Diversity in criminal justice

Research Paper
All papers should be in APA format, 12pt font New Times Romans font and at least four (4) pages (Intro, Body, and Conclusion). An abstract is required; however, it is Not included in your four pages of content. Remember to give credit where credit is due (use in text citation) and include resources at the end of your paper. Use a cover page to include name/class/date information. Please Proofread

The issue of ethnicity and multiculturalism in the United States remains an important factor in understanding social interaction, criminal justice and American culture. Select a current criminal justice issue and discuss in detail how it relates to (or impacts) multiculturalism, or a particular type of ethnicity and or minority group. Be sure to explain the magnitude of the issue, use scholarly articles/sources to critically evaluate the issue, and offer policy recommendations to address this problem.

IDEAS for Possible research topics: Capital punishment, recidivism, incarceration, community courts, forensics, gangs, juvenile delinquency, restorative justice, hate crimes, alternatives to incarceration, parole/ probation, police services, correctional services, women and the CJ System, Elderly and the CJ System, or The LGBTQ and CJ System

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