How LinkedIn helped me secure my dream job

How LinkedIn helped me secure my dream job

Social media isn’t just a place to share pictures of your fancy Frappuccino and travel photos. You also have the opportunity to connect with fellow students, university staff and eventually colleagues via LinkedIn – a professional social networking site.

You can increase the number of business connections you have, network within the industry you’re interested in and, once you’ve graduated, search and apply for jobs.

The transition from education into employment can be a big challenge, but tackling this challenge is well within your grasp – especially with a smart looking LinkedIn profile to attract a potential employer.

Beat from Hong Kong shares how LinkedIn helped her find her dream job…

Where are you working?

I’m currently working as an in-house video producer, creating Chinese language video content for INTO. My journey began when I studied Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong.

My job involves many aspects, from writing script translations and video editing to subtitling videos in both Mandarin and Cantonese.

These videos are used on Chinese social media sites, such as Weibo, WeChat, YouKu and TenCent, so we can share the success stories and experiences of current INTO students.

Why did you decide to set up a LinkedIn account?

I first heard about LinkedIn in Hong Kong and I created an account when I came to the UK in March 2017.

Back home, LinkedIn is used more to build business relationships rather than for job hunting, but in the UK, I found that most big companies will actually recruit via LinkedIn. This was great for me as I was job hunting!

It’s easy to browse and apply for jobs, and also much easier to view companies’ backgrounds.

How did LinkedIn help you get your dream job?

LinkedIn makes it really easy to search and apply for jobs within big companies. Instead of having to click on company pages one by one, there’s a ‘one click to apply’ function. Many companies will also have an ‘Apply from LinkedIn’ button.

So, it’s really worth building up your LinkedIn CV and account properly. With just one click, the system will generate your data into long application forms.

I did all of this and landed my current job with INTO!

What are your top three tips when using LinkedIn?

  • Keep your profile and CV up-to-date – it needs to be eye catching and grab your potential employer’s attention.
  • Be aware of the job application deadline. You don’t want to miss your chance, so always apply in plenty of time.
  • If you’re interested in certain companies, follow their pages to keep yourself updated about them. It’s useful when you get an interview opportunity.

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