How to Write a Character Analysis Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Most of the people consider writing the analysis of characters, a piece of cake, but their claim disappears like a cloud as soon as they are asked to write it, practically.


1. What Is a Character Analysis?

To understand precisely how to analyze characters, you need to acknowledge wholly what is a character analysis.

what is a character analysis.

It is a “complex evaluation” of the characters of a novel or book.

Know that, this kind of evaluation requires the key character to be analyzed with a very critical view and from all possible angles.

How to write the most extraordinary character analysis

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2. Character Analysis Essay

Before you even start your character analysis essay, you always need to keep in mind that:

  • What kind of role the character is playing in a particular story
  • How is it influencing readers?
  • In real life, what kind of prototypes it may have.


2.1 Significance of Objectivity in Character Analysis

Remember! You need to stay objective in writing character analysis.

Do not use your personal perspectives.

It may affect the evaluation of certain actions or features of the character.

Remember! Your goal in writing a character analysis is to give readers deep details about the features of the character, not to start judging it.

2.2 Aim of Character Analysis

There is a huge misconception among students.

They only describe the character according to the words of writer.

Have you been doing the same thing?


You need to stop instantly.

You need to clear it up that it is not what a character analysis is about.

It is about describing all the details of the events that are happening in the story and how the character in scrutiny is affecting them and being affected by them.

Try to avoid giving conclusions too early, because at the end of novel or story, a character may change from what they were in the beginning.

Plus,your conclusion needs to be based entirely on the widest picture that is provided by the author.

Moreover, you can also add additional details like what inspired the writer or to whom it is dedicated, just to get a clearer analysis of the character.

3. Character Analysis Template

To help you have a clear picture of this type of essay, here is a pdf attached for character analysis template.Character Analysis Template (PDF)

4. Character Analysis Example

If you want to learn through an example, here is a pdf of the character analysis example to help you.

Make sure to not copy from it. Simply, take an idea and write your own masterpiece.Character Analysis Example (PDF)

4.1 Suggestions for Character Analysis

If you have the freedom to choose the character, here are few amazing suggestions for you.

  • Hamlet character analysis
  • Elizabeth Swann character analysis
  • Lord of the flies character analysis
  • Romeo and Juliet character analysis
  • The Great Gatsby character analysis
  • Pride and Prejudice character analysis
  • Macbeth character analysis
  • Great Expectations character analysis
  • Othello character analysis
  • Fault in our stars character analysis


5. Character Analysis Worksheet

Here is the pdf of character analysis worksheet. Use this pdf to practice analyzing characters.Character Analysis Worksheet (PDF)

5.1 How to Analyze a Character?

It is simple. Give as much detail as you can.

You shall mention gender, age and appearance of the character that you are analyzing.

In case, if the writer has not mentioned these kinds of details in the story or the book, you can conclude it on your own by the information that is stated in the book.

Try to assume the approximate profession, age, class or society that particular character belongs to, according to the story’s plot and cultural or historical background that is mentioned in a story.

6. How to Write a Character Analysis?

Writing a character analysis is a very interesting task.

You can enjoy being a philosopher, detective, and psychologist, all at once.

Use your critical thinking and intuition and guess what the personality of the character is, but make sure that whatever you state is backed with solid contextual evidence

There are a few things that will help you understand how to write a character analysis.

6.1 Focus on Character's Motives

Think about all the reasons and motives that can force the characters to act in a particular way.

Focus on what can motivate their actions and how correct and ethical their behavior is.

Consider all the events that are not described in the story but could have happened in the childhood of the character.

6.2 Remember Actions of Character

Pay attention to the little actions of the character throughout the story.

These things might not play a significant role in the plot generally, but they can narrate something significant about the character's psychological state or personality.

6.3 Why It is Important to Analyze Character’s Sayings?

Focus on the dialogues of the character.

Dialogues should depict the educational level of the character.

Build the character and imagine how a particular character with certain history and background should speak.

Think about the tone of the voice and verbal gestures.

Add personality attributes in the character that illustrate the it.

6.4 Pay Attention to Types of Description

Know that, in novel or story, there are two kinds of descriptions.

In the first type, the author explains a character, whereas in the second type, other characters (of the story) speak about the character.

Remember! You need to pay attention to these descriptions.

Try to see beyond what’s obvious.

6.5 Why It is Necessary to Analyze Names of the Characters?

Nicknames of the character reveal a lot about its past..

They reflect the attitude and personality of the character’s family and friends that are part of its childhood and past life.

Remember! Names reflect social position of the character.

With names, you can indicate nationality, origin and region that the character is living in.

7. Types of Characters

If you want to write an outstanding character analysis essay, you must understand the types of characters.

7.1 Antagonist

This character is negative and opponent of the hero.

7.2 Protagonist

The main character of the story.

Actions of this character, influence and drive the story.

7.3 Dynamic Character

Usually this is the main character, which is shown continuously changing in a story.

7.4 Static Character

This character sticks to its moral position under any, and every, circumstances and remains unchanged in the entire story.

7.5 Minor Character

A character which appears for a short time and has a very smart part in the story.

7.6 Major Character

Any character that plays a strong role in the story.

This type of characters stay for a long time.

They can be antagonist, protagonist or any other type.

7.7 Stereotypes

Characters that are used just for creating the required atmosphere.

They only appear in the story to fulfill the requirement of the situation.

8. Character Analysis Structure

Don’t forget it is important for you to follow the structure that is instructed by your teacher or institution.

In addition, you can also follow the standard template which comprises of the following parts:


8.1 Introduction

Introduction is the key through which the readers can unlock the door of understanding what the entire analysis of the character is about.

Use your inventiveness and creativity to make the beginning of your analysis eye catching, impressive and interesting to spellbound your readers.

Don’t include complicated phrases and vocabulary.

Try to include clear and simple explanations.

It will help your readers understand better.

And oh!

Don’t forget to mention the name of the hero and book, no matter if you are or not discussing him in your character analysis.

8.2 Body

You already know that body is the biggest and main component of any writing.

You can write all the information and details here, and reveal qualities of the character in a better way.

But be careful! Do not write boring and lengthy pages.

Give paragraph breaks, use lists and other markers.

8.3 Conclusion

You can house all your analysis in this part.

You need to give laconic analysis of features, development and role of the character here.

Moreover, you can also share your personal attitude towards the character and describe why it was important for you to make analysis about it.

It is because following a standard template makes your writing understandable to the readers.

It keeps logical structure of your text, which is common for many writing works.

So, before you even start writing your analysis, make sure that you have a clear plan or skeleton of your analysis.

9. Final Word

Character analysis is a very interesting writing work.

It unfolds and reveals the details from a deeper angle. Use all the details that are mentioned in this article and write impressive, comprehensive, compelling and amusing character analysis. That’s it.You are ready to work on your character analysis now.

Essay Writing Service

Mentioning it again: character analysis is a “complex evaluation.”

You need to keep up with its writing techniques and structure, else, you’ll end up writing everything wrong. Do you still find writing a character analysis as confusing as a cat trying to catch a laser? Trust me, it is okay if you do!

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