How to Create a Title Page of Your Essay



It is not really difficult to write title pages but one has to follow proper guideline which usually depends upon the requirement of the professor who can recommend any formatting style like APA, MLA, Chicago or others. In this article, we are specifically going to talk about APA formatting guidelines to create a title page because most of the educationalists throughout the country prefer to follow APA format and thus they instruct their students to follow the same while writing different types of assignments.

How to Create a Title Page?

When you hear the phrase “APA Formatting Guidelines” the first thing that might come in your mind is “CONFUSION”. Yes, that’s true because there is a lot of confusion and most of the students don’t know how they are going to format their papers properly. Before you learn how to make a title page, you must know what APA actually is. APA stands for American Psychological Association which has taken the responsibility to introduce and improve APA Style guidelines for writing. APA has become the most popular ways of formatting dissertations, term papers etc. Follow below given tips:

1: Put Title in Middle of the Page  

Title is considered to be the most important part of an assignment. Though, it is not difficult at all, it must be created very carefully because it is the first look for the readers. You should put it in the central part of page and should be properly aligned. Here is what you need to do:

  • The title should be at the central of the page
  • If page title becomes longer than the usual, you can break it into two lines
  • Better to make it as defined as possible
  • Capitalize major words of your title such as noun, proper, adjective etc
  • Avoid capitalizing less important words such as preposition, conjunction etc

2: Place Your Name under Your Title

Under the page title, you are supposed to place your name which should be something like this:

  • Include name of author as well as coauthor
  • First name + middle initial + last name
  • Avoid using something like Dr. or Engr. etc
  • If there are two authors divide their names with “AND”

3: Author/Multiple Authors and Institution Name

You are also required to add the name of your institution which is basically the school or the university with which you get affiliation. In this way, you try to tell the readers that where the research was held. Here is how you add institution name:

  • Single Author

Write author and Institution name

  • Multiple Author with same Institution

Write names of all the authors and then put the name of the university

  • Multiple Authors with different Institutions

Write the name of author and then write name of institution he or she is affiliated

4: Make Doubled-Spaced & Centralized Title Page

Double-Space Command

If you are writing in a word document and need to make all the text doubled spaced, follow below given steps:

  • Select your text
  • Go to home tab.
  • Go to paragraph tab
  • Check out line spacing
  • Select double spacing option

Centralize Command  

Title should also be centralized.

  • Select your text
  • Go to home tab.
  • Go to paragraph tab

You can also use alternative command: Use ctrl + E to move all the text into central position

4: Add Running Head on Your Title Page

A shortened version of document tile is called Running Head and it should be described within 50 characters. If you are using word document and want to add a header, you just need to click twice in the top area of your page where header lies. On double click the area of the header will be visible. Write your running head title and double click out of the area to get it done.

  • This header should be put at the top position of the page.
  • All words at the first page should be capitalized.
  • The tile should be justified on left size of the page.

5: Add Page Number on Title Page

After running header, you need to include page number on every page of the document. To add number, follow these tips:

  • Go to Insert Tab
  • Then go “Page Number” next to “Footer” tab
  • Select the “Top Position” for page number
  • Add only numbers; No need to add “pg” or “p”
  • It should be aligned on right side of the page
  • There should be a distance of 5-7 spaces between running header and page number

Final Words

Now you know how to create a title page of your documents. The below given tips should be enough to do your job well. Just in case you still have some confusion, you can get advantage of essay writing service UK from the professionals to avoid making mistakes in your document.

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