Character Analysis Essay

Write a Character Analysis Essay. Delving into the Theme

 2019 Jun 09  Writing Tips

Those, who love writing a thorough character analysis essay, will definitely appreciate the recommendations, revealed by the professionals. Studying the characters and understanding their motivations may seem like an easy deal, but we should not forget that students also have to determine their role in the story. Apart from the basic character analysis that is required from them by the teachers, they are obliged to craft a believable paper.

Any essay on characters is aimed at searching for the hidden motives of the fictional heroes and trying to separate them from the plot of the story. Honing your talents in the writing sphere is a talent that allows the readers to read the complete analysis of the character without having to search for the templates that will only clutter the text. One of the purposes of this type of essay would be to shape the form of the character and determine the impact they have on the entire arc. Personal experience can help you produce a document that would be relevant to the theme and convince the readers that they have chosen the correct type of character analysis essay example. It goes without saying that we should also elaborate on the types of literary heroes, involved in the story.

Types of Characters. Finding Creative Approach

If you are already wondering how to write a character analysis without having to sit up all night using the search engines, we’ve got a manual that will be your compass in the literary world. It is known that the writers mainly operate within the established set of rules which include the following list of characters:

  • The protagonist. The protagonist is the hero. The plot is usually focused on this character, which means you have to pay special attention to their motivations, background, personal history, and other details that will get the readers on a hook and force them to read the analysis. A protagonist that does not entice the readers won’t stand a chance with the audience. Therefore, you have to determine the importance of their actions, based on their journey.
  • The antagonist. Popular opinion suggests that antagonists are the villains that stand in opposition to the main character, but this is not entirely true. A natural power can be antagonistic. Fate, supernatural beings, magical creatures, and circumstances are also a part of the list.
  • Major characters. These guys run the story, therefore it is important to make an emphasis on the major character whenever you start writing an essay. There are usually several major characters. This allows the readers to dive deeper into their dreams, hopes, and expectations.
  • Minor characters. These people help the protagonist reveal their full potential by communicating with them, creating a set of circumstances that can’t be avoided or otherwise propelling the character to present themselves. They are introduced to help the readers become familiar with the major characters and tell the tale.

You should also remember about the possibility of the characters being dynamic and static. They can either remain unchanged throughout the whole story (static) or be given a different purpose, which forces them to act on the spot (dynamic). Depending on the type of character, presented to you by the author, you can develop an outline for the future work that will make an impression on the audience. Most character analysis papers also include foils, which are the characters that stand in contrast to the protagonist while actively contributing to the plot.

Taking Notes and Categorizing the Characters

In order to understand the plot of the story, one should start taking notes and jotting down the details that will help understand the setting, the atmosphere, the climax, and the moral of the tale. If you comprehend the way the characters were shaped, you will be able to share this knowledge with the audience that is anticipating a full analysis of the plot.

Whether the identities of the literary heroes remain unchanged or start contradicting the initial outline of the story, you have to notice this in order to become a writing professional. It is better to start with characters that are your favorites. This will help captivate the target audience and show them that you truly resonate with the hero. In case the characters have already been assigned to the student, they have to meet the standards of academic writing and present the dynamic of the hero to entice the potential readers. Adding depth to the research is a great way to make the audience feel engaged. Even if you are familiar with the story and have read it several times, highlight the parts that are most impressive so that you have something to hold on to when you start writing.


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