Conference Papers

Conference Papers. Hone Your Talents in Writing

 2019 Jun 10  Writing Tips

Crafting a conference paper that would be perfect for the academic conference seems like a pretty big deal, but there are several ways one can nail the task, using the strategies listed below. Those, who wish to add oomph to their academic resources and establish stature in the selected field of knowledge, can earn positive feedback through conference papers with a meaning. Honing the outline that has been stated in your previous work is also an option for anyone, looking for a correct structure of the paper. Here is what you need to consider:

  • What is a conference paper? Students, who are getting ready for the session, need to keep in mind that a conference paper is basically a combination of the document that is written in advance and a presentation that is provided to the audience. Do not be surprised if the copy of the written paper is requested by the members of the audience. They need to know what to expect from the presentation ahead of time.
  • How can I achieve a desirable conference paper format? Structuring the material is an essential part of the conference paper since it is basically shaping the entire document. The experts insist that students need to mix several styles in order to complete the mission. These are the methods that include creating a PowerPoint presentation, reading the paper to the guests, or inviting everyone for a detailed discussion after the document has been presented to the public.
  • How long should I present? One needs to follow a standard protocol, which means that the academic paper has to conform to the time limits, stated by the organizers. Do not be too generic with the conclusions and decide whether you will collaborate with the conference audience. This will help determine a future course of actions and give you time to cover the theme without having to rush it forward.
  • Do I need to anticipate the needs of the respondents? At a conference panel, you will probably come across the section of commentators, or respondents. These people are an excellent addition to the discussion since they are able to pull the material together and study the copy of your paper beforehand. Provide them with the conference paper example so they don’t have to go searching for clues.

Do Your Research. Sending the Right Message

If you wish the conference paper to be a success, study the following recommendations that may help you benefit from the presentation and render the correct type of message to the audience. Here are the tips:

  1. Cite the sources. With the presentation being an essential part of the conference paper, one should have specific considerations for citing the sources. Citations need to be included in the text to enhance the impression and add a little twist to the material. However, the students should not forget about setting the evidence for their research and reminding the audience that they are quoting famous authors. It is not necessary to repeat phrases such as “quote” or “citing” again and again. Instead, use the strategically placed pauses that will convince the members of the audience that you are actually using the quote.
  2. Organize the text. Organizing the paper is a challenge for anyone, who is a newbie in the field. You have to render a correct message and meet the standards, set by the teacher. Make an introduction that incorporates the connections to the previous research. Proceed with sharing a personal story or a case study to illustrate the example. Address the popular topic and ask the audience about their concerns. Frame the conclusion by bringing the discussion back to the original statement so that they know what to expect.
  3. Read the paper. Reading the text out loud may sound like a cliché tip that is used in the textbooks, but it is indeed great for checking the clarity of the material. If you scan the draft once, complex structures and meandering phrases may escape your notice. However, the proofreading process becomes complete when you read the paper several times. Subjects and verbs that are included in the text have to be clear. Avoid complex constructions that clutter the paper and make the presentation too generic.
  4. Be careful with the introductory phrases. Using words that are basically considered transitional such as “therefore”, “first”, “next”, and “thus” may lead to confusion. Make sure that you include them sparingly and do not forget to separate the text into sections. The readers need to have an understanding of the structure. If you are making a presentation, announce the number of points you are going to make during the session.

If you have four points that need to be covered, remind the fellow students and teachers about them at the beginning of the speech. Reiterate the statement and emphasize the point you are currently discussing to make the text concise. The paper needs to be structured according to the rules. Referring back to the initial argument is a great tactic. The readers need to know about the transitions and comprehend your argument.

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