Final Paper

Final Paper

You will write a roughly 3-4 page (Times New Roman, double space) argument about one of the four big questions we have discussed in class. 

This is an argumentative essay, not a reflective one. Every claim made in the paper will have to be argued for. 

While you will take class material into account, the objective of the assignment is not for you to merely reconstruct an argument from the text. You have to develop your own argument. 

Argumentative essays should be free of phrases such as: 
In my opinion
I think
I feel
I believe
To me

These phrases weaken your argument by making it seem you are merely offering your own view without argumentative support. Alternatives are to write in third person or use phrasing such as: “I argue,” “I assert” or “I aver.” Instead of saying “I don’t believe in an argument” Say “This position is not convincing because…” 

You should also avoid charged language such as "ridiculous," "insane" 'crazy" etc. Instead say that a point of view is not convincing and explain why.

The position you take must be supported by logical argumentation. You can not just speculate or state your own beliefs without argumentative support.

It is important that the position you defend goes beyond just rehashing the arguments made in the text: while the texts outline responses to the questions, you must use your own examples, your own words, and expand upon positions offered in the text. 

Your paper should have an introductory paragraph that briefly outlines the issue and argument to be made, and that ends with your clear thesis (see below)

Defend the following argument: 

The existence of free will is compatible with determinism.

For this position you must address at least one objection to your point of view. (See below the objection):

Can you choose otherwise if there's nothing you can do to change the past or laws of nature?

With this objection a response must be provided.

Make arguments in your own words. DO NOT quote from the text. If quoting from another source you have to provide proper citation and put on work cited page ('IF' using outside source rather than the articles provided.)

An “A” paper: 

Has an introductory paragraph that outlines the essay and ends with a clear thesis. 

Properly defines all relevant terms as used in the appropriate context. 

Successfully argues for one’s position using logical argumentation, appeals to evidence, and examples. 

Addresses an objection if specified: this includes stating the objection and providing a response to it. 

Is free of phrases such as “I believe,” “In my opinion” or “personally” etc. 

Goes beyond what is stated in the text by adding one’s own argumentative support and examples. 

Has a concluding paragraph that summarizes the argument made. 

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