How to Write a Book Report: Follow 5 Simple Steps

How to Write a Book Report: Follow 5 Simple Steps

 2019 Jul 08  Blog | Writing Tips

Wikipedia says that book report is an essay discussing the contents of a book written as part of a class assignment issued to students. Writing it helps students formulate their thoughts, defining opinion about various sides of the books they have read and to upgrade analytical skills and attention.

In this article, you’ll find out in detail what steps you should take and how to write a book report on the academic level. You will be provided with top life hacks about the successful organization of the paper writing process.

1. Choose the Book

If the teacher suggested you choose the book yourself, select the one you are really excited to read. Maybe someone advised you on the author recently, or you’ve watched a cool movie based on a book.

However, frequently the choice is made for you. In this case, we advise you to find out why this particular book is recommended. Most likely this book or its author made a great contribution to the history of literature and influenced the next generations. It will be much more interesting to read if you know why this book is noteworthy, as well as its own history. Be ready to read: find out the genre of the book, read the reviews and clear up what aspects you should pay attention to.

2. Read the Book, Making Notes

It seems logical, right? But sometimes students try to avoid this step, writing a book report. They watch movies or read abbreviated versions of the book. Though, to get into the plot, to understand the value of the book and just enjoy reading, find a quiet place, sit down and read the text.

While reading, make notes. Trust us, that will help in your writing process. Pay attention to such aspects:

  • How the author describes the characters, what features of their appearance help to understand the character?
  • Why do heroes act this way? Is it about their identity or circumstances?
  • What would you do in their position?
  • What conclusions can you draw from the story in the book?

3. Write a Plan

You should determine which aspects of the book you want to reveal in your work. Then, try to build a logical chain of main points. Use your notes.

You can follow the chronological order the way the author did it. Or group character descriptions and events. For example, you can start a book report with characters that you sympathize with, describing what impressed you. Then move to the events and actions that you personally do not approve. And be sure to draw conclusions. This is necessary both for the report and for you personally.

4. It’s Time to Do It! Write the Book Report

Now you have done enough preparatory work to write a high-quality book report.
Tell the teacher and classmates about the book as if they have never heard about it (perhaps it is). Your task is to interest them so that they want to read this book themselves.

  • Start with information about the author, in which genre and when the book was written. It will be great if you can tell some interesting unusual facts about the book. Then continue with the description of the subject of the novel or story.
  • In the main part, tell everything that you want to share: characters, storylines, events and consequences. It is also important to note the peculiarities of the author’s writing style – how does it influence the perception of the book.
  • In conclusion, tell what thoughts you have after reading the book. Can you recommend it? If this book is worth your friend’s attention?

5. Correct and Format Your Book Report

Now it’s time to make your work looks professional. College-level documents require you to write a summary of the book, providing a critical assessment of the text, thinking broader than “like or dislike”. Don’t forget about the structure: one paragraph – one thought. Observe the logical chain. Write clearly, do not overload the text with terms.

Specify how long the report should be in advance. A text that is too long speaks against you – it means that you cannot clearly articulate your thoughts and focus on the main point.

Do not forget about the academic style and the correct design of dates, quotes, direct speech, and general book report format.

How to do the academic book report? The work should include:

  • Properly arranged bibliographic information
  • The target audience of the book
  • How the book was created: details, historical background, cultural trends of the time
  • The theme and purpose of the book (according to the author)
  • The book’s brief content
  • Critical assessment supported by quotes and facts from the book.

In fact, you need to understand the main principles of the preparation of the report only once. The following works will be much easier for you.

Working on a book report teaches students to analyze the text and historical circumstances, pay attention to details, structure their thoughts and create clear arguments. The ability to prioritize and highlight the main aspects of what you’ve learned or read are valuable skills in class, work and in your life generally!


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