Develop and Improve Writing Skills?

How to Develop and Improve Writing Skills?

Toni Morrison said: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must do it.” Nowadays, in the epoch of great technological development writing is still in great demand. Despite the profession and occupation, you have to be skillful in writing different speeches, documentation, and reviews. As a student, you should create many different academic and non-academic papers to show mental ability and improve scores.

A major part of students and professors are sure that writing process requires a specific cast of mind and talent; not everybody can cope with such task. On the one hand, they are right because only well-educated and smart person can impress the audience with the unique manner of thought expressing. Nevertheless, we want to break this stereotype and prove that with the help of some techniques and strategies even the sophomore can improve his/her writing skills.

Below we have presented the pieces of advice that reveal to you the new sides of the academic writing process. We ensure that you can apply these strategies in practice and get a perfect result. It is a high time to begin and improve your writing skills.

Theoretical core

  1. Active vs. Passive Voice

To make your writing grammatically correct, we invoke you avoid passive voice. Such structure requires more words and makes the sentence convoluted and confusing to understand. The best way to express the thought is to use the Subject-Verb-Object word order.

Of course, there are cases when we cannot omit the passive voice, especially in scientific writing types papers. Here you can make an exception.

  1. Use strong ordinary words

In connection with the fact that your academic paper or novel should be well-understood and informative, you can use appropriate lexis that make the content “transparent” and precise. In any case, we highly recommend you to use vocabulary and the first meaning of the word. Nevertheless, use thesaurus carefully as it can offer too academic and rare meaning of the word.

  1. Make it simple

You will need to be clear and direct. If you can express the main idea of the writing in 20 words – do it. Remember that wordage paper distracts reader attention. Make your content simple and precise. Try to cut random phrases that don’t bring a sense to your sentence. Moreover, try to avoid additional conjunctions as they can “pollute” a phrase. In such case your writing will be qualitative.

  1. Deeds not words

This stage is devoted to the thing that will make your paper dynamic. We highly recommend you to avoid long descriptions and explanations. It is better to give readers opportunity to realize the main idea through the actions, feelings, and speech of the characters. It is especially effective for novel or fiction. Your work will be the best.

  1. Use evidence

As a writer, you have to persuade readers that your information is relevant. The easiest way to do it is to use examples and evidence. When you submit a statement, you have to prove it with some case from your own life or examples from the literature. It improves your writing and makes it qualitative.

  1. Double editing

This final but not less important stage will make your paper perfect. You have to proofread your masterpiece and polish all mistakes. Try to identify whether the word choice suits the content and sentences reveal the main point of investigation.

Practical exercises

  1. Read a lot

Before you start writing read something. Everybody agrees that reading is the primary source of knowledge and inspiration. When we read we improve knowledge and broaden erudition; it allows us to find a new idea for writing.

Moreover, you should not consider a book just as a set of pages; you have to be a professional analytic and realize the benefits and advantages of the book manner. At the same time, your task is to identify the peculiarities of the writing and style.

Such method will help you develop your writing as you can have the example that can be followed. It gives you the new sip of inspiration.

  1. Have an ally

Find a partner who can criticize your paper and provide you with constructive feedback. It might be your colleague or friend that isn’t interested in your paper. Let this person scan your text, and you will understand whether it is well-written and interesting.

  1. Join a masterclass or workshop

It is an essential thing for improving skills. Nowadays, such free writing activities are in great demand. You can find on the Internet the meetup or another event that has your format and attend it. Be sure that it will be very effective for you as you will be a member of the professional team who shares the priceless experience. It doesn’t mean that you need to perform your incomplete novel; your task is just to be an active listener and note everything that will be useful for the writing. The literary workshop will become an integral part of your progress as you may learn many new things.

  1. Look for ideas everywhere

Find the blogs or social communities that appeal to you and print their posts. Take a red pen and highlight interesting ideas, well-built sentences, and new vocabulary. Such method will help you realize your weak sides. You can also find the key things about the successful writing that attract a big audience.

  1. Imitate your favorite writer

It is not a plagiarism; it is a type of forbidden thing to copy somebody’s work. The main essence of this method is based on the winning features of writing. If you have your favorite writer or poet, plunge into the heart of his work and try to reveal the peculiarities that you can imitate. It will help you find the right destination for your paper. You can check your essay on our free online plagiarism checker with percentage

  1. Done is better than perfect

Do not be afraid of your first draft. Apparently, it will contain mistakes; but everything is in your hand. Try to fix all types of errors and make a second copy of the text.

Do not hesitate and note everything that comes to your mind. Remember that first thought is the most reasonable. We invoke you to brainstorm all possible ideas and do your research. Sometimes it is useful to break the grammar rules.

Remember that you are the main creator of the masterpiece.

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