Bachelor’s Degree Online vs. Full-Time: Strengths and Pitfalls

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Bachelor’s Degree Online vs. Full-Time: Strengths and Pitfalls

Online classes are nothing new by now. In fact, there are entire degrees that can be earned online. These often offer part-time options or the workload that is less than if you study full time. There are many more advantages, as well as disadvantages for each side. Here we will discuss both for getting a Bachelor’s degree online.




  • Using the web to communicate doesn’t always work out well;
  • You have to type instead of communicating in person; that may cause potential misunderstandings;
  • There is often a delay in response time both by classmates and a professor;
  • But you can send a message at any time of day or night.


  • Communication is always available;
  • You have an opportunity to resolve issues in real time;
  • You can ask questions at the moment if you are confused;
  • But it may be overwhelming.



  • Many online courses are self-paced, meaning you finish and move on when you are ready;
  • You can be anywhere and login to attend the class;
  • Some programs are accelerated or require less coursework;
  • You save on commute time.


  • You have to deal with commuting and traffic;
  • Classes must be taken at inconvenient time for you;
  • Full-time means full-time—you won’t have time for besides studying or working.



  • Online degrees are usually cheaper, though not always;
  • There are fewer grants and scholarships available;
  • But many courses require you to pay upfront.


  • Generally, such a variant is more expensive;
  • However, there are more scholarships and government aid for students who choose full-time studying;
  • Loans are available.



  • Take the classes from anywhere: your bed, a café, beach, or even a library;
  • Login at the time that is suitable for you;
  • Therefore, it doesn’t disrupt your working or socializing schedule;
  • All you need is a computer and an Internet connection.


  • Classes are at set times, which may or may not fit into your schedule;
  • You have to take the classes where they are held;
  • However, it offers other conveniences mentioned, like communication benefits.



  • Since many are self-paced, you are responsible for keeping track of your progress and moving on at a reasonable pace;
  • Due to lack of communication, it’s up to you to figure some things out or seek help;
  • It’s easy to get distracted when working on a laptop.


  • You are responsible for arriving on time;
  • Deadlines for assignments are important and can’t be missed;
  • Getting the right textbook and having it at hand is up to you.

So as you can see, there are upsides and downsides to both options of schooling. To know which is the best for you, weigh the pros and the cons, think about your lifestyle and study habits, and then make a choice. It’s important to take this list into consideration before jumping in. Make sure your choice is a good one because education is very important and it’s something that you are investing in.

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