How to Write an Analytical Essay - Step-by-Step Guide

An analytical essay is a piece of writing in which the writer analyzes, interprets and critiques a work of art, situation, or a particular event. The purpose of such essays is to break down a topic into several subparts, to dissect and analyze them in detail and find out the main points.

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2. Pre-Writing

In order to write a good analytical essay, you must first spend your time planning for it.

Let’s take a look at what the prewriting stage should look like.

2.1 Find the Focus

Students can perform analysis on a literary work, a film or a play, or even an issue or problem faced by the society.

So the first step is figuring out the core focus of your essay and presenting relevant facts from a novel, film, or the findings of your research, to back up your point of view.

2.2 Choose your Topic

You can only start writing your essay once you have a topic in mind. Now, most professors like to assign a topic themselves; however, if you are given the opportunity to pick the topic yourself, then you have an edge.

You can go with an idea that you are passionate about and find interesting, this will make research and writing the essay itself, a fun and simple process for you.

2.3 Form a Thesis Statement

Once you have decided on the topic, the next step is crafting the thesis statement; it is the basis orf your overall essay.

The purpose of a thesis statement is to inform the readers about the purpose of your essay and the problem discussed throughout the paper.

2.3.1 How to Write a Good Thesis Statement for an Analytical Essay?

A thesis statement shouldn’t be more than two sentences long, with a summary of the arguments and claims.

The statement must be debatable; in an analytical essay you need to pick a side and defend it using strong evidence.

When writing a thesis statement for an analytical essay, focus on the work you are analyzing, the methods used by the author and how the topic and themes related to it, develops over time.

When writing about a movie, focus on images and visuals. For a research, consider the research methodology that is suitable for it, and the findings you are expecting to get.

2.4 Find Supporting Evidence

The next step is finding evidence that supports your opinion. You can opt for primary or secondary sources, depending on the requirements of your assignment. Look for the evidence that is authentic yet persuasive and directly related to the thesis.

3. Writing an Analytical Essay

Once you have gone through the prewriting stage, you are prepared for writing your essay.

3.1 Write an Introduction for an Analytical Essay

Start writing your essay with the introductory paragraph. The introduction aims to provide the reader with the basic information on the issue. The introduction should be exciting and leave the reader with wanting to know more, but don’t overdo it and overwhelm them with tons of information.

Write the thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph.

3.2 Write the Body Paragraphs for an Analytical Essay

The body of any essay is the main part that consists of the flesh of the essay. The number of body paragraphs vary, depending upon the complexity of the topic. Generally, each paragraph is made up by the topic sentence, analysis of the original text and evidence from the text that proves your opinion and thesis statement.

3.3 Write a Conclusion for an Analytical Essay

Writing an introduction holds the same importance as the introductory paragraph. Use the conclusion to prove how and why your point of view was correct. Also, restate the thesis in a global context.

However, don’t introduce new ideas at this stage; it will only confuse your reader further. Explain the importance of the issue and your stance on it to the reader.

4. Post-Writing

The final step after you have finished the writing process is to perfect your first draft. To do so, you must practice the following techniques.

4.1 Make it Error-free

If your essay tackles an important issue and presents a solid argument, but at the same time, it has grammatical or spelling errors, then it won’t come across as a well-written piece of writing.

Make it your habit to get rid of any mistakes before handing in your paper; you can do so by using spelling and grammar check software.

Read it out loud or have your friends and family go through it to spot any errors and irrelevant information.

There you go.Now you know how to write an analytical essay that impresses your instructor and earns you a top grade.

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