College Resume Tips.

College Resume Tips. How to Write a Resume That Will Open the Doors of Any College to You?

 2019 Jun 06  Writing Tips

What Shall I Think of Before I Start Writing?

Good question! Your resume actually represents you, so it is better to think of the impression it makes. First of all, you need to pick your college resume template. And here it is essential to keep in mind several useful issues. First of all, use a serif font (for example, Times New Roman). It looks more presentable and traditional than sans-serif fonts.

Next thing is to create your own style. Feel free to bold or capitalize headings along with using italics and underline to highlight particular sections of your college student resume. If you want to draw attention to some particular points in your resume, use bullet lists.

Try to fit in one page. Believe us, any college admissions counselor will appreciate that a lot!

Make space. Use 1 inch margins and leave some empty gaps between the sections of the text. It will make it easy to read and give your resume a more respectful look.

What Shall the Structure of My Resume Be?

To make your resume for college students more readable, it is highly preferable to divide the whole text into sections. They are your contact information, education data, work experience and skills, and finally your rewards or awards. Now let’s take a closer look.

  • Contact information

Here you need to provide your full name. It must be the same name like that attached to your application! Also, give your valid email and your phone number.

NB: if your email address consists of your nickname, it’s better to create a new one with your real name. It will help to avoid any misunderstandings and make it easier for the counselors to find you.

  • Tell about your education

This section will contain such information as your High School name and the city you studied in. Also, remember to indicate the year you started and graduated from your school.

Attach the information about your GPA (Graduate Points Average) and the best test scores (it may be ACT, SAT, AP tests, etc.). And in case you were taking any extra classes in high school, mention this as well. This section will go under “Relevant Coursework” name.

  • Experience

In this section you are free to mention any additional experience you had, no matter whether it was work in your school newspaper, a part-time job or social work. What is crucial, you need to consider both your experience and accomplishments! You will also stand out in the college counselor’s eyes if you tell about your experience using numbers. How long did you work? How much work did you manage to do (e.g. articles to publish or meetings to lead)? Everything matters here.

NB: when making a list of your experiences, put them in backward order starting with the most recent ones. For each achievement add the dates of experience, your position, the name of the organization and its location. And remember to avoid the first person!

  • Mention your awards

Let everyone know how cool you are! Winning a writing competition, taking a prize in an art exhibition, winning a contest – everything will do!

  • Skills

This is the last section, but no less important. Put any useful and relevant abilities of yours that correspond to your future college specialization. E.g. if you are applying for a college of Arts and can paint like a God, put that on your list!

When writing about your skills, avoid common cliché like “responsible” or “hardworking”. Instead, add some personal skills of yours. They can be sport, language, technical, teaching, writing or musical skills – all that you can find in yourself.

To finish your work, read your resume once again and save it. It is better to save the file in PDF format with a clear title containing your name and the word “resume”.

For better understanding of how it shall look like, you can go on the Internet and search for college resume examples. It will allow you to see with your own eyes what sort of resume is good and what is not quite ok.

And of course, to make your finished college resume look astonishing, print it on special thick resume paper and use only professional-looking folder! Print out some extra copies for yourself and remember to keep your resume updated: if you gain any new skills or achievements, add them to it.


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