Effective Ways to Improve Your English Writing Skills

Effective Ways to Improve Your English Writing Skills

Ways To Improve Your English Writing Skills


query_builder April 5, 2018

If you wonder how to get better at writing, we may help you. Whether you’re fluent in English or have just started learning it, you can push a level of your written English up by regularly writing in different styles. Exploring different styles in English will enhance your writing skills and make you versatile as a writer.

Here are presented some ideas on to how to improve writing skills in your spare time and at the same time derive pleasure from it.

9 Great Tips

  1. Launch a blog

Nowadays there are lots of websites that do not charge money for their blog facilities. Thus, starting a blog is a win-win situation, as you can write regularly and at the same time improve your writing skills. Writing blogs entails many benefits. For example, blogs come in handy if you want to be a non-fiction writer. Also, they will make you a precious worker, as you can use your blogging experience in UCAS form or CV.

The first thing you should do to become a blogger is to decide what you want to write about. Most importantly, it must be something that matters to you or interests you. This will rekindle your desire to write, make your blogs more riveting and pull in more readersThe following tips will help you to get started:

  • WordPress and Blogger are the platforms that do not charge money for their blogging facilities and templates. You just need to customize the colors and photos that you like. Blogging there is user-friendly so it will not be an issue to upload new posts.
  • Attach photos to make your blogs attractive.
  • Pull in your audience by creating search-friendly titles. It means that your title should include phrases people may google.
  • Try to upload posts on other blogs that discuss identical subjects; that will enable your audience to see your blogs and then you are likely to gain more readers.
  1. Keep a diary

If you do not want to share your thoughts with the audience, you can write a diary. It is a brilliant way to display your thoughts and feelings honestly, as nobody will be able to read them. Additionally, in a diary, you express your thoughts clearly that is important for academic writing.

Writing your diary by hand is especially helpful if you want to develop a habit of writing for long periods of time. This habit may come in handy when it comes to the exams, especially if you write most of your essays and note-taking on a computer.

  1. Find a penpal

Although this way of keeping correspondence is not that popular as it used to be, it is one of the most efficient ways to improve your English writing skill. A penpal is a person you’ve never met before, with whom you exchange letters and find out about him/her during the course of the correspondence. These tips will help you to get started:

  • You can find a penpal on InterPalsPenpals and PenPalWorld.
  • Choose a penpal from abroad. Not only will it improve your command of a foreign language but also enable you to come to know about other cultures.
  • Do not procrastinate your replies. Otherwise, you will forget about your pen friend and give up your correspondence at all.
  1. Write for your school newsletter or student newspaper

If you wonder how to get better at writing, writing school newsletter or student newspaper will be useful. It is especially beneficial if you want to be a journalist, as it requires revealing information and writing only verified facts. Also, if you write editorial-style articles or opinion pieces, you will come to know how to use a persuasive style that will come in handy in different sorts of arguments.

  1. Partake in a writing competition

If you are not afraid of the challenge of creative writing, why don’t you partake in a writing competition? There are different competitions that can test your abilities at writing short stories and poetry. Participating in these competitions are particularly beneficial if you want to study English Literature at university, as it can testify to your good writing skills. The advantage of such competitions is that your work will be judged and compared with the works of others and this will compel you to enhance your writing skills.

  1. Write poetry

Although writing poetry requires considerable skills, it enables you to write what you feel and gets some things off your chest. Writing poems is one of the most effective ways to improve your English writing skills because not only will you build your vocabulary but also find out the techniques used by poets to express their thoughts.

  1. Participate in National Novel Writing Month

If you feel like tossing yourself a challenge, partake in National Novel Writing Month. Your task is to write a 50,000 word novel for a month. Definitely, it is a real challenge that requires determination and creativity. This contest is a chance to make acquaintances with fellow writers and improve your writing skills in leaps and bounds. Most importantly, you will find out everything about character and plot development, writing evocative descriptions and dialogues, and will acquire necessary skills for writing fiction.

  1. Reviews

As the Internet is extremely popular nowadays, reviews have become increasingly sought-after and people resort to them to find out about the products they want to buy or the places they want to attend. The most helpful reviews are on Amazon. Here you can practice writing useful pieces that discuss pros and cons of buying something. If you write on Amazon, you will get the motivation to write top-quality reviews to make users mark your review useful.

  1. Travel writing

This way of improving writing skills is enjoyable and beneficial. Travel writing involves conveying the essence of a certain place in words and picking the best ones to describe the atmosphere and beauty of it. Definitely, it will compel you to search for new words and make your writing more sophisticated and rich. You do not have to go abroad to be a travel writer, as you can write about the places you have already visited in your country. When traveling somewhere, take a notebook and put down your impressions of the places that you visit.

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