How to get the most out of studying abroad

How to get the most out of studying abroad

A year as an international student is a long time, right? Well, trust us – it’ll all speed by in the blink of an eye! So how can you get the most out of studying abroad (and leave with great grades and an impressive CV)?

We share 5 tips for how to have a year you’ll never forget…

1. Be sociable
Everyone is nervous, everyone is new. Everyone seems more confident than you. But guess what? They’re probably not. So take a deep breath, smile, and ask your classmates about themselves. Focus on making others feel at ease – it’s a surefire way to make friends quickly.

Read more secrets of being a super socialiser.

2. Get involved in clubs and societies
Ever tried drama? Drumming? Debating? Now’s your chance! Joining clubs and societies definitely boosts your social life – but there are CV benefits too. Getting involved in campus activities will improve your social, communication, teamwork and organisational skills – all qualities that employers look for.

Read 7 reasons to join campus clubs and societies.

3. Volunteer
Another thing that’s great for your CV (and social life) is volunteering. But aside from the personal benefits, it just feels great to give something back to your host community. So think about what you have to offer (people skills? Organisational skills? Or just plain old-fashioned enthusiasm?) and ask your student services team for info.

Read more about volunteering on campus.

4. Develop your study skills
But don’t get so swept up in socialising that you forget about your grades! Learn to study independently and manage your time. Create schedules, make “to do” lists, and set goals. Meet your academic targets and you’ll be free to enjoy the rest of your time abroad – guilt free.

Read about our top 6 study skills for university success.

5. Look after yourself
Yes, we know – you’ve travelled abroad to have an adventure – the last thing you want is a lecture on health. But nutritious meals, team sports, and outdoor adventure activities are all enjoyable things, right? So focus on the fun elements of staying healthy and you’ll be buzzing with energy right till you graduate.

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