGBTQ community and their allies. Clearly there are economic consequences to taking this stand. Is that appropriate?

  1. Early Exposure to Technology Does More Harm Than Good

Local And Classroom Relevance

There are some topics that may be very relevant to you because of your location or the school you attend. These subjects tend to be very interesting to the people around you. Think about the hot topics in your town, or at your college or university.

  1. Revitalizing Main Street is Key to Our Town’s Economic Future
  2. Local Teenagers Don’t Deserve to be Banned From The Mall
  3. Our Athletic Department Must Address Allegations of Favoritism Now

The athletic departments at many colleges and universities have come under fire in recent years. Some people believe they exploit student athletes. There are others who believe that student athletes enjoy a protected status, often getting away with abuse and sexual assault. Finally, many people believe that athletic funding often comes at the expense of academics and the arts. There’s a lot to unpack here.

  1. We Need a Second Local Newspaper For Balance
  2. Our Local Government Needs to Adopt a Better Infrastructure Plan

Infrastructure refers to roads, bridges, water systems, public transportation, telecommunications, electricity, and other services that make living and working someplace attractive. Having good infrastructure means keeping all of these systems up and in good repair. Then there’s the matter of the future. Is your town ready to continue supporting its citizens and businesses with the services they need? Do they need to implement a plan for the future?

  1. Community Service Should be Mandatory For High School Graduation
  2. Our School Mascot is Insensitive And Must be Renamed

General Ethics And Morality

Topics that address ethics and morality are universal. Consider weighing in on the following topics:

  1. Monogamy Isn’t Necessary For a Healthy Marriage
  2. Lying Isn’t Always Immoral

Is telling a lie always wrong? What if it serves a just cause? What if a lie prevents someone from being hurt? Make an argument that dishonesty isn’t always immoral, or take the opposite stance. Support the notion that honesty is always preferable regardless of the consequences.

  1. Life Imprisonment For Juvenile Offenders is a Just Punishment
  2. Do Atheists Have Lower Moral Standards Than Believers?
  3. Community’s Have The Right to Set Moral Standards of Behavior

Should a city be able to ban the sale of alcohol, even if the state has no laws against it? What about gambling? Should a county be able to refuse to issue permits to businesses that will allow their patrons to gamble? Are there any instances where a community should be allowed to pass laws that enforce a stricter set of statutes than that applied by the state or federal government.

  1. Corporations Are Only Obligated to Make a Profit
  2. Is The ‘Friend Zone’ a Damaging Social Construct?

Are guys who refer to being in the friend zone creepy misogynists? Can someone be sincerely friendly with a member of the opposite sex, but also disappointed they aren’t in a romantic relationship with them?

  1. Should Universities Have Safe Spaces or Free Speech Zones?
  2. Businesses Don’t Have The Right to Deny Services to Same Sex Couples
  3. Boycotts Are an Effective Form of Protest
  4. Celebrities Should Not Share Their Political Opinions
  5. Schools Should Not Teach Abstinence
  6. Traditional Marriage Must be Preserved
  7. People of All Political Beliefs Should be Able to Speak on Campus

Fun And Entertaining Topics

Not every essay topic needs to deep and intense. In some cases, it’s perfectly fine to pick a topic that is simply fun or entertaining. Here are some great ideas:

  1. The Harry Potter Franchise Has Gone on For Too Long
  2. The First Three Star Wars Movies Are Still The Best
  3. Disney’s License Agreement With Marvel Comics is a Terrible Idea
  4. Graffiti Isn’t Art
  5. Resort Vacations Are Overrated
  6. Sports Cars Aren't Worth The Extra Cost
  7. Experiences Are Better Than Presents
  8. Deadpool is The Most Cleverly Written Superhero Character in Recent Years
  9. The Microbrewery Scene is Stuck up And Full of Pretentious Hipsters
  10. Millennial Bashing Has no Basis in Accuracy
  11. Local Theater Deserves Community Support
  12. Extroverts Are People Too!
  13. Ska is an Underrated Musical Genre
  14. Remakes Are Killing The Film Industry

It may seem as if nearly every movie is a remake of an older film, or it’s an adaptation of an older tv show. Speaking of TV shows, even those are being recycled. What are the impacts of this? Is it possible to be creative and produce good writing on projects like these, or do remakes simply need to go away.

  1. eSports Players Are Athletes
  2. Streaming Will be The End of Major Record Labels
  3. Torrenting is Intellectual Theft
  4. Learning to Draw on Paper is The Best Method
  5. Fanfiction is a Legitimate Art Form
  6. Tumblr is an Underrated Social Media Platform
  7. Undertale is The Best Video Game Online
  8. The Zelda Franchise is Better Than The Mario Franchise
  9. Runescape is an Underrated RPG
  10. Kevin Smith is an Overrated Director
  11. Andrew WK And Steev Mike Are The Same Person
  12. Most Rap Rivalries Are Made up by The Studios
  13. Everyone Has Artistic Talent
  14. Printed Books Are Better Than Digital
  15. Photographers Charge Too Much Money
  16. Molecular Gastronomy is Not Real Cuisine
  17. A 20% Tip is Too Much
  18. Nike Makes Better Shoes Than Converse
  19. Shoppings Malls Aren’t as Dead as People Think
  20. Food Trucks Are Overrated
  21. Smoking Should be Banned From All Public Places
  22. Fast Food Causes Obesity
  23. Cell Phones Don’t Belong in The Classroom
  24. Social Media is an Important Skill
  25. What is Your Position on Pirating
  26. Chinese Should be Offered as a Foreign Language
  27. Bilingualism Helps Children
  28. English Should be The Official Language of The USA
  29. GMO Foods Should be Banned
  30. Pain Rating Scales Are Bogus
  31. There Are More Negatives to Using The Internet Than Positive
  32. The Drinking Age Should be 18
  33. Globalization is Evil
  34. Driving With a Cell Phone Isn’t That Bad
  35. There Are Benefits to Cloning
  36. People Should Never Give DNA to Genealogy Websites
  37. Students Use Facebook Because They Miss Human Connections
  38. Alternative Energy is Overrated
  39. There Are Great Reasons to be For The Death Penalty
  40. Vegetarianism is Unnatural
  41. Smoking Tobacco is Harmful to The Planet
  42. Men Are More Criminally Inclined
  43. China is The Key to Ending Pollution
  44. An Ebola Epidemic is Inevitable
  45. Pulling Out of Syria Was a Mistake
  46. Brexit Will Never Happen
  47. We Need an Internet Bill of Privacy Rights
  48. Every Person Should Care About The Environment
  49. Local Environmental Activism is Most Important
  50. Manufacturers Must be Held Accountable For Environmental Damage
  51. We Must Decrease The Population
  52. Every Human Deserves Clean Water
  53. We Must Stop Poaching
  54. We Should Make Education More Fun
  55. Hunting is Good For The Environment
  56. Recycling Should be Mandatory
  57. Healthcare Should Focus on Long Term Wellness
  58. Global Warming Will Lead to Serious Health Epidemics
  59. Sexism Drives Fashion
  60. Boredom Causes Delinquency
  61. Single Gender Schools Should be Banned
  62. The Government Cannot Provide Effective Healthcare
  63. 16 is The Best Age to STart Dating
  64. Homework Causes Family Strife
  65. The Death Penalty is Outdated
  66. Gay Couples Should be Allowed to Adopt Children
  67. The War in Vietnam Was Unjustified
  68. 21 is The Suitable Age For Voting
  69. Military Service Should be Mandatory
  70. Destruction of Rainforests Should be Banned
  71. Wealth Coincides With Happiness
  72. Corporal Punishment is Cruel And Unusual Punishment
  73. Pornography Should be Banned
  74. Most National History Stories Are Fabricated
  75. 30 is The Most Suitable Age For Marriage
  76. Teen Marriage Should be Banned
  77. Long Distance Relationships Never Work
  78. Mobile Phones Are Bad
  79. Alcohol Advertising Should be Banned
  80. Alternative Medicines Are a Scam
  81. Education is Key to Helping Developing Nations
  82. Cloning is Highly Immoral
  83. Pacifism is Not Realistic
  84. Sex Education in Schools Must be Increased
  85. There is Too Much Sex And Violence on TV
  86. Animals Shouldn’t be in Zoos
  87. Deforestation Should be Illegal
  88. Bombing Hiroshima Was a Mistake
  89. LBJ Radicalized The REpublican Party
  90. Google Should Not Have Your Medical Records
  91. The War in Afghanistan is Unjustified
  92. Wild Fish is Better Than Farmed
  93. The Only Acceptable Fish is Line And Pole Caught
  94. Steve Jobs Changed The World
  95. Corporate Veil is Damaging
  96. Arranged Marriages Are a Blessing
  97. Social Media Can Bring Distant Relatives Closer Together
  98. Divorce Makes Resilient Children
  99. Friendships Fail Due to Neglect
  100. Abstinence Prevents Teen Pregnancy
  101. Competition Makes Better Healthcare
  102. We Need Free Markets Not More Regulations
  103. Mitch Mcconnell Must be Remove
  104. The Democrats Should Give in About The Wall
  105. All High School Students Should Take Parenting Classes
  106. Workplace Dress Codes Are Outdated
  107. People Should Not be Discriminated Against Over Tattoos And Piercings
  108. Public Transportation Should be Free For City Residents
  109. We Are Too Technology Dependent
  110. Smoking Increases Socialization
  111. Playing Football Causes CTE
  112. Energy Drinks Should be Banned
  113. Lecture Attendance Should be Optional For College Students
  114. Sports Teams Should be Gender Neutral
  115. Teenagers Shouldn’t Need Parental Permission to Get Birth Control
  116. Extra Credit Should be Banned
  117. Students Should Receive Religious Education
  118. Students And Teachers Should Not Connect on Social Media
  119. Advertising to Children Should be Banned
  120. 14 Year Olds Should be Allowed to Work
  121. All College Freshman Should Live on Campus
  122. Children Should Choose Their Own Gender
  123. Sesame Street is Too Political
  124. Everyone Should Grow Their Own vegetables
  125. People Don’t Drink Enough Water
  126. Exercise Doesn’t Cause Weight Loss
  127. Pets Are Beneficial to The Airlines
  128. Animals Should Not be Allowed on Airplanes
  129. Child Support Absconders Should Not be Jailed
  130. Anorexia Can be Blamed on Fat Shaming
  131. Video Game Rating Systems Are Censorship
  132. Executing Saddam Hussein Was Necessary
  133. College Graduates Should Take a Gap Year
  134. Teachers Should Stay Out of Student’s Lives
  135. The Next War Will Involve Nuclear Weapons
  136. Everyone Has a Right to be Forgotten
  137. Facebook Doesn’t Owe Anyone Privacy
  138. Adoption Can be Harmful
  139. People Should be Imprisoned For Driving Drunk
  140. Movie Rewards Shows Are Overindulgent
  141. YouTube Stars Don’t Contribute Anything Meaningful
  142. Wearing Fur is Sinful
  143. Polygamy Should be Legal
  144. Russia Should Bury Lenin
  145. Nude Beaches Should be Banished
  146. Public Displays of Affection Are Inappropriate
  147. Puerto Rico Should be a State
  148. People Should be Fined For Playing Loud Music
  149. Homeowners Should Not Own Gas Powered Lawn Equipment
  150. Tipping Should be at Least 25%
  151. Uber Drivers Should Make Minimum Wage
  152. Urban Foraging Should be Legalized
  153. Restaurants Should be Fined For Wasting Food
  154. National Park Should be Closed Until The Government Shutdown Ends
  155. Teachers Should Not be Allowed to Strike
  156. It’s Better For Students to Attend The Same School For The First 12 Years
  157. Homeschooling Leaves Children Poorly Socialized
  158. There Should be Drug Testing in Middle Schools
  159. Standardized Testing is Overemphasized
  160. Standard Testing is a Poor Measurement of Ability
  161. Schools Should Give Cash Awards For Attendance
  162. High School Should be a Two Year Program
  163. Students Don’t Have Enough Creative Opportunities
  164. Students Aren’t Learning The Right Things in School
  165. Dropping Out Should Never Be Allowed
  166. Early Graduation is Beneficial
  167. The School Year Should be Longer
  168. Schools Should Group Students According to Ability
  169. New Math Helps Students
  170. Paper Should be Banned on Campus
  171. Campuses Should go Green
  172. Baseball is Boring
  173. Women Are Better Collaborators
  174. People Should Boycott Football
  175. Most Pranks Are Bullying
  176. Children Should not Play Contact Sports
  177. Boys Have More Meaningful Friendships Than Girls
  178. Parents Take Youth Sports Too Seriously
  179. Sports Teams Should Not Use Native American Names or Mascots
  180. Cheerleading is Not a Sport
  181. Coaches Should be Less Strict With Athletes
  182. Wellness Programs Should Replace Sports
  183. If my State Had a Budget Surplus I Would Spend it on Solar Energy
  184. Military Force is Never Justified
  185. Homeschoolers Should be Allowed to Play School Athletics
  186. My Mayor Should Solve The Problem of Homelessness
  187. The Government Should be Allowed to Wiretap Without Warrants
  188. Action Must be Taken to Prevent Erosion
  189. All Sports Betting Should be Banned
  190. Stop And Frisk Should be Illegal
  191. Burning The Flag is Free Speech
  192. Protest Rallies Are a Waste of Time
  193. #MeToo Will Protect Men And Women Alike
  194. Sports Are Too Commercialized
  195. Facebook is Dying
  196. Cord Cutters Have The Right Idea
  197. Rich People Often Get Away With Breaking The Law
  198. The Rich Should Pay More Taxes
  199. There Should be Laws Against Offensiveness
  200. We Must Prevent Mass Shootings
  201. You Become an Adult When You Are Financially Independent
  202. People Can Learn a Lot From Millennials
  203. Dating is Outdated
  204. There is Too Much Pressure on Gifted Students
  205. First Year College Students Should Live in The Dorms
  206. Going to a Two Year School is a Great Way to Save Money
  207. Participation Trophies Have Ruined Children
  208. Children Should Choose Their Own Religion
  209. We Need Term Limits
  210. Parents Alone Should Teach Children Morality
  211. Grades Don’t Really Matter
  212. Filibustering Should be Banned
  213. All Cars Should Use Alternative Fuels
  214. Congress Should Fund Green Energy
  215. Earned Income Tax is a Form of Welfare
  216. Stores Should be Closed on Sundays
  217. There Should be a Vote on The Shutdown
  218. It is Wrong For Bars to Ban Women
  219. There Should be a Public Dress Code
  220. Taxpayers Should Not Fund Art

Final Thoughts

Hopefully one of these topics will be perfect for your next argumentative essay. If not, they can surely serve as inspiration for an original idea. Just remember that every good argumentative essay starts with a great topic, is well-written, and contains great supporting evidence.

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