How to Start a Research Paper

How to Start a Research Paper

Content how to start a research paper

What is a research paper?

A research paper is more than a summary of a given topic or a collection of information from different sources. it is a presentation of one’s own perspective about a certain subject backed up by facts and from legitimate sources.

Students and professionals are often asked to write research papers for a deeper understanding or mastery of a particular subject.

Choosing the topic

It is easier if you were assigned a topic to write a research paper about. However, it’s a little more challenging if you were the one to choose which particular subject to spend too much time studying about.

The first step is to think what generally piques your interest, then narrow it down until you discover something you can study with enthusiasm. Having a solid topic which isn’t broad also helps the study to be more productive. This is to avoid any confusion, and irrelevant information being tagged along the process of the study.

Collect all information and relevant data

Writing a research paper means surveying a field of study using different methods and exhausting all possible tools to find the best possible information regarding the topic.

Research methods:

  • Surveys: this a goood way to gather unique and first-hand information
  • Interviews: you may conduct your own or watch past interviews online
  • Case studies: this is also a good method to use
  • Obsevational trials: observation alone is a good way to assess certain issues and how it affects different people using different approaches
  • Experiments: Arriving to a certain conclusion sometimes involves experimentations.
  • Gathering information from different sources: we are now living in the information age. There will be millions of information available for you just by exploring different sources.

The journey to your own discovery should be fun. Ask around people who are knowledgable about the topic or have experienced them first-hand. Go to public libraries and find tons of other information you can use. Take advantage of technology. Internet is a gold mine. Surely, you will find a multitude of information relevant to your topic.

Just make sure to double check all facts and verify that all information collected are from reliable sources.

Providng your own thesis statement

You should be able to provide your own interpretation, evaluation or argument about the chosen topic. All the corresponding portion of your study should consist of verifiable facts and valid arguments to support or defend your statements.

Writing an outline for a research paper

It is said that the key in making a good paper is behind the curtains of a good outline. Outlining helps you organize your thoughts before you start writing. You will be able to check where you are in your research and assess whether it is covering up the flow logically and academically from point A to point B. An outline consists of an introduction, body and conclusion.

Organize Data

Be sure to organize all gathered information. Create an outline analyze them accordingly. Extend to your sources once again, check for accuracy and verify that all information are based on facts, up-to-date and accurate. In this portion, you will be analyzing every aspect and detail of study you’re currently on. Avoid including any irrelevant information in the research and check for plagiarism.

Finalizing the research.

The final paper should include a summary of everything you studied based on information gathered and providing a conclusion based on your own understanding of the chosen topic.

Summarize, paraphrase and quote directly for each of your ideas to carefully plan your essay. Make use of all the effective techniques that will definitely suit your style. Revise your outline and check for errors to sustain a perfect essay. Type your final essay and read them over and over. Ask other people to proofread it for you, becauase reading and proofreading our own work can blind us from discovering mistakes. Do not forget to reference your sources properly. Plagiarism is a serious offense.

Importance of writing a research paper

The purpose of research writing is to learn of new things and a mastery of the chosen topic. The whole process not only brings knowledge but also an understanding about oneself. You will discover your own unique way of organizing data, and whatever method that works for you.

At the end of it all, you should be able to obtain a different point of view especially when you do not agree on the topic and how other people handled it. However, if your only aim is to pass a certain school requirement, best research paper writing services will help you

The final paper will also benefit not only other students seeking for knowledge regarding the same topic, but also professionals who wants to stay updated on their field of study. Once you get used to the format and flow of writing  research paper, you will surely pass your classes and maybe even use the knowledge in the future.

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