Best Way to Organize a Book Critique Writing Process

The Best Way to Organize a Book Critique Writing Process

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The Best Way to Organize a Book Critique Writing Process

When a student gets an assignment to provide a professional book critique, several important questions that need to be answered immediately appear in his or her mind. The most important point one needs to know is when the critique is due. Moreover, it is necessary to figure out how long or short it should be. Besides, the writer should know if there is a specific format the critique should be written in. Although the topic of this reading is school book critiques, nothing changes. Students start to ask exactly the same questions to know what professors expect from them.

The format of school book critique is usually stable. The text should be double-spaced, printed on one side of the sheet of paper. Students should use either Chicago or Turabian style and use active voice and no first-person pronouns (unless they are expressing their own opinion or idea).HELP WITH MY BOOK CRITIQUE

A rather important point is to know the due date to create a working schedule. The process of writing a book critique requires a lot of time. For instance, you need to be extremely detail-oriented, and for that, you will have to read the book/paper/article/section/literary piece several times. Furthermore, the evaluation requires making notes and creating an outline of the reading to divide the text into the major parts each of which contains the main idea. The preparatory section is as important as the literary evaluation itself. Although there is no template of a good critique, and all samples you can find on various services will differ from each other, there are a lot of elements you should include in your writing.

Important Preparatory Steps

Before you start to write a book critique, answer the following very important questions:

Who is the target audience of the book?

As soon as you have this question in your mind, a lot of things become clear. For example, you need to review a textbook for beginners in psychology. Do you expect this textbook to have complex unexplained terminology and references to authors that the beginners have never heard of? Certainly, it is not what a professional textbook should look like.

Exactly the same situation can happen to any literary piece, be it a book, research paper, or novel. Identify the target audience who will read it and see whether the work under analysis meets the readers’ expectations.

How realistic and objective the book is?

Depending on the genre of the book you are analyzing, you will want to search for the elements which support the author’s plot development (in novels), main thesis (in scientific papers) etc.

For example, you read a research paper in which the author tries to prove a new linguistic theory. How clear is the evidence? Has the author held any experiments that gave interesting, valuable data? How reliable are sources of information? Does the author use outdated materials? Are the books and articles he or she is using peer-reviewed and published in academic journals? Your task is to do a research and dig deeper to give us, the readers, an answer on the following questions: Does this paper support its initial purpose? Can we trust the author’s findings?

In case you are working on a fictional novel, you should decide whether the characters fit into the frame and topic of the book and whether their psychology looks natural. How do they communicate? How good and natural are the dialogues? Did the author manage to represent real life conversations or they seem to be fake? Each and every point of the narration matters when it comes to critiquing a novel.THE PROFESSIONALS ARE READY TO HELP

How well is the book structured?

Even books with the most complicated plots can be clear for the audience. Look at numerous detective stories: they are written in a manner which will confuse you and make you support the idea that the killer is victim’s lover and not the sister of the main character. Yet, all of us manage to follow how events in the story are developing. Talented authors manage to include lots of flashbacks and flash-forwards, but the book still remains clear.

What about your book? How the arguments are laid out? Do you have any problems with the book’s structure or everything is nice and smooth? Think about these points.

Gather the information about your book’s publication

Make sure you include the short data about the author of the novel or paper, when this novel was published, who the publisher is, how many pages this book contains, where it was published etc. Your audience must be able to find this book if necessary. Besides, if your critique ever is published, the publisher might want to refer it to a certain category of books, e.g. books by author, publication location, year, author’s contact etc. The details you are providing can be really helpful.

Another important thing we would like to talk about is your English language. You must understand that your spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary do make a difference. A lot of students think that these are just unnecessary rules which restrict their writing. In fact, the rules of the English language help students make their writing more comprehensible. Commas and colons help readers separate the parts of sentences which contain different thoughts. A long, bulky phrase can be replaced by a simple, elegant term. If you misspell the word ‘fiancée’ and write ‘fiancé’ instead, this step will completely change the meaning of your text.

When your critique is ready, don’t forget to review and proofread it. If the paper will contain different mistakes like typos, the readers won’t consider it seriously. Therefore, it is better to spend some time on this step as it is more important than it seems to be at first sight.

We hope this article was really helpful for you. However, if you are still unsure that you can complete a perfect paper, keep in mind that there are professional services at your disposal. We are one of those services, and all you need to get your assignment done at the highest level is contact us and summarize all your requirements. After you receive the order, you will definitely ensure that the expert services we provide are your best friends!

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