Discerning what the professors want! Part 3.

Discerning what the professors want! Part 3.

Whether you are writing an essay or figuring out the level of competency of the writer you've hired, there are certain elements apart from grammar that matter in a good essay. Of course, good grammar is standard. But there are also content elements that an essay must have in order to achieve an A.

Is an A even possible in academic writing? Yes, for essay writers at Worldwide Essay, it is. We're here to give you some tips.

While good essay writers must have impeccable English, those with good English are not necessarily good or even passable essay writers. Why?

This is because good essays require more than just good language skills. Sure, you must communicate your essay well. But while the essay is riddled with flowery language, it may still be a riddle to those who are reading it.

Understanding this very fact would help you discern what professors actually want. So far in our series, we talked about the importance of CONCISION and DEPTH.

This time, we're talking about LOGIC.


The element of logic in essay writing is seen through cohesion of ideas and organization as well as the argument of the essay.

Again, like we have done so before, we will use some examples from existing academic papers to illustrate our point.

In a political science course, one of the assignments talked about:

What does Henry Giroux mean when he writes that higher education is "under intense assault at

the moment because it has not completely surrendered to the Orwellian state"? Expand

and explain by providing examples.

Personally, I like it when professors use quotes from an existing writing piece because you can use the ideas from that text as a springboard for more ideas rather than drawing upon ideas from a vacuum/synthesis of multiple writings.

So how do we make sure we have a logical piece of writing with this assignment question in mind?

First, we dissect the elements of the assignment.

We see words like "expand" and "explain". These are the core components.

We see "under intense assault" and "not completely surrendered to the Orwellian state". These are the elements which tell us WHAT to "expand" and "explain".

Second, we think about what to prove.

Logically, we must prove that what Giroux is saying is true because it uses the words "explain". However, we do not simply copy Giroux's argument but drawing upon other sources. Do some research.

To fulfil "explain" of the task

→ A. We must prove that higher education (universities) is "under intense assault"

→ B. We must prove that higher education "has not completely surrendered to the Orwellian state".

→ C. We must prove that A is a result of B.

To fulfil "expand" of the task

→ D. We must prove that the "intense assault" of higher education is part of a larger phenomenon that is going on.

The larger phenomenon, for your information, is neoliberalism. To figure out the phenomenon, you must contextualize the topic you're doing and read carefully Giroux's writing. Since we've done that, we can tell you it's neoliberalism.

Third, we plan out the whole essay using the LOGIC analysis.

Possible combination 1


B1: A & B

B2: C

B3: D → Pt 1

B4: D → Pt 2


Possible combination 2


B1: A

B2: B

B3: C

B4: D


By using a LOGICAL approach, we managed to plan a whole essay. 

In terms of cohesion of ideas in writing and style, stay tuned for more updates and tips! This is the END of the 3 part series on "Discerning what the professors want!"

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