How to Get a Job in the Cannabis Industry

How to Get a Job in the Cannabis Industry

Small business marijuana dispensary in Oregon.

Cannabis is one of the fastest growing—definitely most exciting—industries on earth. While many of us have enjoyed successful careers in entertainment, wellness, and associated fields, the cannabis industry is unlike anything we’ve ever seen, shattering projections at every turn.

This growth creates enormous buzz, yet it leads to a plethora of questions around what really are the specific opportunities that exist in cannabis today. And most importantly, how do you take your existing skills and apply them to this ever-burgeoning new sector?

Here are five crucial tips to help you navigate the waters and find a home within this blossoming, nascent field:

Seek Out That Niche

Cannabis has many different sectors people don’t ever think about. You’ve got retail, cultivation, science, patient care, research & development, distribution, manufacturing, packaging, lobbying, legal—and a heck of a lot more.

The first thing you have to decide is what sector is most interesting to you! By looking into the different areas and figuring out where you have some existing relevant knowledge, you could find your newest passion just like that.

A lot of us are finding that pro skill sets attained in other fields translate perfectly to cannabis; the more you understand how the field works the clearer your potential niche becomes.9 Fast-Growing Cannabis Companies Hiring Now

Find The Absolute “Right” Cannabis Company

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Gosh, there are thousands of cannabis jobs listed online.

And like any job hunt, your favorite search engine is definitely the place to start. You can find plenty of cannabis-specific job boards and even cannabis placement agencies!

The more research you do, the more objectively you can learn about companies and know what questions to ask as you seek out that perfect match.

Depending on the current legalities in your area, it might be time for relocation. Many people are willing to move—this is something to consider. If you can’t, then try public policy. Change the lanes where you live, instead!Demand for Cannabis Talent Heats Up

Stand Out Among All Applicants

Everyone is getting bombarded with applications every day. If you want to stand out in the best possible way, I say: show up.

Many people who’ve broken into Green Flower Media have done it by being different. It could be as simple as dropping your resume off in person or videotaping your wares. Make a good impression in a way that suits you best.

Always contact the hiring manager or HR department and not the CEO. I can attest firsthand—the latter doesn’t work.

Get Ready To Wear Multiple Hats

You should learn about that one special business before you jump in! Get educated. Ask great questions about how a business needs to improve. Be knowledgeable; have an opinion.

This shows you are able to jump in and do any job. What’s better than that? This type of flexibility is desirable, because people don’t realize that with cannabis there are so many darn hurdles that need jumping.

Offer to get involved right now; use your always-evident positive attitude. You will undoubtedly stand out.How to Prepare for a Behavioral Interview

Know the Proper Cannabis Jargon

Cannabis has a ton of names: reefer, grass, pot or weed. However, if you’re looking to land a job in this industry stick with our plant’s real name – cannabis – which is the standard word (read: acceptable) now.

For example, if you come into a job interview using the word ‘marijuana’, know this: that was once a really obscure Mexican slang term that was used to trick policymakers into first prohibiting cannabis back in the 1930s!

So don’t appear behind the times. After all, who wants to go back to Prohibition—yechh.

Bottom line: If you want a cannabis career you have everything to gain by familiarizing yourself with its history, just as you would any other field you are diving into headfirst.

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