Epic Summer Bucket List


Posted in VacationSo much awaited summer is almost here, but you feel like going into hibernation for the next three months? The idea is rather alluring, especially for those who feel drained after the exhausting cramming and part-time working. Let me guess, all you can think about is snuggling in bed, preferably with some food, and watching Netflix just to escape from reality? I’ve been there, but you know what comes after these three months of irregular sleeping patterns and overeating? What seems like the best pastime ever will turn into the overbearing feeling of guilt for wasting time when you again failed to get in shape, meet some friends, and seize the opportunities that summer prepared for you. Do not let that happen!


Learn something New

There is no better time to go through your Pinterest and finally start doing things you have pinned, be it a hairdo you have always dreamed about, a guitar lesson you saved “just in case”, or those fancy cupcakes you were dying to try.

Catch up on Reading

We all have those “to-read” lists, which we keep putting off in favor of scrolling Facebook feed. Why don’t you grab a blanket, a book and some snacks and go outside to enjoy a gripping story while also basking in the sun?


Fresh summer air works wonders. If you manage to fight that voice in your head that does not let you get out of bed in the early morning hours and go outside for jogging or at least quick workout, you won’t regret it.


Visiting places, which you have never seen before, will surely give you a new lease of life. Though traveling has already become the mainstream, you can make it even more adventurous. Try random destinations, which will be picked by flipping a coin, for instance. Unlike traditional sightseeing with travel guides, it will surely make you experience the whole range of emotions.

Get a Job

For many people, summer is a challenge, as it presents them with the freedom they didn’t ask for. If you are one of those who find it hard to live without a steady routine, it is high time you started working. Anything works, really, but if your summer job is relevant to your studies, it’s a double score – you gain relevant experience and some income.

Bring Things in Order

Get rid of things that you no longer need, but do not rush to throw everything away. Why not to do a garage sale instead? Another great idea is to donate stuff to some voluntary organization. Clearing your living space can be considered as a sort of meditation. Once you put things in order in your closet, your mind will become clearer, as well. Isn’t it exactly what you need before a new academic year starts? Follow out tips and enjoy your summer. Don’t feel like doing any of the things mentioned above? Well, there must be something you have always wanted to do, but couldn’t find the appropriate time. In summer, you can do whatever you want as long as it brings you joy and happiness.

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