Everyday Ethics in Public Relations

Everyday Ethics in Public Relations

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Ethics in Public Relations

query_builder January 2, 2015

Business ethics is not a new observable factor issue; it has been there since time immemorial. Today it is a much talked about phenomenon for the reason that it has been playing an integral role in working environments and business enterprises all over the world. There are many definitions of business ethics but it can simply be defined and understood as a code of principles governing work, daily dealings advertisements and decisions. Businesses are the backbones of world economies and that is why the top managements of these businesses or companies are emphasizing the need to revive and observe the business ethics.

Public Relation Ethics

Ethics should never be associated with law or a thought of being integrated into the statutory laws for the reason that it must be a pick for any person regardless of status or position to independently think of doing right. This calls for people to choose what is right and what is wrong without forcing anything down their throats hence it should be always a moral belief in what id right and wrong and independently chose.

A Benetton store is one of the largest in sales of sweaters that appeal to thousands if not millions of customers more especially in the United States of America. The company has revolutionalized her advertisements which have left other companies and even advertising agencies flabbergasted. It has given other companies a run of their money other resources. However, there is a silent war that is brewing on its public advertising ethics. Benetton is very ethically honest in its communication to its clients and other people who may be interested in its products. The company has used all means of advertising that are available with considerable time resource being utilized to capture the attention of every person more especially the youth who are the majority and who ride with fashion. They have cleverly utilized technology as (Joyner 2005) notes that, “technology has accelerated the use of youth lifestyles in branding products because it is cheaper and reaches many people within a short period of time. In present times nobody will deny technology if defining a business destiny”

With the kind of their communication, nobody is harmed apart from competitor who feel squeezed hard against the wall and they only use the excuse of breach of ethics or rather public ethics to beat their competitor. America being a more free society, the advertising pictures on billboards does not offend anyone. For any business enterprise to survive it has to employ creativity and innovation in their advertisements like what Benetton has done.

The main role the public relations counsel of Benetton has done is to balance ethics and market entry aggressiveness which solely depend on the targeted population or audience and in this case the youth as This is the current trend that is not stoppable as (Nash 2000) quotes Victor Hugo, “All the armies of the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come”. Public relations are aware of the ripples Benetton is creating in the market through their style and tact of advertising. The planning of their advertisements is timely as equals its implementation. They have picked their shots carefully to appear appealing to the targeted audience. However, they are prepared to face any challenge from other advertising consumers who may feel offended by the mode of advertisement. Moreover, they keenly and intermittently used color which is even more appealing to the younger generation.GET A PRICE QUOTE

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