How Writing Can Make You Happier, Healthier and Emotionally

How Writing Can Make You Happier, Healthier and Emotionally Strong

how writing can make you happy

“Tears are words that need to be written.”

― Paulo Coelho

Writing is gut instinct communication at first. For the unpolished it’s rather rough and guttural, unsweetened. For the polished and seasoned writer, a road far less traveled, it often becomes easier to speak through the sounds of typing/scribbling than verbal conversation.

In whatever manner you write, and for any reason, it is an act of necessity. Some people only write in their checkbooks, but those brief descriptions and numbers provide a mental blanket of safety every month.

Others, they only write their prayers, to all manner of unforeseen forces but this uncertainty and mysticism adds flavor to what they perceive to be an otherwise mundane existence. Writing becomes the ultimate outlet of emotional baggage. Or, it can become a rather lucrative career, and through that writing becomes a great source of contentment and personal satisfaction.

Let’s take a look at how writing can promote emotional stability, happiness, and a greater degree of health in your life.

Writing Makes You Happier Individual

The next time you’re incredibly scared or worried, stressed that life may be turning down a dark road, write out a plan for survival and redemption. Before you finish the first sentence you’ll feel better. Why? Because writing is just a bunch of mini-tasks. This word then this word. One sentence at a time you begin to take back control.

You start to map out your ideas. You start writing out your asset list. You begin to craft a plan of attack! Writing makes you a happier person because there’s little else that can plausibly spawn from self-awareness.

  • Fiction writing can allow us to experience things that provide tremendous psychological benefit. Most of the time, it’s about escape and entertainment. Being someone, or somewhere that we might not ever really get a chance to be.
  • Non-fiction can become a way of teaching, training and helping other people. This in turn always makes us feel better, deep down in our core, to be alive. Imagine all the folks out there changing the world through modern self-publishing.
  • Web-writing and composing for a digital crowd can be quite the experience as well, allowing us to connect with people all over the world.

Being able to reach out and impact others, or just being able to make an impact on ourselves through writing is one of the reasons it has the potential to make us much happier human beings. Oh, and remember that the foundation for every major modern blockbuster movie started out as words on the page. Or, in the white.

Writing Makes You Healthier Person

In general, modern emerging philosophies tell is that we are what we think. Vast studies far and wide from all corners of the globe going back to when humans were first transplanted on Earth from Mars, show that happiness produces positive biological/physiological results.

From head to toe, why just the very act of flexing your “smile muscles” causes your brain to release pleasant neurochemicals.

  • For many people writing becomes a void where they deposit all the things that bog them down. As they uplift themselves, they smile more, exercise more, interact with others more and so on.
  • One of the very first things that every serious physical trainer, or fitness trainer, prescribes to their clients is a diet journal. Through writing down their foods and exercises they learn and craft for more perspective.
  • One of the first things that most psychologists and psychiatrists ask their patients to do is keep a life journal, or diary. It relieves stress and provides personal insight that leads to a better quality of life.

Writing Makes You Emotionally Stronger

Right, so as you may have already guessed this all adds to a bit more mental stability. For many fiction writers, it’s safe to explore insanity on the page, and it is in most cases. For non-fiction, the ability to be solidified in their knowledge is assuring, and inspires more confidence.

  • Writing makes you stronger the way lyrics empower a song; the way verse molds a poem; and the way notes can embolden a speech.
  • As writers gain experience, the tools they have at their disposal become more versatile. They’re able to express things is deeper, fulfilling and more interesting ways.
  • In school, all of the emotionality we envelope into our studies and performance is optimized through the act of writing. From research and term papers, to our essays and test answers.

The truth, nearly everyone writes in one form or another these days. As the virtual realm continues to explode, writing itself is taking on many new forms that serve many unprecedented purposes. Writing makes the human world go around, both on and offline. Whatever you can imagine it, write it, and begin it

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