Behind the Scenes of On-Page SEO

2019 SEO Trends: Behind the Scenes of On-Page SEO

by Vincent | Jul 12, 2019 | SEO | 0 comments

2019 SEO Trends: Behind the Scenes of On-Page SEO

You’re probably here because you’re interested in knowing what 2019 SEO trends hold. Maybe it hasn’t been easy on your side, and so you thought researching about the on-page SEO techniques of 2019 would help. 

Honestly, not everyone understands the basics of SEO. Most marketers grind their teeth when they hear about it, and the reason is simple – there’s too much noise out there; you can’t tell which Google SEO trends 2019 are right. 

But what if I take you through the on-page SEO steps in what I term as behind the scenes SEO secrets? Is that something you’d love? Well, before we can discuss the 2019 SEO trends, let’s know what it is in digital marketing, shall we? 

What is On-Page SEO in Digital Marketing

On-page SEO has no specific definition, but here’s how you can define on-page SEO in 2019: 

On-page SEO is the process of carrying out some settings on your website to optimize it for the search engines and get more relevant organic traffic to your site.  

These settings done include optimizing pages on your website by including specific keywords for images, content on your website, and meta description. 

Behind the Scenes of On-Page SEO

Sure, there are lots of behind the scenes for on-page SEO that most gurus are not ready to tell you. Below are behind the scenes of on-page SEO strategies 2019  nobody is telling you: 

#1: Starting Your Title With The Main Keyword

Google’s 2019 SEO trend requires you to place your keyword in your title. But it doesn’t stop there. You may have included your keyword in the title, yet it’s not at the beginning of your heading. 

So what do you do? Make sure your target keyword comes at the beginning of your heading so that the search engines can find it easily when crawling your website. That way, the search engines will know what keywords you’re trying to rank for.  

#2: Using Friendly URLs

If you want to get the best out of 2019 SEO trends, there’s one thing you must give priority – using friendly URLs instead of ugly ones such as or long ones such as  

Stop the madness for chrissake and do the right thing because Google gives more weight to the first 3-5 words included in your URL. That’s why savvy SEO experts came up with the idea of adding your target keyword in your permalink to be at par with the 2019 SEO trends. 

#3: Include your Main Keyword in the First Sentence

There are over 4 billion blog posts published every day, and out of that, millions of bloggers request Google to index their posts. That’s a ridiculous number, and you can see how overwhelming it is. 

To give Google an easy time, make sure you include your primary keyword within the first sentence of your blog posts. It’s one of the 2019 SEO trends not many people have known. So grab it and make good use of it.

#4: Boosting Your Site Speed

I’m sure you’re one of those website visitors who have lost patience waiting for a site to load for a couple of minutes. 

Sure it sucks. Why would you wait for a site that takes even one minute to load? Time is money, and you can’t just waste it that way. 

Therefore, make sure your site loads faster – like in less than two seconds. Any site loading in four seconds or more isn’t search engine friendly because visitors will leave your website within a few minutes – in what is called bounce back rate. 

#5: Sprinkling Your LSI Keywords

In my understanding, LSI keywords are same as long tail keywords. The gurus like Neil Patel and Brian Dean have consistently talked about it, yet marketers still seem adamant. 

Let me emphasize one more time. Just using the primary keyword isn’t going to get you the organic traffic you need. Ouch! Pain in the ass, but it’s the bitter truth.  

When researching for keywords, long tail keywords should be included because they support your primary keyword when Google crawls for search results. 

It could be that you’re ranking for a specific term, but including certain long tail keywords could push your posts high even if a user didn’t search for the exact term you rank for. 

So how do you get the long tail or LSI keywords? Well, because I’m guessing you’re on a shoe-string budget, I’ll only suggest you use a free tool like ubersuggest. On ubersuggest, key in your primary keyword and hit enter and a list of long tail keywords will be generated for you – use them. 

For example, if you search the term, “seo” on ubersuggest, here’s what see:

ubersuggest search button

Once you search, here are the long tail or LSI keywords that come up:

2019 seo trends

#6: Optimizing Your Images

Another overlooked 2019 SEO trend is optimizing your image. It seems marketers don’t care about the images they include in a blog post, which is wrong. 

To keep up with the 2019 SEO trends, you need to make sure that at least one of the images you will use has the primary keyword as the alt text. 

Optimizing your images lets Google have a better understanding of what your page is all about. For example, when Google sees images with the alt text as 2019_seo_trends, that alone tells them that your page talks about 2019 SEO trends. 

#7: Boost Dwell Time

Let’s be honest. When someone lands on your page, it must have been that he or she was looking for a solution to a problem. These are visitors who are in a hurry to find a solution as fast as possible. 

But what do you give them in return? Poor quality regurgitated content that’s out of topic with so much uncertain and contradicting information. What happens next is that your visitor leaves your site disappointed. 

Because this will affect your SEO rankings, I want to give you an insight. Make sure you keep readers in mind when writing your pages. In as much as you’re trying to optimize your pages, it will be the humans who will read it. So, write with your readers in mind. 

If you can’t write SEO blog posts with readers in mind, let Denzil help you with remarkable SEO posts that readers will long live to remember.

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