Discuss ‘health inequality’ and ‘health inequity’ Research Paper

Discuss ‘health inequality’ and ‘health inequity’ Research Paper

This assessment requires students to discuss a concept/model that we have covered and provide an example of this drawing on current and relevant literature.
Questions are
1. Discuss ‘health inequality’ and ‘health inequity’. Provide an example of how the neomaterial hypothesis and the psychosocial hypothesis provide different explanations for health inequities.
2. Discuss the social gradient. Provide an example of how the social gradient persists within and between communities.

3. Discuss social position. Provide an example of how social position is measured, including the benefits and limitations of this measurement.

4. Discuss absolute and relative poverty. Provide an example of who is currently most at risk of living in poverty in Australia.

What to do
Answer all four questions which requires you to discuss a concept and then provide an example to extend on this and show your understanding. Both the concept and example need to be supported by current and relevant literature.
What do I need to include in my answer
– Introduction
– Discussion of the concept
– Provide an example as stated in the question
– Conclusion
– Reference list
How long is each question?
You need to answer each question in 500 words, a total of 2000 words (+/-10%).

• Using appropriate sources and referencing is part of the assignment
• It is really important that you are drawing from a range of sources including journals, books, reports and government websites
• For each question you should use at least 3 references to support your discussion of the concept and example.
• You need to use Harvard referencing. You can put all your references for the questions on the one page at the end of the assignment.
What should my example be
• It is up to you what example you use to show your understanding of the concept.
• The example needs to be supported with evidence/literature, so use this to help find/show an example.
• The example is showing your understanding of the concept/model so make sure the example you discuss reflects this.
What are the presentation requirements
• All assignments should be 12 point font and 1.5 spaced with the default page margins.
• Assignments also need to include the word count and page numbers. This will be marked under the writing and referencing criteria.
Assignment will be marked on rubric
• marking rubric is uploaded

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