Critical Analysis Essay

What is a Critical Analysis Essay? Simple Definition

A critical analysis essay entails assessing information, situations or theories and is a significant way of scrutinizing information, challenging information and posing questions. A critical essay is a crucial academic tool that allows students to develop because rather than being a subjective opinion, this essay involves an in-depth investigation of a topic.


The writer of a critical analysis paper makes an argument about a certain essay, book, movie, and others. The objective is two way: first, identify and expound the argument that the writer is making, and second, give your personal disagreement with that argument.

5 Steps on How to Write a Great Critical Essay

The first step is an introduction that entails identifying the work being criticized; posing your thesis or argument concerning the work, and previewing your argument (the steps are taken to prove the argument). For example, if it is a book, mention the book’s title, the name of the author, and the publication date. In addition, identify the book’s main idea and highlight the author’s thesis. The thesis statement is usually the closing sentence of your introduction and offers the reader this information.

The second step is a brief summary of your work. The summary does not require being comprehensive only present the information required by the reader to understand your argument.

The third step is discussing your argument by writing a topic sentence that gives the general idea of a paragraph. It also involves supporting sentences that expand, examine, explain, and validate the arguments outlined in the subject matter sentence. The writer’s argument involves several sub-arguments or rather some mini-theses you attest to demonstrate your bigger argument true. This is usually the main body of your paper where your TA/professor wants to read your whole argument about the work, but not just a summary.

The fourth step involves restating the main point by relating the discussion back to the main question of the essay, recapping the thesis point, restating the most crucial evidence backing the position taken, and answering questions such as:

  • What is the importance of your findings?
  • What are the implications of your conclusions for the topic or the broader field of study?
  • What are the limitations to your approach?
  • What are the suggestions for future research?

The fifth step conclusion where you ponder upon on how you have supported your argument. In addition, highlight the significance of your discussion and potential avenues for further analysis or study. The conclusion should tie the introduction in relations of the ideas put forward and the argument presented.

Top Tips to Write a Winning Critical Essay

TIP 1. Read first by skimming the whole text to come up with an overall thesis, methodology, and structure. This will enable you better comprehend how the various elements fit together when you start reading keenly.

TIP 2. Read critically because it is not sufficient to simply comprehend, what the author is arguing; it is vital to challenge it. Examine the article’s structure, the evidence, and kind of reasons used to back the inferences, and if the author is dependent on fundamental theoretical frameworks or assumptions. Take many notes that echo what the writing means as well as what you reason about it.

TIP 3. Analyze by examining all elements of the text such as the evidence, the reasons, the methods, the structure, the conclusions, and the logic connections between all of them. This provides a better starting point for the reader

Critical Analysis Template

  • Introduction

State your work’s title, the date of publication and the author’s name. Highlight the book’s main ideas and discover the author’s thesis. Mention your own thesis argument and the main idea concerning your work.

  • Summary

Briefly summarize the major ideas of the book, film or article. This should involve the who, where, what, why, when and how. In addition, you may opt to discuss the point of view or structure.

  • Analysis

Using examples, critically mention what you agree or disagree with the book, film or article. Using different paragraphs, evaluate whether the author has attained their intended objective.

  • Conclusion

Using new words, restate the thesis statement. With new and stronger statements, summarize the key ideas. Finally, include a suggestion for your reader.

One of the problems in writing a critical essay is arguing outside thesis statement or main ideas. Poor planning of the essay and bad wording and not relating every part of the argument to the topic in question is another problem. Another issue is using a quotation from the text as a substitute for the argument. A critical essay may lack a clear structure and logical progression, equal significance, increasing significance, and chronological order.


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