How To Make An Essay Longer

Essay writing is certainly a challenging task that requires strong writing prowess and analytical reasoning abilities. Essay assignments can be tough to work on if the subject is a bit difficult or something entirely new that you’ve no clue about. At such moments you may find yourself in a quandary, staring at your half-done essay wondering what information to add to it and how to extend it with more productive and insightful arguments.

1. How To Make An Essay Longer

There are a horde of ways you can increase the length of your essay. Wondering how to make your essay appear longer? At first, you should be aware of essay writing. It’s important that you have the basic know-how of writing an essay, for beginners and have sound familiarity with the style dynamics.

Always make sure you pick an exciting theme for your essay so you can easily write about it without having to worry about the page count limit. The more knowledge you have regarding a certain topic, the easier it is for you to quickly draft ideas onto paper. Here are a few handy tips that you can use to make your essay appear lengthier.

1.1 Make Use Of Illustrations & Examples

Start by researching really good about your topic or subject. Make sure you extract important details about your subject or theme being discussed along with substantial illustrations and evidence to highlight your points of view better. When you start drafting ideas, look for the claims you’ve made already in your essay and then go for an analysis of the favorable perspectives and opposing views. Make sure you add relevant supporting evidence for each view that makes your essay more poignant and read-worthy while adding to its length.

Usually it’s good to make use of data like case studies and real-life scenarios or statistical information to make your arguments stronger and your content A grade worthy. Also look for authentic and credible resources for your supporting material adding them to your citations and bibliography material. Whatever evidence you use for your claims, make sure it provides a powerful justification for your stance for a long-lasting impact.

1.2 Add Phrases/Words To Transition Ideas

If you’re thinking how to make an essay longer then make use of phrases/words to transition paragraphs and different concepts for more readability and better impact. These phrases to make essay longer will help increase the length of your essay papers

  • In light of…
  • Of course…
  • Equally so…
  • However…
  • Whereas…
  • Because of this…
  • Despite all of this…
  • Demonstrating that…
  • Therefore…
  • Firstly/secondly…
  • In conclusion…
  • Likewise…
  • This illustrates that…
  • Considering this…
  • As a consequence…
  • With this in mind…
  • Under these circumstances…
  • Indeed…
  • As a matter of fact…
  • On the other hand…
  • With regards to this…
  • By the same token…
  • To put it another way…

Use the above words in your content especially to join sentences and to make transitions. It helps step up the impact and enhance the length as well.

1.3 Go For Reverse Outlining

Another good idea is to make use of reverse outlining. Start by creating an outline once you’re done writing your paper. Draft a reverse outline that includes all the main pointers you’ve added to your essay assignment. It’s a great way to reorganize your paragraphs and pointers so that the information you’ve added to your paper becomes more meaningful.

It will also give you an insight into your work and point out weak areas that require improvement. Perhaps there are sections that require more refinement so you can explain them better and with more efficacy.

1.4 Update Your Prompt

You must have already written a prompt for your essay several times during your academic career. You must already be familiar with the basics but if there are lengthy blocks of text, you might want to go through them. Your prompt must be strong enough to provide a limpid understanding of the topic you’re discussing with all related arguments justifying you claim. Your verbiage should be more convincing, nourished with additional productive information that would add to your essay’s length.

A prompt is usually a brief that highlights a particular viewpoint about a topic or subject followed by questions and queries. The idea of a prompt is to encourage a descriptive response through an essay that clearly highlights your analytical, logical and reasoning abilities.

1.5 Include Expert Quotes

Make use of quotations and expert sayings that contribute to the overall impact of your write-up. This will also help you make the essay longer. The amount of sayings you include in your paper should not be a lot. Instead, try to add your own arguments as much as you can to promote originality for your work. Depending on the specific theme or subject you might want to include 3-4 sayings in a 2000-word paper and no more.

Where possible, try to include your own personal perspectives and paradigms to support your claim with strong verbiage to extend the length of your paper. You can research for top quality sayings relevant to your subject online from a credible source and then add it to your paper. Ensure that you’ve completely cited all resources and quotes properly in the bibliography and referencing list within the paper.

1.6 Paragraph Format

Aside from the most apposite structure for your paper, it’s very important to pay attention to your paragraph formatting. Generally guidelines for good paragraphs include the following:

  • The body of your essay should contain 3-4 paragraphs with each containing descriptive text for a unique idea or concept.
  • Explain each paradigm in a new paragraph making use of transition words to move on to the next level. Every paragraph in your essay structure will have a topic sentence, relevant arguments and supporting evidence including a conclusion or transition.
  • Go for a re-read of your essay and check your paragraphs for readability to see where more informative stuff can be added.
  • Do not include too much jargon or abstruse concepts in your paragraphs and instead make use of interesting phrases that can be easily understood by your reader.

1.7 Make Use Of More Phrases

A good idea to add to the length of your essay is using more phrases and words to highlight your specific concepts and perspectives. Run a content check on your essay to identify areas that could possibly be made longer with the addition of more words.

Instead of using a single word, use a phrase consisting of 2-3 words to make your sentences longer.

  • Add ‘to be’ verbs in your sentences. Instead of saying, ‘I run quickly’ just write ‘I am a fast sprinter’.
  • Try to be more descriptive in your content and presentation of ideas. Make your content more engaging through zappy and buoyant concepts.
  • Instead of writing shorter sentences like, ‘We went to a food festival.’ Include more detailed narrative parts that make your essay appear longer. For example, you could write the above line as ’My brother and I went to the food festival this weekend. It was great fun with all the good food and assortments’.
  • Another good technique to step up your essay’s length is to make use of verbs instead of nouns. Where applicable, turn verbs into nouns, for example, instead of writing ‘I came to the decision’, write ‘I decided’.

All these guidelines are utile tips that come in handy when you want to extend your essay’s length. If you are still struggling with how to make an essay longer, then take help from an online essay writing service for your essay. A qualified writing expert can compose an impressive essay for you according to your instructions, also, without giving the impression of dragging it.

Extending your page count can be a bit challenging especially if you’re facing the writer’s block. A good workaround for that is to research for some creative ideas online and turn them into your personal perspectives using highly descriptive text. Some tricks for adding to the length include using quotes or playing with the fonts & margins for your paper to increase spacing. Another good strategy is to use meaningful content to explain an idea and use interesting verbiage to refine your explanation.

If you’re still cut up about the page count for your paper then follow these additional tips to make your paper lengthy.

1.8 Add All Necessary Information

During your revision part, ensure that you’ve included all relevant information for the essay and there’s no missing concept or theory. At times students find sections that can be refined with the addition of new arguments or a missing piece of evidence. Look for such loopholes in the content and fix them up with insightful details that would promote readability and help impart knowledge to your audience as well. Once you’re done with the check, re-read the essay to ensure complete conformity to quality standards to tweak the pages further and complete the page count ballpark.

1.9 Make Use Of Descriptive Content & Illustrations

To further add to your essay content, look for illustrative material that can be included to justify your claims better. These are usually supporting pieces of information like images, charts, statistical reports and graphs that largely add to the essay appeal and the length as well. Make sure you use engaging evidence to supplement your presented arguments and conduct a comprehensive research to pick out the most relevant and valid illustrations for the best impact. Your sources as highlighted must be authentic and reliable. Do not forget to include them in your resource list to increase your essay length.

1.10 Make Use Of Lists & Numbers

Another good tip that adds to the page count for your paper is the addition of bullets & lists to mark and organize your ideas properly. The more lists you can add to your essay, the better. It not only helps organize your content better but also makes the paper more readable and engaging for the audience. Within sections and paragraphs, add lists to further explain a core concept or idea better. For a certain argument, if you feel there is more justifiable material that can be added then expand on the idea by explaining the concept in bullets or numbered lists. The more listed content in your essay, the better your chances of quickly reaching the page count limit while ensuring an immersive read.

1.11 Do Not Use Contractions & Optimize Pronouns

Pronouns are your content’s most challenging aspect when it comes to optimizing nouns. Instead of using ‘they’, ‘I’ or ‘we’ it’s better to use Names, Titles and Descriptions to increase the word length. For example, instead of saying ‘We went to the Museum’, try writing ‘Carol, Susan and I went to the Museum’. Look for such areas & sections in your content and optimize it for better impact.

Avoid the use of contractions as it is not recommended by academic writing experts. Where appropriate, use the complete form instead of contractions or abridged versions. In a formal essay, contractions should not be used so make sure there is no ‘would’nt’ or ‘can’t’ or ‘don’ts’. Instead make use of will not, do not or cannot to increase the length.

1.12 Spell Out Your Numbers & Make Header Longer

Use spells for your numbers instead of digits. For example you might want to write a 5 as five or a 7 as seven. Try doing this for other signs & symbols as well like dollars for ‘$’or ‘%’ for percentage. This is a good fix to increase the length and make your content comprehensible.

You can always improvise on your header by adding more descriptive information for the title. Do not leave out any important information. If required, make use of the Instagram and Twitter add-ins where required. Work on your spacing to see where it can be tweaked. For example, you might want to use 2.5 spacing or double spacing to expand on your length and use a 12 or 12.5 pt. length for better organization.

1.13 Miscellaneous Formatting Aspects

Other miscellaneous formatting aspects like commas and periods could be increased in size. Using a font size 14 for such characters is usually recommended. Just run a find and search check for a period, semicolon or comma and step up its font size. Also add extra space around your title and customize it with bold and super-long options. Go for a Times New Roman font for your content and check if the format is proper for the paper. Consider adding a fancy footer to your essay with clearly labeled page numbers and any other details that will extend the content. These were a few formatting and writing tips to help you make an essay longer. Hopefully, this guide will ease your struggle of essay writing

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