Business Ethics Essay

Business Ethics Essay - Central Aim and Requirements

Business isn't a subject of our interest at least while we are at school and haven't made that one important when-I-grow-up-I-will-become choice. However, it could become one of those essay topics that you may be assigned to write about because sooner or later almost every student faces this specific sphere of life. In this article, we are not going to tell you about introduction-body-conclusion rules but will widen your knowledge concerning what exactly should be conveyed in the business ethics essay.

Essay on business ethics: Main issues

What exactly business ethics is? Business ethics is one of the most important, but at the same time, the least explored area in modern business life. The field of business ethics deals with a question of whether this or that business practice is acceptable.

For example, does the seller have a right to conceal any information about the low safety standard of the product while presenting it to a customer? Should the accountant report any mistakes found during the audit knowing that there is a chance that the client is likely to cease cooperation with the company? Should car manufacturers use new expensive parts to ensure safety, knowing that in this way a car will become too expensive for the customer? Business ethics is disputable by its very nature, and it can't be defined clearly.

However, it this article we will highlight the most vital issues that will give you a more precise understanding of this phenomenon and can be perfectly conveyed in your essay on business ethics. Let's take a look at these subjects from different perspectives and compile a few lists of the most prominent and exciting topics that will guarantee you an overall success.

Business ethics essay topics worth discussing

When you realized that it's time to start writing your essay, the first thing you need to do is to choose an appropriate topic (at least if the professor didn't indicate it). Your topic should be relevant and untired to interest your reader, as well as show your own attention to the issue of business ethics and understanding of its central problematic concepts. Of course, in order to find such a topic you have to hold whole research, read some specific articles and don't neglect the use of additional information resources. Nevertheless, we offer you a short journey into business ethics that will facilitate your challenging choice and concentrate your attention on its major issues that won't leave anyone indifferent.

Diversity and Harassment issues

The question of diversity has always been under intense discussion, and in the case of business, it remains one of the most important ethical issues. Any company or enterprise hires people with absolutely different lives, interests, and characters, and what is important is that each employee deserves respect for their personalities and rights. The same applies to sexism, racism and many other "ism's." Being backed by social stereotypes, the issue of sex and race often causes different discrimination conflicts among employees. It is necessary to recognize these problems in business and look for ways to eliminate them.

  • Do employers favor men and why?
  • Quotas for culturally diverse people: fight the discrimination
  • Why can employees be fired for being gay?
  • Salary equality for multinational employees
  • The issue of harassment in the workplace
  • The validity of the different rights for LGBTQ+ employees

Privacy issues

There is another aspect that you can include in your essay about ethics in business - and this is a matter of privacy at the workplace. People always try to protect their private information from extraneous use and also have the right to personal space, which shouldn't be violated even at the workplace. Describing this issue in your essay, you can search for answers to essential privacy questions that workers may have, and also define the most frequent problems arising in this regard.

  • To what extent can the chief supervise the actions of employees?
  • Limiting the time of using social networks during working hours
  • Personal information that shouldn't be told to colleagues
  • How to protect your privacy at the workplace
  • Non-disclosure of information: concerns for the safety or excessive secrecy?
  • Monitoring programs as a productivity mechanism

Health Issues

Each of us can face health issues, and sometimes their cause is your work. The number of working hours, working environment, insurance provision - all these and many other factors can affect the quality of your work and your health. Basing on health issues, you can write an essay for any purpose - from the definition essay to an argumentative one. Choose an interesting topic - and you are ready to get your "A."

  • The primary purpose of workplace safety
  • The necessity of insurance for the employees
  • How to protect the health at the workplace
  • Health standards to implement in the office
  • Importance of following the emergency procedures at the workplace
  • Machine guarding and employees' safety

Accounting Issues

Apart from business ethics aspects within the company, some other issues spread beyond the workplace itself. One of these aspects is accounting both inside the company and outside it. How are the salaries paid to employees? What penalties should be imposed? How to set a fair salary or a price for the customers? Dig a little deeper - and you will find a wide range of interesting topics for your business ethics essay.

  • Should the price be based more on the quality of the product or efforts made to produce it?
  • To what extent should salary depend on the effectiveness of the employee's work?
  • How often do men get a bigger salary than women?
  • How to be honest with a customer and set a well-balanced price?
  • Non-fixed salary and its impact on the work process
  • A justified division of income between business partners

Of course, you can confidently think beyond the proposed options. Make sure that the selected topic will be relevant in the context of business ethics and express your ideas for solving specific issues. We would also like to offer you a few more topics for an essay on business ethics, which are related to other aspects of this issue.

  • Religion-based conflicts at work
  • Social responsibility taken by employees
  • What makes a good business leader?
  • Major causes of unethical accidents at work
  • An issue of enterprises responsibility for the environment
  • Why may a candidate's social status influence salary?

We hope that these lists of business ethics essay topics will be effective for you and provide you with some confidence about your future essay. Pick one of the offered topics or formulate your own that will be undoubtedly unique. Remember that there is nothing impossible - all you need is to find the right approach!

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