Eating for exam success!

Eating for exam success!

It can be difficult to think of anything else when you’re revising for exams, but to get those grades you’ve worked hard for all year, you need to be eating right to keep your energy levels up!

We’ve researched the best foods to get you through exam season and rustled up a full day menu of easy, brain boosting recipes from our fave bloggers.

They’ll make your mouth water and have you sailing through to a triumphant results day.

So take a well planned revision break, and get cooking…

Eating for exam success


Start your day right with some carbohydrate for a steady supply of energy that will help your studies free of distractions, like belly-rumbles!

Tried and tested by us, we can recommend the delicious Kale and Potato Breakfast Hash from ingenious veggie blogger Becca, on

Eating for exam success | Kale & potato breakfast hash

It’s quick to make, tastes delicious, and chances are you’ll already have most of the ingredients in your cupboards. Not just that, but it’s so good you’ll probably want to eat it again and again, which means you can use up your left over kale and ‘taters.

For an extra special touch, add a little bit of cheddar cheese on top at the end. You wont’ regret it!

The kale contains manganese, vitamin K, and iron to help you focus, and the egg on top adds vitamins B-12 and D to aid with brain development and improved memory function.

Just be careful, if you start browsing her blog you will never leave! Not great for when you’ve got revising to do, but one to bookmark for after exams…


Just as your concentration is waining on your flash cards, lets take time for lunch!

This scrumptious fishy dishy is from, where Steph posts the recipe for Parsley Pesto Pasta with Broccoli and Salmon.

Eating for exam success

The pasta will fill you up, the salmon will provide Omega 3 for healthy brain and heart function, while the broccoli doesn’t just add extra colour to the plate – it’s packed with vitamin K, iron and potassium to sustain your focus until your next revision pit stop.

Need to reign in your spending? Substitute the homemade pesto for a jar of a supermarket own brand. Job done!


Our chosen dinner recipe is courtesy of Kita at

Her instructions for Grilled Chicken and Wild Rice Salad caught our eye because it’s exotic yet easy, and the portion of poultry will up your iron levels to build your ability to pay attention. No more wandering minds!

You have to cool the wild rice in advance, but check that off at lunch or run it under cold tap water and get stuck into your grilled chicken lickedy-split when dinner time rolls around…


Where would we be without pudding?

This sumptuous Blueberry and Lemon Pancake Cake by Swedish blogger Lisa on the hilariously named, will satisfy your sweet tooth without taking too much time away from the books.

The blueberries keep your memory ticking along nicely with their antioxidants protecting your brain too – AND with a whole stack at your disposal, you can save some for the next day …or serve it up at a study date with your BFFs and they’ll love you forever!

Top tip: why not add some crushed walnuts in for a dose of Omega 3, to really beef up your memory power?


And finally…

We’re not even going to ask if you love it or you hate it, because Marmite is the BEST!

The vitamin B12 lurking within this fantastical, gooey brown goodness can reduce stress and regulate your nervous system. It is salty mind, so don’t go too crazy with it, and go easy on the butter. Perfect snack to keep your brain in gear!

There we have it – the right balance of food to keep you motivated, satiated and in the zone. Just remember to drink lots of water too and you’re good to go.

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