Essay Writing Scam

Essay Writing Scam

Scam or fraud are in every nook and cranny of our society then and even more now in the modern world. The internet has gave way to many opportunities and benefits, but like many things and changes, it also brought about another avenue for the scammers. Online trickery are in every click and every advertisement, even on the news, however, the most known ground for such scam is the online selling industry, including the essay writing services industry. Many students who are in need of academic help turn into various essay writing services, however, there are numerous websites that seem legitimate, but are only meant to derive online traffic or acquire money. is in the same industry, and as much as these scams inconvenience many students, it also inconvenience us who have been offering various writing services for more than a decade.

In an effort to help our clients across the world, here are a few tips on determining whether or not an essay writing services website is a scam or not.

1. Check out the free essays or posts of the essay writing website

Most writing service scams can be busted by simply reading their blog posts or other reading material. Sometimes, these sites simply take an article of another website and use it as their own, or in some cases, the texts will have serious errors in grammar. If the website does not have a good written content, then you must move on and find another writing services site. Even if it is a legitimate service or not, it would not be grade to trust a company which own website’s free articles are low quality. However, a few typographical errors would be a great sign though – maybe, a little misplaced letter here and there – because this would mean that there are real people who are behind those reading content. Then again, mind the quality of the work. Spare a few minutes to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is the grammar?

If you are looking at a legitimate essay writing service, their articles should be well-written. Is the verb plural for plural nouns? You know the drill.

Regardless of the topic of the material, does it give you a new perspective? Does it freshen your memory? Does it sound right? If you have a few more minutes, you can research the claims in the material to determine its accuracy. After all, if you are finding a legitimate essay writing service, might as well find the legitimate and best essay writing service.

Essay writing services publish many academic essays in their websites to establish credibility. Check out a few essays in random, preferably, one from a few years back and a recent one. Are the essays going around in circles or are they directed in one direction.

  • Can you read the posts?

Some sites offer free essays, but academic essays are usually not in full view to curb plagiarism concerns. However, if all posts are unavailable, then walk away. There is a high chance that you will have to pay first before seeing their “quality papers”, but if there are curated posts, go back to question one.Need help with your term paper or essay?



2. Try communicating with the operators

When in doubt, ask. Most essay writing services websites have a link to allow you to communicate with someone regarding your queries, and yes, even the essay writing services scam. Now, these “operators” can be robots, taking keywords from your message then most likely will send you a canned message and a few links within the website in an attempt to address your inquiry. In some cases, the operators can be actual people, and this is a good thing, however, there are some essay writing services who are trained to make a sale, instead of answering your question. Some questions can be addressed, however, if within the quick communication, they already gave you tons and tons of offers and discounts, just thank them and find another. Also, be careful if they are asking for your personal information outright. Chances are they will spam your email and call you numerous times, and that can be annoying. Now if the operator genuinely cares for you, he or she will ask you if you would like to have a call for faster communication, and when you agree, that should be the only time that they will ask for your contact number. Legitimate essay writing services do not require the client to disclose their full names, and will only ask for your email address once you have placed an order because – where will they send the paper, right? Just remember this, essay writing scams bombard you with questions, while legitimate sites will greatly appreciate it if you bombard them with your questions.

3. Look for a website that can address your query at any time of the day.

Once you found a website that fits the optimal characteristics from the first two questions, you can now check if they are accessible anytime, because this should be one of your priorities. Think ahead – what if once you receive the paper, you see something that needs revision, who will you contact? What if it is almost the deadline, who will you ask? What if you need to change your instruction, who will you call? This is not a privilege, this is a requirement. Know that essay writing services hire writers from everywhere in the world, and most of them are freelancers. That is why the operators must be available at all times, so all issues both from you and your writer can be addressed immediately. Do not trust a website that allows you to communicate directly to a writer using your own means, because chances are, your personal information shall be compromised.

Avoid Essay Writing Scam

4. Stay away from websites that do not have a payment mediator.

If you decided to order and are immediately directed to payment page that is not powered by known online payment companies such as PayPal or the service directly linked to your bank, you may want to take a little step back. These forms must be encrypted, and if it looks like a Google form or Survey Monkey form to you, walk away.

5. Stay away from websites that are promising you a high grade.

Aside from the fact that universities have various grading systems, you should really stay away from these essay writing websites that do not admit that their writers can make a mistake. CustomEssayMeister guaranteed up to five rounds of free revision within your initial and acknowledged instructions, and if we cannot give you the right essay, we will find you a new writer or return your money plus discounts for the inconvenience. Our writers are professionals from various industries, and what we will promise you is we will find the best suitable writer for your topic, and we will meet the instructions you give us to a T. Rest assured though that we are aiming to give you the best paper, but we will need you to be in constant communication with us or your writer via our client lounge, so we can synchronize the thoughts of you and your writer.

6. Watch out for the prices.

Check out various websites for price range. If one website is too cheap to be true, although a legitimate company, you might get an essay that is just worth the price. This is like a quick elimination stage.

7. Check out the writer reviews.

Now, do not get flustered by these figures. Every person has his or her strengths and weaknesses. This is why we need you to provide us a clear instructions, so we can find the writer who we trust can address your topic better than any other writer. CustomEssayMeister opted to keep the client reviews from 2007, when the initial work process was rudimentary because it is our proof that we have been here. However, over the years, we have successfully categorized our writers, hence, we have a different set of writer for each subject area, say Literature or Nursing and Healthcare.

8. Look for the terms and conditions of the service.

Essay writing scams are easy to spot if you pay attention. Most of the telltale signs are found right on the homepage of the essay writing website scam. Promises that are too good to be true are your biggest enemy in finding a legitimate writing service firm, this is why you need to read the terms and conditions of the site. It should be there, with full description of the company – where it is based (the complete address), the registration number of the company, and other affiliate companies.

CustomEssayMeister has been in the industry since 2006, and from then on, we have accumulated a significant volume of loyal clients who have been with us for more than a decade now. This trust is the kind of treasure that we can never compromise, which is why over the years, we continue to research more about the needs of our clients, and find solutions to augment those needs. We are a continuously growing company, adapting to the changes brought about by the modern technology. We too are being affected by essay writing service scams all over the internet, and we wish to prevent every student from getting scammed.

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