
10+ Essential Essay Writing Tips and Techniques

Writing is not for everyone!

This used to be my explanation throughout high school for getting a lower grade on my essays. I believed that people were good at writing because words came easier to them, or that they were born writers and they had a strong grip and were fluent in the language that they were writing in.

However, later I figured out that there was more to writing an excellent essay than having a good command on your linguistic abilities, and by following a few essay writing tips and techniques, anyone can become a good writer.

Essay writing has long been an essential part of a student’s high school and college life. And due to the lack of creative writing skills and ignoring minor details, students have a tough time writing essays and end up getting bad grades.

High school is all fun and games until you realize it is a milestone in your academic career. This is the most important phase of learning and polishing abilities in a student's career. Students are growing and learning. Hence, they find certain tasks overwhelming.

The most common skill that students lack is of writing. Over the past decades, essay writing, creative writing and literature has gained its importance in the field of education. If you are good at writing, you can excel in your high school very easily. Lucky for you, writing can be easily learned.

But if you lack “good writing skills,” high school is going to be a nightmare for you. You have to use your good writing skills while writing your short stories, research papers, term papers, or academic papers.

In simpler words, if you lack good writing skills, then your high school grades are doomed. Because most of the tasks involve writing. Therefore, it contributes to a major portion of your final grade.

If you are a mediocre writer and want to learn how to have fun while writing an essay and make your school life easier, continue reading this blog to find out the best essay writing tips and tricks.

1. Writing Tips for Essays

We all are aware of the fact that major portion of the final grade is made up of writing. If you are good at writing or enjoy the art of writing essays, then you have nothing to worry about. But if the sole thought of academic writing or writing an essay makes you frustrated, then we have a bit of a problem.

Why don’t you take a look at our writing tips for essays to make writing essays bearable and fun?

1.1. Read

If you want to improve your writing skills, the key ingredient to achieve that is “reading.” Reading is considered as a prerequisite for writing because to write, you must have adequate knowledge. Being a well-read person exposes you to different writing styles, voices, forms and genres of writing.

We often overlook the significance of reading because reading is something we have been doing from the start of our school lives.

We cannot think that we don’t need to practice the skill of reading, knowing how to read and not indulging yourself in reading different books is just like having our favourite chocolate in front of us and not eating it.

Reading is similar to looking through a telescope; just how a telescope introduces you to the entire universe, reading opens you up to the universe of different genres.

In order to start writing, one must be fully aware of the topic, have the inspiration to write, knowledge about the latest writing trends, etc.

The only way to acquire this knowledge is by reading as much as you can; read in your free time, read from different sources. You do not need to read literature and classic novels in order to become a well-read person, read whatever you find useful and works best for you.

If you are someone with a short attention span and get distracted easily, make use of skimming through the context and only pay attention to reading relevant information.

If you question how to be a good writer and speaker, then the answer is to read. A well-read person is not only a good writer but a decent speaker as well.

1.2. Use Creativity

Every person thinks differently. If you choose a topic, every person will have a different perspective on that specific topic. Use your own viewpoint instead of following someone’s perspective. That will help you become creative.

Whatever you are thinking, write it down uniquely and impressively. Your distinctive perspective on any topic will be new to readers. This will create the element of creativity in your content.

If you are following your own ideas in writing, that will automatically help you in creating impressive and engaging content. You will be more confident in writing your own ideas rather than following someone else’s perspective.

1.3. Grammar

Probably one of the most significant writing tips is using correct grammar.

The correct grammatical structure is another vital part of your writing journey and leaving a positive impression on your reader.

Make revising the grammatical rules a regular exercise to improve your grammar and to avoid using the wrong tense, form of verbs, punctuation, sentence construction and other grammatical terms.

There are several other grammatical errors that we tend to overlook or get confused about. To avoid making these errors revise all the grammatical rules and avoid relying on the “spell and grammar check.”

1.3.1. Grammatical Rules

These are some of the basic grammatical rules you should know:

  • Use active voice.
  • A sentence should have the sequence of “Subject, Verb, Object.”
  • To connect two sentences, use a conjunction. “S+V+O, Conjunction S+V+O.”
  • Adjectives are added before the noun.
  • Know the importance of linking words.

Some of the common confusions people have are:

  • There vs. their
  • It’s vs. its
  • Who vs. whom
  • Mixing who and that
  • Mixing which and that
  • Using the wrong tense with have and has

1.4. Vocabulary

A writers vocabulary is beneficial as it helps them say what they really mean. And with the right words, you can communicate your thoughts, ideas and meaning in an effective way.

With a strong vocabulary, you can write according to you audience, for instance, use simpler and common words when writing for children and complex words for college students.

You must select the correct vocabulary by keeping in mind your academic level. A high school student who uses high-level vocabulary might put the teacher under the impression that he or she copies everything from the internet.

However, you must avoid using vague words such as few, things, stuff, etc. instead use descriptive words.

Make reading a thesaurus and dictionary a habit to increase your vocabulary. If you can’t figure out the right vocabulary, ask your teacher for the appropriate words to write your essay.

1.5. Don’t Use Incorrect Spellings

Using correct spelling is an essential component of writing, and you can’t know the spellings to all the words just by being a fluent speaker. You must memorise the correct spellings because some words sound different and aren’t spelled differently.

An essay with a lot of spelling mistakes can be off-putting and change the meaning of your context. Use spell-checkers to avoid spelling mistakes but don’t rely on them completely. It’s better to consult a dictionary for complex words.

1.6. American Vs. British English

The most common cause of spelling mistakes is the difference in the accents of English language. Students often get confused between the American and the British accent and don’t follow a single one.

This is how some of the words differ in the Uk and USA accent, respectively:

  • Apologise vs. apologize
  • Accessorise vs. accessorize
  • Behaviour vs. behavior
  • Brutalise vs. brutalize
  • Colour vs. color
  • Fibre vs. fiber
  • Favourite vs. favorite

It is important to follow the same spellings throughout your essay, pick an accent and stick to it. However, if you are still confused and can’t decide which accent to follow, then take help from professional essay writers to do the work for you.

All you need to do is to give them an idea and have them write your essay with correct spelling and grammar in affordable prices while you rest.

1.7. Proofread and Edit

Never submit an essay or any piece of writing before rechecking and proofreading it. We make several mistakes and proofreading gives us a chance to get rid of all the errors.

Everyone has their own way of effective proofreading. You can try the following techniques and see what works best for you:

  • Take a break before starting to proofread; refresh your mind.
  • Read the essay aloud.
  • Read it backward.
  • Have a friend, family member proofread it.
  • Get help from essay writing services to recheck it.

1.8. Avoid Using Long Sentences

The key to keeping your reader engaged is to use short and simple sentences. There is a higher chance of grammatical mistakes when you write longer sentences. It’s best to use short sentences providing relevant information.

In case of extra short sentences, use connecting words like and, but, or, if, however, etc. to join them.

1.9. Avoid Irrelevant Information

Stay relevant!

Don’t bombard the reader with excess and useless information. Keep your topic in mind and write whatever is relevant to your main topic.

Remember, quality over quantity. Don’t try to go off-topic and add irrelevant information to reach your word limit.

1.10. Follow the Instructions

Always read the question carefully. Notice the words that are used in the question. Words like identify, contrast, explain, compare will guide you writing the answer. Your question will explain how you are supposed to attempt it.

If you are writing an essay, the question will tell you what type of essay you have to write. If you have to attempt a persuasive essay, then you should write your answer in a way that you can convince your reader.

In the same way, if you are attempting an argumentative essay, then you should have good debating abilities. By using your abilities, you have to attempt the essay in such a way that the readers understand and agree to your point of view.

While writing a compare and contrast essay, measure the similarities and differences of your topic. Explain your topic with facts. Explain how one topic is different from the other.

Keep in mind that you have to attempt the question by using the sources or following directions given by your instructor.

In short, reading the question carefully will help you in writing the answer. Read all the instructions carefully given by your teacher. If you don’t follow the given instructions, you might end up with an F grade, which you obviously don’t want in high school. Do you?

If you find it difficult to write an effective essay, then you can also use the help of professional essay writers for hire. You can ask them to “write my essay,” and they will deliver high quality papers for you.

1.11. Do Not Copy the Content

Whenever you will try to copy someone’s work, it will automatically become much less interesting. Instead of writing according to your own perspective, you will be following someone’s ideas and concepts.

If you want to take some inspiration, you can read someone’s work. There is no harm in taking ideas but do not copy the content. Always write with your own perspective. It is not necessary that you think about the topic in the same way.

Every person is blessed with a unique mindset and different approach towards different topics. It is better to write according to your perspective. This will add the creative factor to your content.

1.12. Don’t Use Spinners

Some students use websites to change the words of an existing paragraph. This practice, however, help you reach the word count but is considered illegal in the writing world. Don’t think that you can deceive your teachers using spinners and changing the words of different paragraphs.

1.13. Plagiarism

Plagiarism means to use someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. And for a student plagiarising an essay means getting an ‘F’ grade, and a possible warning.

There are several different tools and websites that allow students and professionals to do a free plagiarism check.

The trick to avoid plagiarism is to read a text and change it by writing it in your own words.

1.14. Give a Final Review to Your Essay

Once you have finished your creative writing, do not forget to proofread your content. Make sure you have followed all the instructions given by your instructor in the question. If you are writing an essay, then you have written the correct type of essay.

The grammar and punctuation used in the content is on point. The order in which you have written about the events is coherent.

Do not forget to check the plagiarism in the content. Remember, a good writer never copies content from anyone. Write your own content that describes your perspective on that specific topic.

While everyone has a different approach to every topic, use your own unique and creative concept when writing an essay.

2. Beginners Writing Exercises

In addition, useful essay writing tips for students in this section we will discuss some beginners writing exercises.

  1. Describe:Yourself. When describing yourself talk about physical traits, family, relationships, likes/dislikes, qualities, etc.An object in the room, its shape, texture, color, material, etc.A person you love; mention their physical appearance, attributes, personality, etc.
  2. Write a story and start each sentence with a different alphabet.
  3. Write from someone else’s perspective.
  4. Write letters to your future and younger self.
  5. Write a story you heard as a child.
  6. Make up a fictional character and write about their journey.

By following these essential essay writing tips and techniques, you can master the art of writing an excellent essay and score a good grade.

However, there are several essay writing services available online, where you can hire professional essay writers for help. Just fill out the order form and enjoy high quality academic papers (term paper/research paper/book review/case study/PowerPoint presentations/college essays).

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