How to revise your content to make it Even more Effective

How to revise your content to make it Even more Effective

An awkwardly written paper with typos and grammatical mistakes may cause refusal. Moreover, if you have a blog, these errors won’t do anything to augment traffic in your site. So it’s unavoidable to revise and edit your content. Scroll down to know the six basic revision steps that will help you craft a better paper than ever before.

Step 1 – Always Write and Revise on Two Different Days

Never write and revise on the same day. While writing, every written word seems like perfection. However, the fact is if you read the similar content the very next day, you’ll observe that every written word is far from perfect.

Important is to give yourself sufficient time to revise and edit content. We would suggest you to at least wait for a day or two before you revise. However, if you don’t have that much time, at least allow yourself few hours before final revision and editing.

Step 2 – Examine Your Introduction

An introduction is always clear, intelligible and easy-to-understand. It gives your audience an indication of what to expect from the rest of the content.

Evaluate the accuracy of your introduction. Review the introductory part of your paper twice or thrice to ensure that your argument is stated clearly and precisely. Avoid using jargons or difficult words and edit them if you’ve included any complex terms or phrases in this part. Remember, the purpose of an introduction is to grab your reader’s attention.

Step 3 – Assess the Structure of Your Content

A well-structured essay or paper gives readers a clear perspective about your writing. Ensure that your content is correctly structured. For example, If you’re writing a ‘how-to’ article, try to follow the proper sequence. Similarly, if you’re doing a thesis paper, your main argument should be presented at the start of the paper.

Step 4 – Eliminate Repetitive Language

Instead of using unnecessarily long and complicated sentences, try to stick to the simple and clear words and statements. If you can convey your concept in a single sentence, try not to elongate it in 2 or 3 lines.

While revising, make sure to pay attention to the repetition of words to avoid redundancy. Don’t repeat your ideas and beliefs again and again as it may lead to distracting your reader.

In addition to that, also make the structure of repetitive sentences perfect. Avoid using similar verbs or subjects at the start or end of the consecutive sentences.

If there are repetitive words within a sentence, try to substitute them with suitable alternatives. Make use of a thesaurus to determine the best possible substitutes.

Step 5 – Read Your Text Out Loud

One of the ways to form seamless transitions between sentences is to read your text out load. By doing so will help you assess the flow and you can make amendments accordingly. Tuck in transitional words to edit blunt transformations in ideas and beliefs.

Step 6 – Review Your Conclusion

Make sure that your conclusion is explicit and persistent. Review your conclusion to evaluate it conveys an effective closure for your content. For an essay, the conclusion must be a summary of your main points or arguments. For blog posts, it might be a request for feedback from the audience. In either case, try to be clear and purposeful.

Step 7 – Review Your Content for Adequacy

Excellent writing reflects a writer’s own perception, ideas and beliefs. Determine if the content conveys a unique outlook on the subject. Critically examine your work for effectiveness. Make sure that the text meets your purpose. Your objective may be to influence, encourage, amuse or educate your audience. Ensure that you’ve done enough to meet your goals.

Step 8 – Ask for Feedback

The revision process would be incomplete until unless you get a second opinion on your writing. One of the ways to get it done is to hire services of any professional writing firm that can provide you with accurate proofreading services. Besides that, you can also ask a friend or colleague who is good at writing to revise your content for you. The next step is to listen to them patiently and positively. Try to use the received criticism for the improvement of your writing skills.

Step 9 – Proofread

First, make all content and structure amendments and then proofread your content for typos, grammar and spelling errors. You can also make use of commercially available spelling checkers and grammar tools to ensure accuracy. Make a hard copy of your content and read it loudly to catch any left out mistakes or errors.

There is nothing like being confident in the work you do. However, small technical mistakes may ruin your overall writing impact and impression. Whether it’s an academic paper or a blog post, never submit your content without revising it for possible errors. Take a cue from this post and be a better writer.

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