June 06, 2017

Content thesis defense

Once a Ph.D. candidate has completed his/her thesis or dissertation, there will be one more activity in store for the candidate – that defense before the committee. And before that candidate goes in for that session, s/he prepares a thesis defense presentation, an oral summation of the project. There are then questions from the committee.

Answering the questions can be stressful, but if you come in well-prepared, with a great thesis or Ph.D. defense presentation, you will have more confidence, and it will go much easier.

How to Prepare Your Dissertation or Thesis Defense Presentation

First, what to expect:

  1. Your defense will not be public, although sometimes students are allowed to attend.
  2. You will introduce yourself and then proceed with a summary of your work. You may be interrupted with a question, but usually, the questions come after you are finished.
  3. The committee will then meet in private and make its approval decision.

You cannot assume that your committee members have read your entire work. Many will have read a chapter or two. So part of your challenge is to summarize the key points and do that in a short period of time.

Here is what your defense must contain:

  • What was your question
  • Why is it important to your field
  • What were your results

Every committee member should be given a copy of your presentation. You will probably want to have your results in visual form, just as they were presented in the work itself.

Crafting That Thesis or Dissertation Presentation

Putting your presentation together can be a big challenge. You have a work that is lengthy and complex. Somehow you must summarize it in a scholarly way to other scholars. This is not like explaining it to a peer or a friend. This is presenting it to a group of individuals who are familiar with your topic, who have read the research of others, and who will be expecting a stellar thesis defense presentation from you.

It is normal to be nervous as your put this piece together – a lot is riding on it. Approval of your thesis or dissertation defense presentation mean that degree.

But, if you are finding the task just too overwhelming, then it is probably time to look for some thesis defense presentation writing help. There are a number of very professional writing services that employ Ph.D. scholars in all fields. They once wrote their own thesis defense presentation and have written them for many other students like you.

Check out highly rated writing services and get a personal assistant. You can submit your draft, along with your entire work if necessary, and allow an experienced scholar craft your perfect defense presentation.

This is one piece of writing you can’t afford to be flawed. It must be perfect in every way. Get the help you need.

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