Drafting Resounding Conclusions for Your Essays

Drafting Resounding Conclusions for Your Essays

Presenting your academic written work is tricky business. There are a lot of intricacies which you need to cater to from the start to the end of your document. As a higher education student, you are expected to deliver a high quality of 100% original and unique content for your paper that has been proofread and edited multiple times so that it is perfect for submission. Any higher educational institution would never prefer to accept work that offers below par quality of work. The margin of error is nearly non-existent, and the scrutiny of work is extremely high. In this post, we would like to focus on informing you how you can craft outstanding conclusions for your essays. Even though the main body of discussion and the introduction play a major role in making your work appealing to the audience, it is, however, the conclusion which you write that are remembered forever. Hence if you start your essay well, but fail to close it on a good note, then the reader and evaluator of your work will be left with an unsatisfactory feeling which will result in poor grades for you. So without any further a due, let’s look into the aspects which can offer value additions to your conclusions and provide you with the chance to score big on your papers.

Most Wanted Features

Writing is both an art form and can be formulated through certain procedures and regulations. The fact of the matter is that you can definitely specialize in certain aspects of writing. Conclusions are a sub-section of your entire paper which includes the main body of discussion as well as the introduction. Hence you can specialize in all forms of writing. Here we like to point out some features for your conclusion that are considered mandatory if you want them to be remembered:

  • Your conclusion should be precise in their meaning and concisely written.
  • Conclusions are generally 20% of your total word count limit. Hence if you have 1,000 words essay, your conclusion should not be over 200 words or else they would feel lengthy and prolonged.
  • You should always consider using simple and easy to understand vocabulary within your conclusions. Avoid difficult terminologies. Remove all unnecessary clichés and jargons.
  • Your sentences should also be short and not exceed 20 words at most.
  • Your paragraphs should also be short and not exceed 250 words at most.
  • Make sure that your conclusions include a short summary of all the important points and key ideas of your work.
  • You should answer all the impending questions within your paper accurately and correctly, as well as never leave your audience with vague statements and open-ended conclusions.
  • Write your conclusions using active voice most of the time.
  • Use simple sentence structure and try to avoid complex and complicated sentence structures.
  • Your conclusion should also offer your readers and evaluators of work with a future recommendation regarding the subject and topic of your work.
  • Your rulings and judgments should align well within the rational and logical interpretation of the subject matter.
  • Be true to yourself and others by writing your conclusions with complete honesty, without any biases or prejudices of any kind.

Value Additions

Like a beautician knows how cosmetics can be used to make something more pleasing, similarly, you should have a keen interest to add more value to your conclusion by using the following attributes:

  • Use a direct quotation from a famous person that is well respected amongst the intellectual community for their integrity. However the direct quotation must be relevant and directly focusing on your paper’s subject, otherwise, you will confuse your audience.
  • Reveal an amazing fact or figure regarding the topic to stimulate your audience so as to create a “WOW” effect for them. However this factual information needs to be relevant and correlated with the topic of your work, otherwise, it will ineffective.
  • Provide your audience with an anecdote that can lighten up the mood a bit for the readers and evaluators of your work, however, you need to make sure that it coincides with the subject matter of your paper, otherwise, your effort will be lost and unable to produce the results which you desire.
  • You can also provide your readers with claims, arguments, and statements that are backed by scientific evidence, proofs, and confirmations. This will allow you to use an authoritative tone which is much more compelling and will make your audiences to agree with you.
  • Implementing emotional and moral aspects in your conclusion can also be considered as an attractive ending for your document. Hence if you feel strongly regarding a subject and want to do justice with the topic then you should definitely consider adding your own rulings and opinions as well.

You need to understand that your conclusion plays a significant role in making your work stand out from the rest. Even though they make only 20% of the entire document, however, they are one of the most important parts of your essays. Many teachers and professors can decide simply on the conclusion whether your paper deserves an A grade or not. So be careful and take your conclusions seriously. As a higher education student, you should never consider you first initial draft as your final piece. You should always proofread and edit your work multiple times to make sure that your written work is perfect for submission at the academia.

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