How To Write a Blog — Tips From Our Readers and Users

How To Write a Blog — Tips From Our Readers and Users

How To Write a Blog — Tips From Our Readers and Users

Blogging is like growing a garden. It sounds cool in theory, but in practice takes time, effort, and constant care. That said, blogging can also be an excellent way to express yourself and share your thoughts with a broader audience.

We’ve offered blogging advice before and felt the topic was worth a revisit. That’s why we asked you, our community of talented writers, to share your best blogging tips with us. Thanks for all the excellent recommendations you shared with us over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Here are some of our favorites:Your writing, at its best.Be the best writer in the office.GET GRAMMARLY

Identify your topic

Several of you pointed out that it’s absolutely critical to choose a topic you care about. Genuine passion for your subject matter will help motivate you to start—and continue—writing.

It’s also important to understand why you’re writing. After all, a clear purpose enables you to connect with your specific audience better and narrow your focus.

IELTS Preppers: “Find your passion. It’s easy to start writing about something you like. Read and learn about it. Your fascination will fuel discoveries. Share what you discover.”

Kaye Leah: “Be able to nail the right point of view or perspective in whatever it is you are writing. The purpose of why you’re writing it in the first place matters—it sets the tone or “likeability.” It lets you zero in on who and what you’re targeting.”

Develop your voice

With so much content flooding the internet, developing a unique voice is more important than ever. A strong, memorable voice can help you stand out. Several of you offered great tips on how to stay true to yourself and develop an authentic voice.

thethinbluelawndaily: “Be honest and be yourself. People want to hear from YOU. They don’t want to hear OTHERS.”

mindlebaum: “Be real. Write what you really feel, not what you think others want to hear.”

Consider your audience

As you develop and hone your voice, don’t forget about your readers! Empathy is an essential skill for every writer. Whether you’re writing for children or for a highly technical audience, make sure you’re using language they’ll understand and connect with.

Sydney Lynne Runyan: “Know your audience! No matter what you’re writing, make your topic and verbiage relatable—step into their shoes to make the content relevant.”

khayra.khan: “Use language that caters/draws attention to your target audience.”

Organize your post

Many of you stressed the importance of organizing your writing and shared some essential components of a strong blog post.

Tricia Hingpit: “Create an outline. This definitely helps organize your thoughts. You will also have a bird’s eye view if your sections are coherent and the logic flow is smooth. Use bullets. They’re an important element of any blog post. They’re very friendly to the readers. Write a call-to-action. It’s very essential for every blog post.”

Jaydee Discar: “Write in list or bullet form. ?This helps the reader know what’s the main point and they can decide whether to read that info or move to the next.”

Barbara Fanson: “Use short, concise sentences with bullet points or numbered items. Add a graphic to get their attention.”

miraclynjustin: “A great blog post is not too long and also presents clear ideas.”

Establish a regular cadence

Once you’ve begun posting, don’t leave your readers hanging. The sheer volume of ongoing writing required to sustain a blog can sometimes feel overwhelming, so we loved these tips on how to stay motivated. Consistently writing and posting at a cadence that feels manageable will help ensure your readers return!

M. L. Noble (Merri)@Merri_Melodies

Make writing a part of your routine. It’s hard sitting yourself down at the keyboard when you don’t feel like it. But no matter what, I just write something. Sometimes it sounds awful. Sometimes it’s magic. But however I feel, I don’t stop writing. I can't edit nothing. #amwritng

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My tips for blog writing: Write about something you care about, write every day, find out what people want to read and write about that and make your blogs easy to read! #HowtoWrite

Thanks again for sharing your tips with us! We loved reading them, and hope you found them helpful.

Now for a gentle reminder: We’d still love to hear about the types of writing you find most confusing this month. Reach out to us over Twitter using the hashtag #HowToWrite to let us know what you’d like some advice on. Whether you’re writing tweets or movie review

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