Jul 09, 2018Student Life

College Homework Help: Tips & Tricks on How to Study Smart

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” - Mark Twain

When you’re overloaded with school assignments, you need all the homework help you can get. Online tutoring is the easy way out. However, instead of asking strangers “can you help me with my homework,” you should be sharpening your time management skills.

The busiest people in the world are excellent time managers. These people do more in a day than most people do in a month. Time is limited. So how do they manage it?

Let’s get you the homework help you need to study smart like a boss.FAST HOMEWORK HELP

Study Smart Not Hard: High School & College Homework Help

Homework helps you understand and reinforce what you’ve learned in class. It pushes you to explore, to reflect, and to practice.

Still considering all its practical applications and future benefits, homework writing can be a drag.

You’re supposed to get those library books checked out, read and take notes, highlight key concepts, spend hours writing the same sentence until it’s ingrained into the fabrics of your brain...

Sure, working hard is good. But working smart is better. Time management will prove to be your biggest help with homework assignments.

Statistics prove that the most successful entrepreneurs are great time managers rather than hard workers. Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson all had SO MUCH work to do. These guys wouldn’t survive without time management skills.

And so, with midterms on the horizon, we thought we’d share some tips on how to manage yourself and study smart.

The Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro is your best college homework helper. Use a timer to break down your work into intervals. Work intensely for 25 minutes, then take a short break (usually 5-min), and repeat.

the pomodoro technique

Francesco Cirillo developed this technique in the 80s, and it’s still heavily used and referenced, with hundreds of Pomodoro apps competing on the market.

Find Your Rhythm

Rhythm is everything! Some people work best right after class. The material is still fresh in your head, and you will nail homework 2x faster! However, other people need a long break before they open another book. Find your energy peak levels: the moments when you can delve deep into research and not fall asleep on the keyboard.

Find your rhythm, and you won’t ever have to ask anyone for more homework help!

Do the Hardest Work First

The Mark Twain quote at the start of this article is an excellent technique which could help with homework assignments. You want a sense of accomplishment to inspire you for the rest of the day. What better way to do it than do the most laborious task first?

Eliminate Media Distractions

Any form of media is an instant distraction. Media sucks you in and takes up a lot of your attention. Unless you’re looking for homework help online, stick to the books and limit your media intake during study hours. Also, turn off those notifications. A single beep will interrupt your hard work.


Take 15-min Breaks

A famous YouTuber channel titled What I’ve Learned has a video discussing productivity. In a video, he explains why it is crucial to take breaks even during the most intense study hours. The brain has a peak of productivity, after which time spent studying is mostly wasted time. Check out the channel to learn more about productivity brain-hacks.

The 2-min Rule

The rule is simple. If it takes two minutes to do it - do it. This may apply to that math problem or that quick proofreading you have to do for your essay. The continuation of this rule is: If it takes more than two minutes - start it.

Simply Ask Someone

Sometimes if you find an assignment too complicated - don’t be shy to ask for help! Your friends or parents can shed some light on a difficult subject, making your life easier.

The list of productivity techniques goes on forever. Find the best ones for yourself and stick to them! You’ll be surprised how much work you’ll get done on such short notice!

Homework Help Tricks

Focusing on time management for homework help is a good long-term goal. But what if you need your work done yesterday?

homework heling tools

Obi-Wan Kenobi isn’t your only hope. Here are some out-of-this-world internet sources which can really help with homework assignments:


Believe it or not - it’s possible to read a book the night before an exam. SparkNotes narrows down popular books assigned in schools and colleges to plot summaries, thematic analysis, and vocabulary per chapter. It should take you about 3 hours to read and fully understand titles like To Kill a Mockingbird. When it come to literature, SparkNotes is your online homework source.


When Mr. Smith gave you a poetry assignment, he had no idea what was coming. Rhymezone features close and far rhymes, rhymes with multiple syllables, and even a Lyrics and Poems section (where these rhymes have been used in music and poetry.) They say nothing rhymes with orange? Rhymezone has about 51 counter-arguments. e


Quick-writing assignments get real ugly - real fast. You will need a helping hand to clear up those grammar and formatting errors. That’s what Grammarly is for! Paste your entire text, and within seconds every minor issue of your essay will be right before your eyes. With solutions, of course.

Hemingway Editor

Did your teacher call your work unreadable because the sentences are too long? Slap the assignment onto Hemingway, and you’ll see what he’s talking about. A free easy-to-use homework help program which will simplify your writing!


All the synonyms in the world are here - even the ones you weren’t looking for! Thesaurus is a cohesive dictionary and synonym library. Find synonyms of synonyms of synonyms until eternity. And antonyms too.

YouTube Channels

YouTube can really help with college homework. It’s your best last-minute resort to studying. You can find pretty much any subject or concept discussed on these channels. The funky visuals and enthusiastic narration make the info seem so fun that you wish you had paid attention in class. Here are some of our favorites:

  • CrashCourse
  • Khan Academy
  • The School of Life
  • TED
  • Thomas Frank

Even if you’re crash-coursing - remember always to take notes and keep journals. Even when you pass the test, you want this valuable knowledge to stick with you forever!

Final Tips

Do Homework After Class

It’s easiest to do homework is right after you’ve learned the material. You’ll be surprised to learn that doing homework right after class will save you 2 hours of time at home.

graphics that shows how homework and tests affects students

Listen to the Questions of Others

Be active and listen to the questions of other students. They might have thought of something that you didn’t think about!

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