Comparing the Quran's Teaching on Allah Relationship with Mankind with Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian’s Teachings

Comparing the Quran's Teaching on Allah Relationship with Mankind with Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian’s Teachings

            Quran is the Holy book of the Muslim faith written by Prophet Mohammed, as the direct words of Allah. All Islamic faith is built on the Quran as the foundation and the holy book acts as  guidance to those who profess the Muslim faith on their daily lives. Quran, like other religions holy books, has the guidelines of the relation between humankind and the maker or the creator. According to the Quran, the creator is referred to as Allah while the Jews refer to him as YAHWEH, Ahura Mazda for the Zoroastrians, and the Christians refer to him as God. This paper will compare the Quran’s teachings regarding the relationship between Allah and the human kind and the views of Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians.

            The Quran teaches that Allah created men and women to worship and to serve Him as the khalifahs, who are considered as the representatives or the vicegerents of God. Qur’an (2:30) “Behold, Thy Lord said to the angels, “I will create a vicegerent (trustee) on earth” (Alwani 1). Due to this, the Muslims strive to fulfill the will of Allah, through submission to tawhid. According to the Christians, God created man to be a caretaker of the creation and to worship him. Acknowledgement of this enables the Christians to remain committed to their faith and observe the commandments of God that are laid down as the basic guidance to the relationship. According to the teachings of Zoroastrian’s Avesta, Mankind has the duty of keeping himself holy, or pure, through the performance of the good deeds.

            According to the Quran’s teachings on the relationship between Allah and human beings, Allah is the lord of the worlds and worth of all human worship. Those who reject him will suffer the eternal punishment while those who obey him will be rewarded (Alwani 1). This is not different from the Jewish teachings, concerning the position of YAHWEH, in his relationship with a man. He is the highest lord of the Sabbath, ever merciful and the king of the judgment day. Those who follow the will of YAHWEH, and the commandments will be rewarded, while those who disobey him will be punished. According to the Christians, God is worth all human worship , and there should be no other figure that compete for the honors. Those who worship him and keep his commands will be rewarded with eternal life while those that are disobedient will be punished through fire. The Zoroastrian’s teachings states that it is the role on human kind to fight the evil in the side of one God Ahura Mazda.

            The Quran teaches that the one most unique God is indispensable, and he has begotten no one. However, this appears to be different from the teaching of the Jews and the Christians as they consider Jesus as God’s own son. The bible, which is the holy book of the Christians quotes Jesus being the son of God, where it states that, “...He gave his only begotten son…” In conclusion, there are different teachings in different religions regarding the role of human kind and God. However, it is easy to identify that irrespective of religion, the respect of the ultimately powerful being is paramount.

Works Cited

Alwani, Zainab. "The Quranic Concepts on Gender Relations | Fiqh Council Of North America." Fiqh Council Of North America. fiqh council, 2011. Web. 4 Nov. 2012.

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