Does a foundation improve your university experience?

Does a foundation improve your university experience?

Abai is from Almaty, Kazakhstan, and he’s studying a Foundation course in Science and Engineering at INTO London World Education Centre. 

Foundation: Yelabaiahmed Taibek

He tells us why studying a Foundation abroad is the best way to prepare for a University degree. 

My Dad, the Scientist! 

My Dad is a scientist and he advised me “Abai if you want to help mankind you should study science….

To cut it short, my dad was trying to help me understand that science is the subject that people and society will always need.

It was something I have always been interested in, so it was the perfect opportunity to study it at University.

Foundation: Yelabaiahmed’s father

Left to right: Wadood (Abia’s brother), Nurym (Abia’s father) and Abia.

A foundation is a great introduction to university life

It helps prepare you and so it wouldn’t be such a big shock when you go to university – as suddenly you will have more responsibilities, more independence and no one to tell you what to do.

For me, I learnt how to be independent and learnt a new way of education, which you really need for university and even for your future career.

I got the chance to study with students from around the world.”

Foundation: with friends

The UK is the best place for anyone’s education

The biggest reason I chose the UK was its education system.

The quality of a UK education is recognised worldwide, and this will really help a students’ future career path.

Foundation: studying

When I was younger, I sure did hear this a lot – but the more I looked into it, the more I understood how this will benefit me and my future. The teachers are very clear and pleasant – and a student can ask questions at any time if they do not understand something.

Assignments are manageable and teachers will inform you about all the assignments in advance. After that, it’s all about managing your time better.

You learn so much about the British culture

Generally speaking, a foundation course will give a student an overall idea of how it feels to live and study in the UK.

This is helpful for a number of reasons, which you might not see if you are still deciding on what course you should study.

Foundation: British culture

I’ve seen great changes since I started my foundation course – I’ve improved on my communication skills, time management skills and decision making skills.”

Another good reason to study a foundation in the UK is that you get used to the British environment, the new climate, the culture, rules, and meeting different people from all around.

“London is the capital city of the World”

Something my classmates are always saying – ‘London is the capital of the world!’. It’s culturally diverse, open-minded, good means of transport that will take you anywhere, and there is food from all over the world widely available.

Foundation: living in London

So, if you like new challenges you will feel at home here. It is almost certain that you will find people from your home country too; there is such a mix of different nationalities of people studying, working and living here all throughout the UK.

International students are always welcomed

Here, international students are more than welcomed and are not treated as strangers or tourists. You feel respected and that is one of the reasons why I like being here so much.

Due to its good reputation abroad, one knows that career prospects here are extremely good and much broader than in most other countries.

Foundation: with friends

I’m really enjoying my time here and very glad I decided to study a foundation programme in the UK; I’m hoping to progress onto City University London after I finish my foundation course.

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